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The KamuKamu Theory: Are their 2 Avatars?


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So I have always liked the idea of having both Avatars in the game (mostly because I want to ship them), but then I looked at the box art:


Do you see that? Those are 2 sides facing each other, and on each side it's an Avatar. A different Avatar.

The theory goes like this. You choose a game (deciding your side). Let's say you choose Nohr.

Now you choose an Avatar. let's say you choose a Female one. If things go according to my theory, then the, during the story, there will be a second character, who is the male variant of Kamui and is fighting for Hoshido. Not sure if they'll be your sibling or something (I hope not because once again I want to ship them), but it would be a dry interesting spin on things.

Thoughts? Would you want to see this happen? There's a good chance it won't, but I think it'd be cool.

Edited by MajorMajora
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I'm sure this is just illustrative, sorry to break your expectations.

And even if it wasn't, chances are the opposite Avatar (see how the name doesn't even make sense when the player isn't controlling it?) will be part of the other team. The player would not be able to control them.

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Gotta agree with what's already been said. I mean I guess they could have a huge plot twist at the end of the game revealing them as your long lost bro or sis but that dosen't seem very consistent. Then there's always time travel.

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I think it could definitely happen. Compare this to Awakening's avatar, which was always a single hooded figure. For this, they show both off very evenly. It's not like this is an unprecedented concept; Pokemon has done it since Ruby/Sapphire (though not in Black/White).

I would be quite pleased with it myself, especially if you can customize both.

EDIT: For the record, I don't expect it, I just think it's possible and would be cool.

Edited by Red Fox of Fire
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I don't think that's the case, but I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to the idea. If it were true, they'd better have a damn good explanation.

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I doubt that this is going to happen, and that artwork is done just to illustrate the two paths, but the idea is really cool. Like the other avatar could be a twin, and the game may be centered around the idea of the two siblings who grew up together having a falling out with one another, eventually leading to the final battle where one defeats the other.

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There will be one avatar, having a story route locked by gender is silly.

…No one said that it would be locked by gender. If you want to be Nhor, yu can be a boy or girl, as with Hoshido. All this theory is saying is that th other gender might also be there.

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Well, Awakening had it, yeah, it was poorly done, with time-travel explanation even crappier than usual, but it had it.
Not opposed to the idea too, but they have to do it well.

Edited by B.Leu
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I doubt it. I don't see how it could be explained well, since even twins don't usually share a name, and "Oh, and this is my inter-dimensional gender-swapped version of me, btw." would be distracting.

I'm thinking it's like that just to showcase the duality of blood versus loyalty.

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