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*Potential* Nintendo Direct Leak


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Well I mean I just thought it was worth noting since the conversation about the game seemed to have died down a bit.

There's also another leak going around which claims there will be a Direct on 1/4 but it doesn't say anything about Fire Emblem being mentioned at all, so even if the Direct does happen.... doesn't necessarily equal Fire Emblem news, unfortunately.

Why are you thinking fake leaks have any bearing on how likely FE news will be in the next direct...?

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Why are you thinking fake leaks have any bearing on how likely FE news will be in the next direct...?

I'm not.

Well, the main reason I don't trust this leak and am surprised anyone is taking it seriously is because this doesn't match anything from the first trailer at all.

I do hope that at least the date for the direct is somewhat correct though. I'm tired of waiting for more news and I don't want to wait for E3.

I just wanted to say that even if the date for the direct is correct, doesn't necessarily mean we'll get any FE news. The leaks have no bearing whatsoever, but IF (and that's a VERY strong if, given that I'm 99% sure they're utter garbage) there turns out to be some truth in them, particularly the one that supposedly came from an insider at Nintendo EU, it's just an indication that we may have to wait a bit longer.

This is a purely speculative thread, after all, and I clarified from the start that I don't really believe a word of it.

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As much as I'm hyped for this, I really hope that neither of the rumors regarding FE:if is true. One tells a very generic and cliché story, and the other doesn't mention it at all.

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Pretty sure the German leak was confirmed fake.

The 4chan leak though... after the smash roster leak on 4chan last year, who knows? It would be interesting to have some more world building for Magvel, although it's still pretty unlikely.

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Even with the Direct confirmed, the leaked description just doesn't seem to match what we know so far. The date was probably just a guess, I had guessed as much what with the Smash Bros Mewto DLC ending today among many other factors. I HIGHLY doubt another Magvel game.

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I was wrong, again. (I seem to be making a habit of this don't I?)

Thinking about it they could have sort of a Dragon Age: Origins situation where a big, scary, monster causes all the everything to go bad. This in turn causes people to turn against one another for no reason, and this is where the player comes in throwing their lot in with one side or another with peace being a difficult, if possible at all, option. It could be sort of like Sacred Stones in that a demon is controlling things from the background.

Personally I hope this game's story doesn't have a big, bad, scary, thing causing everything to go poorly. I'd prefer it if things went bad because people were being people.

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So with the Direct coming tomorrow, there's a sizeable chance that this game will be showing up. What sort of information do you guys want most out of it? Story and character info, gameplay changes from Awakening, a release window for all regions? I'm most interested in the gameplay, myself. That new magic and those weird classes and monsters have me really invested already.

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Personally I hope this game's story doesn't have a big, bad, scary, thing causing everything to go poorly. I'd prefer it if things went bad because people were being people.

Agreed. If monsters are to be in the game, I hope that they are either A. a part of the world, unaffiliated with any "demon lord" like figure (and there is a lot of interesting directions that could be taken) or B. they are summoned by human magics. Whoever or whatever the villain is, I hope their motive is better than "destroy all creation, because sure why not"

So with the Direct coming tomorrow, there's a sizeable chance that this game will be showing up. What sort of information do you guys want most out of it? Story and character info, gameplay changes from Awakening, a release window for all regions? I'm most interested in the gameplay, myself. That new magic and those weird classes and monsters have me really invested already.

I want to know about what new classes will be appearing and maybe some discussion of what sort of choices (without getting into spoilers) we'll be getting. I'm a little concerned that we're overhyping the next Fire Emblem and it will be an unambitious copy of Awakening.

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Agreed. If monsters are to be in the game, I hope that they are either A. a part of the world, unaffiliated with any "demon lord" like figure (and there is a lot of interesting directions that could be taken) or B. they are summoned by human magics. Whoever or whatever the villain is, I hope their motive is better than "destroy all creation, because sure why not"

Ooh, I like that summoned monsters idea. If a new weapon was made it could a lot of variety to magic classes. Possibly tie it in to the eastern faction, or that skully one. (I don't know why but a summoner just doesn't seem right on the western side.) Make different weapons have different summons, maybe make it so that summoned monsters have a certain duration they can stay on the battlefield affected by magic and weapon rank...

Sorry, I got lost in thought for a minute there. Typing all that out made me realize that there is a faction of enemies that have skulls on their helmets. If demon worshipers don't have skull helmets then I don't know what does.

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Ooh, I like that summoned monsters idea. If a new weapon was made it could a lot of variety to magic classes. Possibly tie it in to the eastern faction, or that skully one. (I don't know why but a summoner just doesn't seem right on the western side.) Make different weapons have different summons, maybe make it so that summoned monsters have a certain duration they can stay on the battlefield affected by magic and weapon rank...

Sorry, I got lost in thought for a minute there. Typing all that out made me realize that there is a faction of enemies that have skulls on their helmets. If demon worshipers don't have skull helmets then I don't know what does.

Yeah, I'm assuming there's one definitely evil side again. Childish, I know, but the faction with the all-black armor can't be good news as far as well-designed villains with true motivations go.
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