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Random thought about the Taguel and Laguz.

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I was up and reading Dragoncat's sign-up for the new RP and, while I was doing so, a random thought crossed through my head. We know that Tellus and Ylisse are at least somewhat connected, so might the Taguel and Laguz ALSO be connected? Like, what if the Taguel were originally Laguz who crossed through the portal with the kitties, birdies, and doggies dying off and the rabbits being too fast to kill and the dragons being dragons? Or if the Taguel were slowly killed off in Tellus for whatever reason (good-eaten?) and only survived in Ylisse? I mean, the Herons were almost extinct, so it's not IMPOSSIBLE...

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One theory I've seen is that the Manaketes and Taguel are distant descendants of Dragon and Beast Laguz. But it goes along with the idea that Tellius was the first chronologically preceding Judgral, which I don't subscribe to.

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In Panne's support with Ricken, she mentions that there used to be more Taguel that could transform into different creatures, and that they were largely wiped out a long time ago

Ricken: Say, Panne. I heard taguel can turn into all kinds of animals. So what else can you become besides a big bunny?
Panne: .....
Ricken: Hey, Panne? Did you hear me? I asked what other animal-
Panne: You just won't take stony silence for an answer, will you? I've met some taguel who become lions, and others who turned into wolves.
Ricken: No way! That's great! I bet they were really strong!
Panne: A long time ago, my mother used to tell me the tale of a certain tribal leader... This was back when taguel ruled the world and lived in an earthly paradise. Before everything changed and our way of life was wiped out forever.

Nah, I think, also makes a mention of how Taguels and Manaketes are basically cousins, which also lends itself to the theory of both being descended from the Laguz.

It's too bad they never bothered developing the Taguel beyond "proud warrior race that's mostly dead"

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Well, it is possible that the Laguz came first, some traveled through the portal to Ylisse, and since there were no more Laguz around but the stories of the lions and birds remained people just thought they 'died out'.

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One theory I've seen is that the Manaketes and Taguel are distant descendants of Dragon and Beast Laguz. But it goes along with the idea that Tellius was the first chronologically preceding Judgral, which I don't subscribe to.

I've always wondered about FE chronology but I've never really heard much about it. Could someone explain it?

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The Laguz did nothing to deserve a link to any Taguel.

I've always wondered about FE chronology but I've never really heard much about it. Could someone explain it?

There's not really an official timeline linking all games. So far, there are 4-5 separate continuities...

Archanea is the biggest: Shadow Dragon and Mystery of the Emblem are a pair, and Gaiden happens on another continent between the two. Genealogy and Thracia happen in the same universe something like 1000 years ago, also on a different continent. Awakening may occur on Archanea 2,000 or so years after Shadow Dragon, but ties are so sparse and canon contradictions and defilements are so common that they might as well be separate worlds.

PoR and RD are a pair, in their own continuity.

FE7 and Binding Blade are also a pair, and in their own continuity. It's possible this continuity is linked with Archanea, in that Archanea's Dragon tribe are the remnants of Elibe's dragons after they fled through the Dragon's Gate (which is the same thing as the Outrealm Gate). It's also possible that Holsety (the dragon, not the crusader) is Nils. But these are just theories and have no canon evidence to back themselves up, apart from just fitting nicely.

SS is completely on its own, with no relations to any other FEs.

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I've always wondered about FE chronology but I've never really heard much about it. Could someone explain it?

There's nothing confirmed; it's all just fan theories.

The idea I've heard about Tellius is that because it has an established creation story and because it's backdrop is where Tellius is the only continent (Yune flooded the rest), it's placed at the beginning. So it would follow that Manaketes and Taguels come from the Laguz.

But since Ike is documented, while Sigurd isn't, I don't agree with said theory.

Edited by Radiant head
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I've always wondered about FE chronology but I've never really heard much about it. Could someone explain it?

The only confirmed timelines we have go like this

FE4 Gen1 -> FE5 -> Gen 2 -------> FE1/11 -> FE2 -> FE3/12 -------------------------------------------> FE13

FE7 - > FE6


FE9 -> FE10

We don't have any official word on how Elibe, Tellius, and Magvel tie into Jugdral/Archanea/Ylisse's timeline if they do at all, but some theories have been made here and there.

Most people have agreed that Tellius is the earliest in the timeline, as it is so far the only FE title involving any sort of world origin story.

There's nothing confirmed; it's all just fan theories.

The idea I've heard about Tellius is that because it has an established creation story and because it's backdrop is where Tellius is the only continent (Yune flooded the rest), it's placed at the beginning. So it would follow that Manaketes and Taguels come from the Laguz.

But since Ike is documented, while Sigurd isn't, I don't agree with said theory.

Not all of it is fan theory. The timeline of the Jugdral/Archanea/Ylisse games is official, for instance

What do you mean by documented?

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The only confirmed timelines we have go like this

FE4 Gen1 -> FE5 -> Gen 2 -------> FE1/11 -> FE2 -> FE3/12 -------------------------------------------> FE13

FE7 - > FE6


FE9 -> FE10

We don't have any official word on how Elibe, Tellius, and Magvel tie into Jugdral/Archanea/Ylisse's timeline if they do at all, but some theories have been made here and there.

Most people have agreed that Tellius is the earliest in the timeline, as it is so far the only FE title involving any sort of world origin story.

Not all of it is fan theory. The timeline of the Jugdral/Archanea/Ylisse games is official, for instance

What do you mean by documented?


Tho, its hinted in Awakening that Sigurd is related to Marth in MRobin's support with Tiki.

I originally thought she referred to Anri but the dates don't match, however Geneology does match date wise

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Tho, its hinted in Awakening that Sigurd is related to Marth in MRobin's support with Tiki.

I originally thought she referred to Anri but the dates don't match, however Geneology does match date wise

I don't see how that makes him documented. All of the Awakening characters acknowledge literally every lord from the past FEs, so ???

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Tho, its hinted in Awakening that Sigurd is related to Marth in MRobin's support with Tiki.

I originally thought she referred to Anri but the dates don't match, however Geneology does match date wise

With the warp-gates it's possible all the worlds are connected somehow or another and the only thing keeping them from contact is their remote location. Heck, it's even possible that the deities are ALL Ashera in one form or another, just... in a different form. Woven from the same fabric but in a different pattern if that makes sense.

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Taguel are almost definitely related to the Laguz.

Besides what's already been mentioned, the game code even refers to the Taguel as Laguz.

I think the likeliest theory is that Dragon Laguz separated from the other Laguz (not unlikely given Goldoa's isolation). Then afterwards, some catastrophe or event akin to Elibe's Ending Winter or Archanea's sudden degeneration (or all of these events are the same) forced the Dragon Laguz and other Laguz to become Manakete and Taguel respectively.

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Doesn't Sothe's battle conversation with Panne even hint at their relation?

I forget which DLC it is, but I'm sure it's Champions of Yore?


"Sothe: A laguz? No, that's not possible... Stand down or I'll strike you down!

Panne: What?! You have seen other shape-shifters like me? ...No matter. The look in your eye says we are past pleasant conversation."

Edited by ~Silver
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Doesn't Sothe's battle conversation with Panne even hint at their relation?

I forget which DLC it is, but I'm sure it's Champions of Yore?


"Sothe: A laguz? No, that's not possible... Stand down or I'll strike you down!

Panne: What?! You have seen other shape-shifters like me? ...No matter. The look in your eye says we are past pleasant conversation."

Not so much a hint as just an acknowledgement that they're kind of similar.

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I'd say that the game data referring to Taguel as Laguz is solid evidence that they're related. It's kind of hard to argue against it, at least.

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Doesn't Sothe's battle conversation with Panne even hint at their relation?

I forget which DLC it is, but I'm sure it's Champions of Yore?


"Sothe: A laguz? No, that's not possible... Stand down or I'll strike you down!

Panne: What?! You have seen other shape-shifters like me? ...No matter. The look in your eye says we are past pleasant conversation."

To be fair, what else is he going to refer to her as? He doesn't know what a Taguel is. Laguz is his world's umbrella term for shapeshifter.

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