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The ROLLING REQUEST THREAD(Currently doing: A Hiatus)


What hack/s would you like me to play soon?  

53 members have voted

  1. 1. Here are the choices:

    • Decay of the Fangs(mediocre)
    • League of ASDF(pretty good)
    • Yuri's Sidestory(okay I guess)
    • Shattered Realms(good)
    • Exalted Legacy(no idea)
    • Shatterlight(excellent)

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There is no "victory is within reach" music change in Bloodlines. Ghast just doesn't like the concept for whatever reason.

Fun fact: only one of the songs in the game is an entirely original composition; the others are remixes of songs from other games. Most of the cutscenes still have vanilla FE7 music, but that's a problem we'll hopefully rectify by the time pt2 is released.

... You too? ._. Gotta love run-ins with the big black-and-yellow at a young age completely ruining people's lens on bees for life~

No "victory within reach"? Alright, I usually like the chapter music better than the victory music anyway. Also, I like the Remix choice so far!

I'm going to go ahead and guess those guys are weak to electric magic, since, you know, ionized water is an excellent conductor of electricity. I'm also going to guess that, should wind magic exist in this hack, Voluprians will be weak to that as well as bows, and fire magic will be effective on some other Djuron's, like...bears, maybe. In FE10 fire magic was effective against beasts, that might have been so in FE9 as well.

Electric magic means they'd really only be weak to 1 midgame tome, even if it would make sense... Also, personally, I think the way "Nature" magic is set up as kind of weird. Normally the elements would be "Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice..." But in FE the tome elements go in the order of "Fire, Sound Waves(THUNDER IS NOT LIGHTNING), MORE fire, Lightning(again), REALLY RARE ice, LEGENDARY wind. It doesn't really make sense.

Be glad the world's oxygen supply is not doubled. Sure, we're happier and more alert, among other things, but then we'll have to deal with giant insects...meaning we need to give everybody an assault rifle with armor penetrating rounds for self defense....

I think I read about that somewhere, that if the world had more oxygen insects would be MASSIVE or something... Yeah, not worth slightly more alertness.


Perfectly accurate representation of storyline Dewey.

Let's read stuff in...

Bloodlines: Episode 4: Part 1-2 Conclusion and Interlude: I think I've said enough about how many words there will be already


Bram: you don’t know anything. You’re no common bandit, not with a look like that. Are you a Zealot?

We're starting with an interrogation! WILL BRAM RESORT TO TORTURE?

Naillig: How… observant of you, Bram! Yes, you are correct, I am-*cough* no common thug like these oafs… However, I am no insane Zealot either. Doesn’t that throw you in for a loop? Haha…

Bram: Fine, then who are you with? What do you want? Why were you following us?


If you're mysterious, how are people supposed to know about you?


GASP! A protagonist, releasing one of the most vicious animals on the planet! TORTURE!


Naillig: This is… hardly pain! This is mockery, do not insult me with having this thing do your dirty work! Are you that much of a coward!?

"My leg's gone, but it's only a flesh wound!"

Dewey: Rrrr…

Malcolm: Bram!

Naillig: Indeed, why don’t you just listen to your Voluprian friend, eh, child?

Bram: Tell me now, are you the one dream-seeking me?

Naillig: Dream-seeking? Perhaps I am. Hehehe…


The other characters back off and...


He attacks! The two basically move past each other with a CLANG sound.



Bram: … What did you-

Naillig: Haha. I’ll see you soon. Try not to die. Tata for now.


Darnit Bram, you're sounding like some earlygame loser boss now!


Bram: “Naillig…” How… could he possibly…

Malcolm: Hey! I’m talking to you!


And... now we fade out? Okay.


Bram: I’m heading to Amphret, remember? You can head out, though; thanks for the help.

Don't send them away, Bram! Besides, you'll never succeed in keeping blue units away from the party!


Agalli: donate some supplies. I’m sure we’re all nearly dead on our feet anyhow.

I guess the residents would be grateful for us reducing the bee population slightly. I wonder if the people here carry out extermination efforts in the winter? Where do bees go in the winter anyway? A hive?

Bram: Eh?


Bram: Dewey looks pooched…(oh snap!) Aah… Maybe you’re right, Agalli. I suppose we can rest here. I know some locals around here. Perhaps I can get us some supplies or whatever.


And with that...



Also, turns out I was wrong. It's not an Interlude, it's an INTERIM. Sadly, I'm too lazy to go back and correct it.

Yes, we're gonna do more words. What we've done so far was only the start!


Bram: Feel free to split at any time. Especially since Amphret is going to be a three-week


I'm fairly certain I misplaced a screenshot here. Basically, Bram was wondering why the team was still with him.

Also, tons of stupid and troublesome things are going to happen.


Text skip!

Malcolm: Oh… Well, I’m closer to Amphret than Departa at this point, anyway. And it’s not healthy for Voluprians to settle in human-dominated areas for long-it’s unnatural.


Malcolm is a mercenary? I thought he was a militia-dude.

Malcolm: And, to be honest, sticking around you will probably land me some pay eventually!

Bram: Hah… I suppose you could be onto something.

Agalli: That’s a flimsy justification, Malcolm. Sounds like you’re just fishing for friends.

Malcolm: And what’s wrong with that, huh? What are you here for?

Agalli: Oh! Well my old bones feel rejuvenated at the latest sign of trouble. And chatting with you youngsters makes me feel like I was in my prime! Even speaking professionally, the historian inside of me would not forgive a missed opportunity to observe the Red Lustre firsthand!

Bram: Fair enough; what about the other two?

Tyren and Kael?


*90% of all the FE characters in history's reasons for staying in the party summarized*


Another event. This one is going to segue into something major...

Agalli: I am actually drawing an atlas… I am also a cartographer by profession.

Malcolm: Really! Can I take a look at it? I love it when it comes to geometry.

Agalli: Geography.

Malcolm: Er, yeah. Geography.

Agalli: Mmm, you may absolutely take a look. Perhaps you may learn something then! Bram, would you care to join me? You seem well-versed in the goings-on around here.





You might say that this looks totally crazy. And you'd be right! It'll be explained, though.


And the place we are has a name!


Agalli: we are in Polloy.


Thanks for pointing it out with the cursor, game. As you can see, we're not anywhere particularly big, notable, or strong.


Bram: But the small upper class hugely contrasts that. A lot of big time farmers that do business with neighboring countries. Pretty heavy Human population, too.

Elites have all the money? That's like... like... a lot of countries these days. And throughout history. It's a pretty common thing, when you think about it.

Also, "big time farmers"? Farmers don't go on the big time! I think what Bram is trying to say is "big time landowners."


Agalli: of the lower class is significant, however, Polloy’s ranking in Massias is anything but significant. Other countries tend to avoid it.

So, this place sucks, basically.


Crap, didn't catch the map cursor. You should be able to see where Arvym is.


Agalli: yet with stronger ties to their Djuron counterparts. Perhaps that has to do with their more diverse racial spread… Djuron of other countries would likely come to Arvym’s aid before Polloy’s.


So why doesn't everyone immigrate?


Before you ask, yes, we are going to be discussing literally ALL of the map's locations. It's going to be a while.

Agalli: Or, in human speech, merfolk.

Judging by certain teaser screenshots, yes, we will be going there eventually.


Agalli: are called aquatories, and each one can be thought of as a community. The Namuuri live both on land and sea. Interestingly, Humans live there too; however, they tend to stick to their own affairs.


Agalli: So glad you could join us, you two.

Let's just ignore that for now. We won't be seeing them this patch, anyway.

Agalli: Quite… let us proceed.


The text switches between character portraits and CG text a lot.

Agalli: is Doldrum.



Agalli: Even on a scale including the likes of Gargursa and Biastia, Doldrum is significant enough to at least be mentioned among with the former two.


Bram: the countryfolk have a straight explanation as to why this occurred.

Agalli: Impressive amount of knowledge!

Bram: …

Gee, it's almost like they had MAGICAL ASSISTANCE.


Agalli: banished from there.


We may or may not be visiting them later too. Banishing isn't very effective against protagonists.

Agalli: Centaurs mostly live in isolation from the rest of the world. Or at least, in isolation from Humans like you and I, Bram.

Bram: Contempt at best… hatred at worst.

Agalli: Indeed.

Malcolm: Why?


They hate us because we basically use their lesser counterparts as slaves? That... makes a lot of sense, actually!

Agalli: Centaurs, and the other Djuron of Tarq’uom, to my knowledge, despise this notion. But can you blame them?


Desert? Let's hope it's "the country of the obligatory desert level" and not "the country of the desert level arc". I don't like desert levels!

Agalli: Biastia houses the most frightening-looking Animals and Djuron. A nomadic lifestyle would work wonders here. Beings

destined to become prey must be ready to run away from the Tentula and other savage Djuron and Animals residing therein. Most cities are located on the coastline to prevent the ever so common occurrence of cotton-mouth.


No more is said about this. I don't think Malcolm really wants to think too much about sentient scavenger birds...

Agalli: Indeed, and on the topic of species, the Neptus and Xiba regions are home to a wide variety of Djuron and animals befitting their respective ecosystems. There are so many diverse, small countries inside these regions that it’s simply easier for us to be aware of their diversity rather than to fully explore every single society within.

So, they're a wild card in this big place? Okay. We've still got a few countries left to talk about...


Yeah, hey! You can't have desert and the north pole separated by only a small strip of ocean!

Agalli: Its sheer mass and ecosystem designates it as another country-continent.


Agalli: countries and place them under its rule. Eurybe, the queen of this matriarchal country, is said to be the most powerful Being in all of Massias itself.

Just in case it wasn't enough, the SUPERANIMALS in question here are the Gargursans. Yes, one is going against us as the "mysterious villain" right now.

And yes, a country of bears is matriarchal. Is that in any way reflected with bears in this world? I never researched the subject...


And now we've struck upon the REAL question!


A wizard did it!


Oh, a penguin did it!

Penguin sorcery sounds like the most amazing thing ever.

Agalli: malleable bubble of cold, separating its strip of greenery from the rest of it. How amazing is that?

Malcolm: Very amazing. Penguin Djuron and Animals are found exclusively in Gargursa. They wouldn’t be able to survive in Volupris.


Aren't they the only country we haven't done? Except for Viperae?


And suddenly, Malcolm does a hostile takeover of the narration!

Malcolm: Skyscraping, towering mountains and verdant canopies make up our homes. We fly freely as winged nomads… or at least, that’s how it used to be…


And thus, a major plotline is revealed! Via a CG that's totally cool!

Malcolm: anymore… Our tribes are being assimilated at best, decimated at worst.


Essentially, the crows, Malcolm's species, are getting wrecked by the eagles. This is probably going to constitute a huge arc of the game later, but for now it's a major point of angst.

Malcolm: And for what? Why do the Eagles do this? To build an empire? To do away with our existence? For what purpose…?


Malcolm: The Whiteheads are monsters… Yet they call us the savages…

Malcolm's getting angry, though if the story is true it's probably justified!


Agalli: I apologize as well, Malcolm. Volupris has become nothing more than a battlefield between light and dark.

Literally, maybe, but figuratively, it's rarely as simple as light and dark! I HOPE it's not as simple as light and dark!

Bram: Speaking of dark… Viperae…


Our very last country, and probably the most evil of them all!


Bram: a booming country. It’s so bizarre… On one hand, they want nothing to do with Human or Djuron. Yet on the other… the Red Lustre have Human followers?

Agalli: You’re only scratching the surface, Bram. However, I do not have a more substantial answer… Some even believe that Viperae does not physically exist anymore and what we see is an illusionary land mass, while the real Viperae is somewhere else entirely…

Bram: …

That's actually a really interesting story concept, even though it seems like any random traveler could go investigate and clear it all right up.


It's a perfect environment for a protagonist like you, Bram!

Bram: Many of us ask if it’s a world even worth living in. Now that I think about it… If the Red Lustre really did resurface… Is it honestly… honestly any surprise?


And... that's it? We're just gonna end it there? Okay! I guess the follow-up comes next time!

So, from what we've learned today, I have a totally accurate guess as to the plot!

Viperae is making Doldrum really good with supplies so it can conquer the world and then be controlled by snakes forever, while the Red Lustre is causing further chaos by supplying both sides of the current Crow-eagle war in order to advance their religion-thing that is basically "worship our dude who is really affiliated with snakes and worships snakes too".


NEXT TIME: Malcolm angsts more

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Electric magic means they'd really only be weak to 1 midgame tome, even if it would make sense... Also, personally, I think the way "Nature" magic is set up as kind of weird. Normally the elements would be "Wind, Fire, Lightning, Water, Ice..." But in FE the tome elements go in the order of "Fire, Sound Waves(THUNDER IS NOT LIGHTNING), MORE fire, Lightning(again), REALLY RARE ice, LEGENDARY wind. It doesn't really make sense.

Hey, let's consider for a moment Moniker, did medieval people have a concept of the difference between lightening and thunder? Possibly, I don't know.

Thunder is generally used to refer to electrical abilities in most games though, at least, to my limited knowledge, unless the word 'electric' is used instead. But I did always think it was weird how, Pre-FE9, magic progressed like that, with the only wind magic being the legendary tome and the thunder tome being a steal weapon more or less, it was sort of...odd, really, I can't say it was bothersome, just odd.

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Hey, let's consider for a moment Moniker, did medieval people have a concept of the difference between lightening and thunder? Possibly, I don't know.

Thunder is generally used to refer to electrical abilities in most games though, at least, to my limited knowledge, unless the word 'electric' is used instead. But I did always think it was weird how, Pre-FE9, magic progressed like that, with the only wind magic being the legendary tome and the thunder tome being a steal weapon more or less, it was sort of...odd, really, I can't say it was bothersome, just odd.

Yeah, while technically incorrect, I was more joking when I listed Thunder as Sound Waves. I find that, while the way magic progress in FE13 might make more sense(various types that each have their own Mt and upgrades, like Fire to Bologna or Bologanone or whatever), taking out the magic triangle made the game lose quite a bit of depth.

Jesus, I remember this when I played it. All I could see were


Like seriously. I understand much better now.

Yeah, this hack is one of the wordiest I've ever played. There have definitely been worse ones(looking at you, A Sacred Dawn DX!). At the very least, the scenes have a good pace and don't feel bloated, it's just that there's... a lot of them... And of course, doing an LP like this lets me analyze things twice over, which helps me understand things better too.

Time for...



This title actually does have meaning. You'll all see it soon.


Everyone is sound asleep...


Except Malcolm. Do birds not need sleep or something?


The scene changes...


The game shows Bram and Dewey quite obviously playing fetch. Their sprites move up and down, Dewey races back and forth... the eventing in this hack is all top-notch.


Particularly when a human arm is the "stick". You don't want to get too much blood on you, otherwise the dog could mistake your arm for the one its trying to fetch.

Read up on Living with Dewey survival tips, people. They're important.


Bram: Why are you up?

Malcolm: I was just thinking about the night when Agalli showed us his atlas. The whole civil war thing… keeps me up some nights.

Bram: Understandable. I’m glad you were able to share that with us, though.

Malcolm: I’m pretty bad at keeping secrets, even my own secrets. Anyway, what are you two doing up at this hour?


No Bram, tell him all about them! They MUST be a big deal!

Bram: Similarly, I also keep myself awake because of my own thoughts.

Malcolm: Is that green-haired fellow in the woods at fault for that?

Bram: Could be.

Malcolm: You don’t need to tell me if you don’t want to. But what did he say-

Bram: Not telling.

Malcolm: Uh… Alright.

Bram: …


Hmmm.... BRAM'S LYING!

Probably. We don't actually know in the current patch. I think.


Bram: hah. Well, to be blunt about it, yes. Do you have a problem with it?


Kind of an odd speech. I get that Bram's some sort of mercenary-savior, though he does apparently have morals.

Bram: Employers, nor the dead, care about what I think is right or wrong. And likewise, I don’t care much for what they think either. I write my own rules. Besides, who’s going to stop me? If I like it, I do it. Your move.

Malcolm: Hah. I could cut grass with your edge.

Bram: Well, it’s the hand I was dealt. So what’s wrong with it?

Malcolm: Short answer or long answer?


Dangit, Bram! We don't need more words!


Malcolm: seen. I couldn’t sleep or anything. So my parents shipped me off to Arvym as soon as they could.

PLUCKED!? Ow! OW! I'm not a sentient bird-thing, and my nonexistent feathers hurt just thinking about it!

If they left the bird alive when they did that, as we're going to assume they did, then the eagles are totally evil. NO MERCY! When we get to their arc, that is.

Bram: That sounds horrifying.

Malcolm: I flew away from my Aunt’s in Arvym and fought in various militias. And here I am, six years later. I know I kill people, but it only takes one shot between the eyes, not ten. I know it’s vague, but there ain’t any rules in war. Only morals a soldier can carry on with him ‘til he dies.

No Geneva conventions in these times, apparently.


Bram: Most of the time, they aren’t even close. Personally, I understand your truth.

Interesting viewpoint. I personally do think that the world has absolute truth, and that your perception of reality doesn't alter it. But I don't want to spend too much time expounding on philosophical viewpoints.

Malcolm: I see. Then let the bygones be bygones?

Bram: Yup. You wanna go home someday?


Just in case you didn't gather, the Volupris thing is the reason why Malcolm is the main lord. We haven't seen any eagles yet, but the buildup for their arc is really intense!

Bram: Fair enough. I can’t really say the same.



Malcolm: Good call. Night, Bram, Dewey.

Bram: Night, Malcolm.


And that's the scene over. I find it kind of odd that the campfire scene was put here, rather than in the interlude. I get that time passed between them, but still.


Particularly since we leap right into the chapter afterwards!


Malcolm: Castle itself, eh? It’s quite a large commercial city. I imagine we will find some useful stuff there, huh?

Malcolm! Look around! THERE'S DUDES EVERYWHERE!


Malcolm: Do you think they were waiting for us?



Bram: Not for long, I bet…


Nope, not for long. Like the portrait, btw.

Cool portrait dude: If you value your life, then you should turn around now.

Bram: What business do you have in Amphret?

Cool portrait dude: Excuse me? What did you say?

Bram: I said, what business do you have in Amphret? And what makes you think you can stop us from advancing?

Cool portrait dude: Why, you little…

Dewey: Rrrr!


Whoa, what? Why are we attacking them? For all we know, they could have legitimate business here!


Beard mook: It’s the Dog; the rest of them are trailing us. Will the operation be put on hold?

Crow guy: The Voluprian; he is there as well, yes?

Beard mook: Yes, of course, milord.

They WERE looking for us?


They're a duo boss?


Uroda: “Tempest.” He’s a slight breeze to me. I will stop him.

Calling the Tempest a slight breeze? Ow, burn!

Kadven: Do be not be so hasty, Uroda. Strike cautiously; if you fall, I want you to fly away to safety.

Uroda: An impossible request. I will not abandon my kind. Why do you say such things?

Kadven: Child. I have told you already. Need I remind you again? Our Clan must see the Whiteheads die. However, if *we* fall first, who will realize this goal? Now, do as your brother orders of you, Uroda.

Uroda: … … As you wish.

So he'll retreat if we kill him? Got it.

Kadven: Good. I shall greet our enemy… Then, in battle, we will lure them in, and rip them apart with our arrows.

Uroda: As you command, elder brother Kadven.


The enemy leader flies all in our faces. Couldn't we just grab him now and end this quickly?


Malcolm: for the Red Lustre, can they? Blast! What’s going on back home?

You can understand why Malcolm would be mad about having to fight his own species when the Eagles are the ones they're supposed to be fighting. Go Malcolm! Convince him! Save us some time!

Kadven: Open your eyes, boy. Tell me, what do you see?

Malcolm: What? What is that supposed to mean? I see a Crow. But why? Why, Brother? Why join these people?

Kadven: You fail to understand your place. You fail to understand your status. Are you aware of the goings-on in Volupris? If you are, joining the Red Lustre is the only way to finally regain Volupris. This is the reason you see me standing here.

And now the two plots are intercepting! So, the Red Lustre is taking advantage of the situation in Volupris to recruit people...


Malcolm: Brother! My Crow brother! These people are cruel! They’re lying! They’re motives are evil! Listen to me, please!


Kadven: the color black?

Malcolm: What the hell do you think!? Black, of course…

I'm detecting some light is not good, dark is not evil themes here.


Malcolm: No brother! You’re wrong! I’d never… … … …

Just tell him that enemy of me is my other enemy's friend logic is totally incorrect! I mean, this hack has already disproved that there can only be 2 sides in a fight last chapter!


Malcolm: …Bram?

Kadven: Hah. I will not let you ruin our plans. You will not enter Amphret as long as I am alive. I will end you evil-doers in the name of my master. Crow… You are no brother of mine…


He donned a hood, and automatically turned evil!


The boss takes his spot aaaaaalllllllll the way on the other side of the map, surrounded by guards! Looks like we have to kill them all!




His wing is gone! How the heck is he supposed to fly now?

Dewey: Rowth! Rowth!!!

Malcolm: … Bram! Watch your back!

Dewey's bite magically motivated Malcolm! By making him want to avoid future bites!


Meanwhile, in a nearby house...


Whoa! Those, ah... definitely portraits! Really cool ones, too! I like them!

Cool lady: I know you have been most impatient, sister. I just need to make sure I did not forget anything… Mm mm… Purse, cosmetics, staff, medicine… Nilou, you just not forget out picnic basket again! Make sure you have it, please.

Nilou: I have it! I have it!!!


Wow, these guys are the classic version of shamans!

Nilou: A human hand? Perhaps a new tome?

Cool lady: Oh? Nilou… do you sense something?


I hope we're the good aura.

Nilou: perhaps? What shall we do, dearest sister?

Cool lady: I do not imagine we can enter the kingdom peacefully, given this situation… How unfortunate… Nilou, let us find this positive aura and see if they will escort us inside Amphret.


Out they go! Let's just get to the chapter map:





There was an itty bit of top part I cut off, it was just mountains and two forts. You can see it in the minimap thing.

So, this map has us advancing on a long forest-surrounded path, with fliers assaulting us from the sides and normals assaulting us from the front. It SEEMS simple, but it can be deceptively difficult.

Fun fact, this was the map that ended my first run. I was using one of the very first public releases, and a certain surprise put me in an unwinnable situation, and I was too lazy to restart the chapter. Luckily, I'm prepared this time! Also, that means everything after this is totally blind.

Don't worry, I'll explain the surprise when it comes up.


First off, our shaman is Nilou! I really wish I had growths for these guys, but judging by her base stats, she's going to be pretty good! Not to mention, we kind of have to use her... Also, this and the other lady mark our first female party members. We'll get more later, don't worry!


The other one is Sadaati, and she's our first real healer! We'll be using her, out of necessity if nothing else. I wonder if she's a Wrys archetype? Probably not, but she is the first healer...

(Notice anything off about the stats?)


We're fighting Zealots again, this time including ENEMY Voluprian rangers! Yeah, this definitely adds a new element, as Malcolm can't counter them without getting wrecked himself!


There's a few droppables around, including Bolt if you missed it last chapter.

Now, scroll back up to the map and look at the Voluprian in the center, or close to it. See him?


It's Uroda, our miniboss! He isn't that tough, but we have to be careful of his range early on, since he definitely does move!


Our real boss is at the other end of the map, and he is a LOT tougher. Still vulnerable to Malcolm, but he's stronger and can counter-attack, so I wouldn't suggest engaging.

Oh, and look closely. That's right, Short bows have 1-2 range! I personally don't really like the concept, particularly since our archers are made good by virtue of wings, but whatever. Kadven doesn't like to use it anyway, he usually goes for the more powerful or non-counterattack-vulnerable options.

NEXT TIME: The epic battle of the Crows!

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No thoughts? Everyone's too busy being horrified by GhebFE?

Bloodlines: Episode 4: Part 1-3: Part 1: Assault of the Fliers


Thought we'd start with gameplay? Nope, it's words time.


Dewey: Roo roo!


Bram: Ach! Dewey! Check your three!

Dewey: Rrrr!

They're getting pretty intense for not even having started fighting yet!


Sadaati: Excuse me!

Bram: Watch out for-


Dewey: …?

Sadaati: Hi there.


I think I know what's going on here.

Sadaati: Hi. Are you trying to get to Amphret?

Bram: Yes. Are you?


Bram: It’s nothing a patch can’t fix. I-huh?

*healing sound plays*

Sadaati: Those are no good. My name is Sadaati. My sister and I were planning a safe travel to Amphret.


Sadaati: quite proficient in magic. If we make help each other, we may make it there safely. Will you accept my help?


This conversation would be standard, if not for Bram's obvious attempt to look good in front of the ladies.


He's got a blush and everything! Wow!

Sadaati: Well, thank you kindly, Bram. Our magic is at your service, for now.


Dewey: …

Bram: …


Haha! Uh... I'm totally not laughing at him because that's how I act around the ladies, nope...


That recruits both Sadaati and Nilou, so let's get smashing!


Excellent! Kael, if you keep this up, you'll be amazing!


Nilou gets straight to it! I like the purple palette.


Sadaati is much the same. It's nice to see some different ethnicities as well.


Ow! No worries, we'll be fi-


Ahh! He was in Uroda's range ALREADY? Well, Kael can probably take it...


Wait... that's not a feather, right? RIGHT!?



So yeah, the boss totally got a 1% crit.



Okay, new plan: Play a bit more defensively! By making Tyren talk!


Tyren: Whaddya want now?

Kael: I want some answers. I know yer hidin’ it.

Tyren: The hell you talkin’ about, dummy?



Tyren: You better start truthin’ ‘for I start roughin’.

Kael: The dark-skinned lass. Ya like her!

Which one?

Tyren: What!?


Wow, EVERYONE has crushes on these ladies!

(Kael's face...)

Kael: Oooh! Hahaha! You do! You do!! Want me to ask her out for ‘ya? Seein’ as yer too scared and whatnot?

Tyren: You’ll not do that! I can do do it myself!!!


It's called "Shippers" Kael. The fact that you don't know the terminology says you aren't ready for the shipping community.


Kael: Hoo hoo hee hee!!! Oooooh, lassieeeeee?


I will be disappointing if this isn't followed up in a future conversation.

(But wow, this guy can get INTENSE!)


I kill the soldier with a hand axe, and manage to stay out of Uroda's MASSIVE range.


Malcolm, come on! I know you don't want to fight your own species, but still!


I think this is the last talk conversation, thankfully.


Dewey: …

Bram: I’m worried about all of us.

Dewey: ?

Bram: Just thinking about it… A couple of weeks ago, I was fighting off thugs.


There are so many meanings to this its crazy. "Dark" as in "Plot darkness"? "Dark" as in "Crows are black darkness"? "Dark" as in "Dark dealings" darkness?

Dewey: Awr…

Bram: Don’t worry about anything, Dew. Just stand by me.

Dewey: Roo!

Dewey seems like an odd dog to confess these feelings with, Bram. Maybe talk to a real human soon.


Let's get back to everyone's favorite thing: Words! And LOTS of them!


The notes of the newbies!


Oh, this sounds interesting...

The game promptly follows up this semi-interesting thing with a MASSIVE text dump with seemingly no relevance:

N: Iron, or any sort of metal, seems to be destroyed by any sort of enhancement. Wood, or any other similar element, seems very conducive, as seen in the commonality of various tomes available to the public. …Perhaps I must find more durable natural properties similar to metal. Perhaps stone? Sissy seems to think that only Viperians are capable of performing such magic. I do not believe her! I know I will be able to uncover this mystery! Onwards, with research! But first, food! My tummy is oh so rumbly!

Way to crush my enthusiasm, game! Did they hide their only succesful experiment somewhere? Tell me!



N: All Djuron and Animals have a weakness. I wonder if Viperians also have a specific weakness too. It is documented that garlic and similar plants of the onion genus are strongly disliked by snakes. I must consider now: if Djuron share the same weakness as their animal counterparts, are Viperians also weak to the onion genus? Brimstone induces weakness via physical contact; a more distance defense could be critical if the recent Red Lustre attacks were motivated by attacks from Viperians themselves…

If this has gameplay relevance it's gonna be crazy. Onion sword? I'd rather figure out the weakness of the mer-people.

Anyways, Bram lures out Uroda, and more words ensue.


Or not words.

Bram: Hey, what is the Red Lustre all about?

Uroda: Pardon me?

Bram: What do you plan to do in Amphret?

Uroda: Pave the way for our Master’s rule, and crush those who stand in our way. Now draw your blade, I’m finished speaking to you.


Bram: utter nonsense.

The true boss of the chapter will reveal better motivations, don't worry.


Luckily, there's no 1% crit to get this time!

Let's have Malcolm engage next! GUESS WHAT THAT WILL RESULT IN?


Malcolm: Please! I don’t want to fight you… This makes no sense! We are Crows! We fight against the Whiteheads! Not each other!

Uroda: As do we, the Red Lustre will obliterate those whose ideals counter ours. Ideals like those of the Whiteheads. Ideals of hindering us from thriving. From achieving our goal of repatriation. You share this ideal, as you stand before me and defy our will to power. Our will to freedom. These are my ideals. These are the ideals of the Red Lustre. Crow… our truth is the only truth. Your fate is sealed.

Malcolm: Dammit… you’ve lost your way, brother. If you can’t see it my way, then I have no choice.


He has NO CHOICE but to hit! Thankfully.


...Though, apparently Malcolm isn't happy about it.


Nilou kills a different annoying ranger... who to give the boss kill to?


Obviously, the thief!


He escaped? I'm guessing he's going to return in a later chapter as some sort of super boss!


Hurrah! Strength!



In this hack, gameplay and dialogue updates get hard to distinguish...

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Sorry about the wait for an update. Still, where is everyone?

Bloodlines: Episode 4: Part 1-3: Part 2: Attack of the Flying Death Squad


Remember, last time we had Dewey enter a house.

Dewey: … ! Ruf!


N: Up and over, bush. Up and over, tree. You missed my words, you can’t see me.


So. This so far has been THE most obscure clue yet. And the thing is, I actually did NOT find the secret. Sorry guys. If you know where it is, please do say so, because I certainly don't have a clue!


We've gotten the enemies around us just about clear, so of course some kind of event is going to happen.


Malcolm: almost all around us, and straight in front of us is… him…

Aside from the starting few and Uroda, the enemies have been pretty passive so far.


Bram: Stay alert, Dewey. These men are very dangerous. Stay close to me.

I doubt he'll do that, Bram. Murderdog here can take care of himself.


The boss?


This might be important...


And it is! VERY important, in fact! I'll explain more in a minute.

Kadven: Understand?

Mook: Nine? As you wish, milord.


Kadven: We will strike them down…)

So, here's what's happening. Nine turns from now, you see Kadven's super-squad, with him and 4 other bow rangers? ALL of them will charge straight at us. Remember, we're surrounded by forests and are being forced onto a narrow path, and Kadven's fliers are all bunched up together. All five of them will almost certainly team up on 1 or 2 people, and none of our units are strong enough to survive it. There IS a way to circumvent things, which I will be doing.

And yes, this is what ended my first run. I was too slow, and Kadven's squad put me in an unwinnable situation.


Kadven: Human, call upon the other. We will weaken them even more.

Presumably this is some sort of check involving Uroda's alive-ness. Not sure though.


But, now we have more people delaying our movements towards Uroda! Bad news!


Oh, and some people from the top too.


Wow. Dewey literally just ate a whole pegasus, or at least enough of it that the rest was a bloody mess.

What is it with this dog?


Nothing interesting happens in combat, aside from some blah levels. Is it just me or is Agalli getting speed-blessed?


Okay! Time to get moving towards the top!


Not without reading more words, of course.


Filthy coward: You’re crazy for taking them on… If I were you, I’d mind my distance, if you know what I mean!

We presumably could have gone around, though once they saw us it was probably too late.


Bram and the others kill the lonely cavalier and soldier, while Malcolm handles the pegs waiting to ambush us.


I'll take what I can get, but I would definitely like a convoy soon.


Levels in this chapter so far have not been remarkable. At least they haven't been terrible.


The path is clear! Upwards a bit more...


THIS is how you circumvent Kadven's squad. Basically, his Crows can be lured out before they all charge on Turn 9! If you take out a few before they all come, then the attack will be manageable, and you can survive and beat the chapter!


So, Dewey lives!

Let's skip ahead a bit. If you look closer at the flier position, you'll notice that you basically HAVE to lure out three of the fliers at once, one of which is the boss. Still, it's better than five at once! Bram's the only defensively-oriented person we have, so we're going to use him!


I misplaced a few screenshots, so I'll piece it together as best I can but it might look weird.

Bram: And why’s that?

Kadven: You are weak. I have the sky as my ally. What do you have?


Hey! That's "the" Moniker! And you didn't capitalize my name, either! Still, I'm the best ally any FE unit could hope to have!

Kadven: Hah… Such conceit. Human… Die!



Oof! Whatever, we'll live!


Event? Now?


Kadven: Brothers! Come to me! Shroud the sky in arrows! He dies here, and so do his human companions! Not only for our master, but for our pride! Our home!

That's the cue for them to charge early. Looks like the confrontation is really going now!

(Also, this guy is a pretty good motivational speaker!)


I hope none of you were thinking that you'd be safe if you hid some people at the bottom! This flier squad makes sure you can't hide anyone down there!



Yes! Bram critted! I wanted to finish off Kadven, but Bram was the only unit who could actually attack him, thanks to all the forests...


Because of that, he has to go and hide on a fort, meaning I don't have to deal with a boss while also taking out the regular mooks!


Hey! Wait a minute!


Ghast! What's the deal? This is a magic unit!


All the other zealots attack Bram. Now he's hurting.


It seems we have a flier army gathering over here. Best try and finish off with the top group.


A mage was holding this. Agalli has a ton of tomes now.


Thankfully, everyone survives enemy phase!


This is the opposite of a normal fighter level!


At some point Sadaati nearly died. Can't have that!


Whoa, Tyren! Keep it up!

Not like Kitty at all...


Aww, all alone and despite all the time you sat there doing nothing, you aren't even healed yet.


Kadven: You know nothing of pride. Of honor. Allow me to show you… the pride of my clan!

And finally, he decides to move!


Oh, whoa! Things almost went terribly wrong...


Normally I might decide to be nice and let Malcolm not have to kill his "brother", but then we'd miss out on words.


This bird is MAD! Look at his portrait!

Malcolm: Why do this? Is this what you wanted from the Red Lustre? Is it, brother!?

Kadven: Killing my own, losing my own… If that’s what it takes… Sacrifices need to be made

Malcolm: Sacrifices!? For what!?

Kadven: To bring the world in order! To restore peace in Volupris, for the Djuron, the Animal, the Human! My world is being burned alive! Our home, our beloved Volupris… burned alive!

Malcolm: Tell me, what is happening


Now is not the time for a chat!


Kadven: There is no hope for us. But the Red Lustre, they can fix it! They can-

Malcolm: No! They can’t. The only one who can fix anything is the Crow! Our pride, our loyalty, our courage our intellect. Not this, anything but this.


Kadven: This is their promise! And they have not failed me yet! Now, ready your aim, your journey ends here!


I guess I can't blame Malcolm for being hesitant after that! Still, this loser needs to go!


Unfortunately, he absolutely LOVES sticking to the mountains with his attacks, so none of our units can reach him!

Well, nobody except...


I'm not even sorry.


Overcoming his seeming desire to eternally miss his attacks against his own kind, Malcolm gets much stronger.


See these fliers? They don't move at all, no matter what. Thus, we can hang out here for as long as we want!


I spend this time searching for the item the clue mentioned. I thought it would be over here, but no luck.

I searched for like 10 turns, and despite my efforts found absolutely NOTHING.


So, finally, I kill off the pegasi.

NEXT TIME: A post-battle boss monologue!

Important announcement, everyone! Due to recent IRl schedule changes, I won't be able to update as often as I have been. Don't worry, while my updates might be less consistent, they definitely won't stop!

Also, I've been meaning to say this for a while now but kept forgetting: For those of you wondering about me playing Midnight Sun, I'm going to wait until the hack's FULL RELEASE(completion!) this coming December! I'll give it its own thread, putting it in line behind GhebFE and Requiem, and who knows if those will be finished by December? Still, I refuse to not play it! It will happen!

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Agalli has 40 or 45% speed growth.

He was in my playthroughs of both versions a piece of shit. Got about 1,5 stats in average. So RNG screwed

I also was wondering about Sadaati's strength stat. However forgot to ask Ghast.

I'm not sure if the reinforcements from the south east only appear in the latest version. In the older version I can't remember on them.

Next chapter is great even if the boss was nerfed a bit.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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Sadaati has strength and not magic as a side effect of the "arbitrary number of weapon types" patch (the reason why, for example, Bram only has a sword rank in the R-menu and not "--" ranks in all three other phys weapons). Since she can't use any type of magic, the game doesn't know to assign her class the Mag label for the stat instead of the Str one.

Now join me in working to convince Ghast to make valkyries use some sort of rod-type physical weapon. [shot]

I'm still reading all of your updates, but I rarely post my reactions because I rarely have anything to say. I did notice that they've been declining so I figured something was up. Don't sweat not being able to update as often: real life should always come first.

Wow. Dewey literally just ate a whole pegasus, or at least enough of it that the rest was a bloody mess.

What is it with this dog?

For some reason this made me think of Cubivore, where after eating enough of a certain type of enemy your animal-main-character mutates and gains the enemy's characteristics. Too bad something similar can't be done in the FE engine...

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Laziness prevented me from saying stuff. Sorry. I don't really much to say either.

Maybe the strength is saying that she's getting a physical weapon? That'd be cool. Healers with lances. Make it happen.


Not like Kitty at all...

To think HER legacy would live on...

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It seems quite unliekly at this point, but I'd like to see Frog Djurons at some point to see my country represented.

(...says the ant bear...

Oh well.)

Edited by Tamanoir
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Don't worry, Moniker, i'm reading! I have breakfast while I read your updates, so I can't type on my keyboard or it gets all greasy.

This hack is getting good. I'm glad the focus is shifting away from Dewey.

I'm glad for that too. Next chapter though, he gets another starring role.

Sadaati has strength and not magic as a side effect of the "arbitrary number of weapon types" patch (the reason why, for example, Bram only has a sword rank in the R-menu and not "--" ranks in all three other phys weapons). Since she can't use any type of magic, the game doesn't know to assign her class the Mag label for the stat instead of the Str one.

Now join me in working to convince Ghast to make valkyries use some sort of rod-type physical weapon. [shot]

I'm still reading all of your updates, but I rarely post my reactions because I rarely have anything to say. I did notice that they've been declining so I figured something was up. Don't sweat not being able to update as often: real life should always come first.

For some reason this made me think of Cubivore, where after eating enough of a certain type of enemy your animal-main-character mutates and gains the enemy's characteristics. Too bad something similar can't be done in the FE engine...

Ah, that's interesting(the thing about Sadaati)! Yeah guys, don't worry too much if you don't post, things will still continue.

It seems quite unliekly at this point, but I'd like to see Frog Djurons at some point to see my country represented.

(...says the ant bear...

Oh well.)

Frog Djuron sound interesting, actually. I mean, judging by pre-release previews we've been getting we'll have a pig eventually... or more like a boar.

Hello everyone! Time for another...



We did it! We defeated the tragically evil person!

Malcolm: Brother! How do you fly?

Kadven: … Not well…


Are we going to heal him? Well, it's not like he has an army anymore...


*healing sound*


And nope. The magical staff doesn't work.

So, are we going to try to stop the bleeding? Make a splint for his broken bones? Find a soft place for him to rest? Nope, the magic didn't work, clearly he's beyond saving!


That's supposed to be Malcolm's "Sad" face, but it looks more like a "bored" face.

Malcolm: No! This is all my fault… I was too forceful.

Kadven: Do not blame yourself. I was too lost in my ambition. I should never have lost my way… Tell me, what are you called?


And we give him our name as a last favor...


...Or not. This almost dead person promptly proceeds to open his eyes and give some exposition...

Kadven: Yes indeed… I can see the resemblance. I am Kadven, Kadven of the Dark Bow. Guh… urgh.

Malcolm: Enough, Brother Kadven! Do not waste your breath. There is still hope! Amphret is just beyond the gate! Come-

Kadven: Don’t be a fool… I’ve taken too many innocent lives. I deserve this as my fate. I have sinned. Please, leave me to die now… for I cannot live with my grief anymore…

Malcolm: Please brother! You have hope! You must see it!


By standard logic Malcolm is right. However, this dude who was clearly stated to be almost dead, beyond saving, and about to not fly anymore or whatever:

Kadven: Don’t be so shrouded in your own heart like I was, brother. The Human… he is correct. I shall tell you. The Red Lustre… promised us peace would come to Volupris. I was at a loss… Volupris is being terrorized. The Eagles, they grow more powerful by the week. They sweep our Crow territories like killing machines, while our resistance’s numbers plummet like a faulty arrow. I, I just could not bear to see it all crumble before my eyes. We, survivors of the Dark Bow, escaped like Chickens! We scavenged like Vultures! With lost hearts… Our pride… abandoned. I needed aid… I needed to feel alive again… Our clan… was destroyed by those savages.

Promptly proceeds to give a 5 minute monologue. I actually have a problem with this! If Kadven can talk for this long, he is NOT beyond saving! Nobody who has the energy left to deliver a massive exposition dump is beyond saving! Maybe if it was one wham line, sure, but this is an ENTIRE SPEECH!


Kadven: Ahh…

And only RIGHT after that does his imminent death start catching up to him. And what does he do after that?

Malcolm: Kadven!

Bram: Kadven, please. What was the name of this man you speak of.

Kadven: His name was Zidahm.

Bram: Zidahm…


Immediately recover and talk more!

Kadven: rebellion to take it all back for us.

Bram: Kadven, what were you doing in- …Ah, never mind. Your strongest warrior escaped the battlefield, although he seemed reluctant to do it.


Kadven: Was I lied to? Uroda… I’m proud that you listened. Find it within yourself to forgive me. My time is up. May I be so selfish, to ask one last favor?

Malcolm: Anything…

Kadven: Human, and your pet… what are you called?

Bram: I am Bram, and this here is Dewey.


(Murderdog showing sadness?)

Kadven: Ah, the Tempest… your title is just. You certainly are a powerful Human. And you too, Animal. But I digress. You three: Bram, the Human, Dewey, the Animal. Malcolm, the Djuron. Volupris… it is in chaos.


Kadven: my brother of the Ebon Wing… Ahh… forgive me…


And finally, finally, FINALLY he dies! That was a MASSIVE speech, given by someone who was allegedly so injured no amount of medical help would save him! There was plenty of time for them to stop the bleeding, or do SOMETHING that would keep him alive, but we're expected to believe that Kadven here was just doomed!

*sigh* Okay, fine, I'll drop it. We did learn some new stuff here. To begin:

1: Eagles are totally evil.

2: Malcolm is part of the Ebon Wing.

3: ...Wow, that's pretty much it.

I guess we didn't learn that much after all.


And on that very depressing note...


We end the chapter.

NEXT TIME: The epic battle that marks the end of "Chapter 1"!

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If a staff can make wounds magically disappear, I doubt anything else can work if it fails.

Also, have you ever seen the game Eternal Sonata? One chick gets stabbed and has like a seven-minute monologue about how much she regrets being a double agent against the good guys and falling in love with one of the guys. It's hilariously stupid considering she barely has any time to develop as a character.

Edited by MidoriMage
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You know, I realized that Volupris situation is actually like Haikyuu!!, but with actual crows (and actual murder too. But let's not pay too much attention to details.).

And now, I want to see art of Malcom as a Voley Player...

Edited by Tamanoir
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Frog Djuron sound interesting, actually. I mean, judging by pre-release previews we've been getting we'll have a pig eventually... or more like a boar.

They could, like...do the Dragoon jump. Or be like Frog from Chrono Trigger. Or something completely different.

i think the author just loves to write dialogue.

You think?

I mean, I admit, 'tis pretty ridiculous. I'm not a writer for a well polished hack though, so what do I know?

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You know, just because he couldn't be healed doesn't mean it couldn't have slowed his death at the very least. Just a thought (and possibly a writing slap patch).

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Promptly proceeds to give a 5 minute monologue. I actually have a problem with this! If Kadven can talk for this long, he is NOT beyond saving! Nobody who has the energy left to deliver a massive exposition dump is beyond saving! Maybe if it was one wham line, sure, but this is an ENTIRE SPEECH!

I seem to recall Malcolm saying in the chapter intro that the party was a day's travel from Amphret, meaning that even if Kadven had hours left it wouldn't be enough to get him to anywhere with meaningful medical care. Also, the fact that a staff can't heal him makes me think that there's something majorly, physically wrong with him, like a broken wing, limbs bent the wrong way, etc. I would include "severed limbs", but with those he would die from blood loss long before getting his whole speech out. I'm not saying that there aren't problems with the scene, but there are ways of at least partially rationalising it.

Frog djuron

If you make it, they will come. I mean, given the precedent set by the bees and all...

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