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Older relatives and gaming


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Thought this would be an interesting topic to go over. Have any amusing stories of this nature?

While my mom tends to dislike my gaming passion, oddly enough, most of the stories I'm going to post are about her.

My friend was playing Majora's Mask and about to face the boss of Great Bay Temple. I don't remember/know the name of it, but the important part is the boss title: gargantuan masked fish. She thought it said "gargantuan naked fish".

Fast forward, me and that same friend are adults, but still love our games. I hadn't gotten Awakening yet and my friend was telling me how you can "recruit your kids". Mom said: "I'm gonna recruit my kids and make them do housework!" And I was like Mom that's probably not how it works.

One time I got my mom to play Crash Team Racing and she kept going the wrong way, even with "wrong way" flashing on the screen...

My aunt was watching my brother play Skyward Sword, and he was in Skyloft screwing around, he picked up a pumpkin and my aunt saw the thing that shows you where it would land if you throw it, and she said "That pumpkin's peeing!" I had to explain the aiming thing to her.

So, yeah...comment on others' stories and add your own.

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My mother's a great gamer actually.I was playing Super Mario 3D World with her one time,and she only asked how to do the cat dive.She's really fun to play with,too.Really helpful.

I've seen her beat Bowser without taking a hit in Super Mario Sunshine,and it only took her maybe two tries to get past the lava boat.It was so long ago,though.

Last I checked,she only needed one more piece of the Dark Moon in Luigi's Mansion:Dark Moon,even though she usually plays my 3DS while I'm at school.She may have beat it,haven't played it for a while.

My father's another story.He'd rather I lived life like he did,and that means going outside in the winter with nothing to do.

I used to play games with my brother a lot when we were younger,but after he got CoD,he kinda...got distant.

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My friend was playing Majora's Mask and about to face the boss of Great Bay Temple. I don't remember/know the name of it, but the important part is the boss title: gargantuan masked fish. She thought it said "gargantuan naked fish".

Oh wow. XD That boss is Gyorg, btw.

And LOL a pumpkin peeing. That just made my sides ache!

I can't think of any funny things that have happened with older relatives, but my mom has actually played a couple Zelda games. She got to Ganondorf in The Wind Waker, and I tried to help her beat him, but despite me telling her over and over exactly what to do, she couldn't do it right and just got mad and erased her file. Yet, she still always mentions that she found more stuff than I ever did whenever this comes up in conversation. :P Hey, I didn't like that game, so I didn't do as much! lol

My step-grandma always liked Zelda though, she was the one that gave us an SNES and N64. These days she doesn't play Nintendo stuff anymore for some reason, but yeah.

Edited by Anacybele
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Welp... my older cousins introduce me to a lot of freanchises, back in the 90´s, just like Resident Eviil, Sonic, Megaman, Dino Crisis, Soul Calibur, Etc.

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"My parent's were watching me play smt x fe"

I am so scared for this.

Lol why?

Ana: Gyorg! Yeah, that's it. And yeah, you told me about your mom and Wind Waker.

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I don't think my mom would be too offended, but characters like the Lyn look-alike running around in panties and a bra would get some looks lol.

And I hadn't kept up on it much. Derp, yeah...

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My mom stayed up with me when I first beat Baten Kaitos. . .and stayed up to watch the ending sequence, which took about an hour.

She's awesome, and if she had the time/energy, she'd probably play, too.

My dad gave me nightmares with Doom back when I was a little girl. He still plays single-player CoD when he has the chance.

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My parents don't play video games, thinking that they're all for children, that I'm too old for them, that they're a waste of time and that they're all the same.

That's mine in a nutshell kinda...

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"My parent's were watching me play smt x fe"

I am so scared for this.

I can imagine.

My dad didn't want me to buy Kirby's Epic Yarn because it looked like a baby's game.

[spoiler=Kirby's Epic Yarn Box Art]kirby-artwork-boxart_1284590134.png

I don't blame him, but if Kirby's Epic Yarn is a baby's game, then it has to be the best one EVER.

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Thought this would be an interesting topic to go over. Have any amusing stories of this nature?


So, yeah...comment on others' stories and add your own.

My parents got me into gaming, many of my uncles and cousins also game.

That's not a story. You are only half on-topic.

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That's not a story. You are only half on-topic.

Well excuse me Mr. Mini Mod. I was going to post a story soonish, mobile is kind of awkward sometimes and I was about to edit.

My Mother used to play Mario and Sonic all the time, one day when I was 3 I picked up Player 2 and played as Tails in Sonic 2. From then on we began playing all manners of games together.

Mario, Contra, Sonic, Zelda, you name it.

My Dad and I played more of the RPG type games, 2 of the first RPG like games I recall us playing were Destiny of an Emperor and a Sega Genesis game called Centurion: Defender of Rome

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Well excuse me Mr. Mini Mod. I was going to post a story soonish, mobile is kind of awkward sometimes and I was about to edit.

My Mother used to play Mario and Sonic all the time, one day when I was 3 I picked up Player 2 and played as Tails in Sonic 2. From then on we began playing all manners of games together.

Mario, Contra, Sonic, Zelda, you name it.

My Dad and I played more of the RPG type games, 2 of the first RPG like games I recall us playing were Destiny of an Emperor and a Sega Genesis game called Centurion: Defender of Rome

Don't really count as funny/amusing stories, but in your defense, if your parents are gamers like you then that won't produce much silliness.

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My sibling and I used to play New Super Mario Bros together, especially the Mario vs Luigi. The amusing thing was that we played the game so diplomatically. It was like "you win, then I win, then you win, then I win, then we'll duke it out for the victory!" But then I occasionally screw the games so that I win all the matches.... Which upsets my sibling greatly...

Another time... My sibling and I were playing one of the Neopets games. I quit the game because I was getting bored. My sibling shoved me off the chair and grabbed by the collar, which resulted in them getting grounded... Not amusing for me, but still. It is kinda funny because we had a falling out over such a small thing.

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I would always lose in Melee to my superior brother. The End.

My other brother would go to Termina Bay in Melee and kill me by throwing me up into the main platform everytime and shout "Ness Pam Pam."

Oh, and I would always use my action replay while playing DS games with my brothers to piss them off.

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My 29 year old sister is the reason I'm into 40% of the things I'm into today.

My mom apparently used to be a gamer before I was born? I was never alive to see it, though. :c Now she just disapproves of some of the games I play.

My aunt is actually still a bit of a gamer, but not as much as she used to be.

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Before we got our Wii, I don't think either of my parents had played video games since the Atari era. We mostly play Wii Bowling. My dad has no concept of video game frustration, and doesn't understand when I keep playing even though I'm being frustrated.

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I had just gotten Smash 4 and had it hooked up on the TV and my sis and I were playing with CPU's in 4 player smash and Duck Hunt was one of the characters and we have two dogs and everytime DH got hit my mom kept whining "stop hitting the cute doggie" and then cheered on the dog to beat us.

Also I remember playing Starfox 64 with my dad when he got a N64 and I also remember watching him get to Andross and beat him. Good times.

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