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Getting things taken away from you without warning

Perfect Infinitive Exitus

Parents are assholes sometimes  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What would you do?(situation is stated in the post)

    • Grab your parent'/whatever's credit card/Phone/most precious item and show them a hammer/magnet(if its electronic), you won't say anything but you slowly decrease the distance of the objets, your parents will react and you stop
    • Even though you know that your parents won't listen to you, you apologize to your parent/whatever and ask if you can get it back after you do it but again explain that you need to rest
    • Even though there is a high chance of you not getting the item back and you will be continued to work for them, you do the stuff immedeatly they ask you to do, after you are done you ask your parent/-s if you can get it back
    • try to discuss things out further even though you know your parent/whatever will break/do sth. to that item if you talk discuss things for too long
    • Charge at your parent/whatever and beat him/her up until you get the item back or your opponent is KO, when your parent broke that item while in the process, you beat them until they are KO
    • Go to your parents/whatevers most precious item and break it immideately even befor your parents have done something to your item
    • Cry
    • Pressure him/her with suicide even though you know they won't bother

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My parents do this to me a lot still. If I have a friend over but they wanted me to do something else they'll get mad at me. If I was in the doorway they wanted to go through they'll get mad, and so-forth. The result has been me becoming highly territorial about everything. A good example is that I recently bought some olives on sale (I love olives) and, since they were 2-for-1, I got my mom some too. Before I had even opened my jar she was hovering nearby and, as soon as I did open it, she stole at least 10 without even touching her own jar.

Parents. Respect your kids boundaries. It is one thing to punish them when they've done something wrong, but going overboard results in resentment and them becoming defensive about everything.

You're. . .a lot older than TC, judging from the sounds of things. You might want to consider moving out.

I'd respond to TC, but I don't like giving advice when I feel like I don't have the whole story.

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You're. . .a lot older than TC, judging from the sounds of things. You might want to consider moving out.

I'd respond to TC, but I don't like giving advice when I feel like I don't have the whole story.

Give me a job and the money and I will. I live in one of the most expensive areas in the U.S. ATM. Moving out means, quite literally, moving to an entirely different state unless I go for something thats basically falling apart. I wouldn't be surprised if cardboard boxes come with a $100 a month fee.

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Give me a job and the money and I will. I live in one of the most expensive areas in the U.S. ATM. Moving out means, quite literally, moving to an entirely different state unless I go for something thats basically falling apart. I wouldn't be surprised if cardboard boxes come with a $100 a month fee.

You're talking to someone who lives in Hawaii, so forgive me for not sympathizing with you. You also have your own topic, so I have no idea why you'd barge in with your own story.

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I'm looking at this thread and wondering why no one is suggesting calling some sort of child abuse hotline because, believe it or not, that's emotional abuse, and emotional abuse is illegal in most first world countries.

Also, calling someone pathetic or disgusting for threatening suicide when they're backed into a corner and in an emotional wreck is worse than threatening suicide, ever. Being manipulative and crushing someone further when they're already desperate enough to threaten something usually unthinkable to do is gross.

When I was a kid, I actually wanted to die, and I made a lot of detailed plans to do it. Every time I said I was gonna kill myself to my mom, she'd say "Okay, let's drive off a cliff together"

and that shit was traumatizing as hell


1.) I didn't want her to die

2.) I didn't want to die with her

3.) that's plain rude

When I informed my mom a few years later that she was emotionally abusing me (she still did a lot of horrible things and my stepdad neglects me) she mostly stopped though. I think she's just borderline.

Quick Google:


Seek help at the local Jugendamt, apparently. You'd have to Google your own region's.

Edited by Yasako
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I'm looking at this thread and wondering why no one is suggesting calling some sort of child abuse hotline because, believe it or not, that's emotional abuse, and emotional abuse is illegal in most first world countries.

Also, calling someone pathetic or disgusting for threatening suicide when they're backed into a corner and in an emotional wreck is worse than threatening suicide, ever. Being manipulative and crushing someone further when they're already desperate enough to threaten something usually unthinkable to do is gross.

I'd agree, you should be reporting this if it's actually what you say instead of posting about it on an internet forum.

Threatening suicide if they have no plans of actually going through with it is emotionally abusive in the first place. Note that I don't think that subjecting people to emotional abuse is any less worse.

Forgive me if I think that the story is a little far-fetched, too.

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I'm gonna call bullshit right now.

A lot of kids who claim to contemplate suicide because "their lives suck" are, in my book, whiny little brats.

Why can I say this? Because I have friends who are emotionally scarred from warfare and a good friend of mine who, as a Marine, had a soldier of his recently commit suicide because of actual terrors.

So if you're going to call suicide because Mommy is giving you a bit of tough love, grow up.

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If your parents are denying you food for extended periods of time to enforce obedience, then I'm pretty sure that counts as child abuse, in which case you should call the cops.

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At least your folks aren't hiding your stuff on you without you even knowing about it, and giving you horrendously vague answers in regards to where your items are.

I can't even begin to count how many times that happened to me.

Edited by Just call me AL
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Threatening suicide in an attempt to get what you want is, as mentioned before, an absolutely cowardly and deplorable act. Ot only is it emotionally manipulative, it defiles people who committed suicide because they had actual problems. I generally agree with Man Bun on the topic of suicide. Very few things in life justify it. Shellshock is one of them. If all of what you said is true, then it is child abuse.

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Posted · Hidden by eclipse, April 7, 2015 - clipsey is not amused ;/
Hidden by eclipse, April 7, 2015 - clipsey is not amused ;/

Think of the children in Africa :'(

They has no food, be very thankful for the life you have. Xenu bless you in the name of Cthulu.

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