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Do you feel like Romance should be DYNAMIC in this game?


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A common complaint about the social links in P4Golden is that outside the "social links", the story doesn't change, the party members in the game don't comment on the social links. There are lots of calls for Persona 5 to have a dynamic relationship system such that if the Player Character is in romance with a certain character or multiple characters, there is an impact felt in the storyline and other characters will respond accordingly...

So in FEA I think the same complaint can be made, the S ranking isn't real that "meaningful". It didn't impact the story much nor did other characters "comment" on your relationships. In fact, Cordelia still reminisced about Chrom in some event tiles despite her being married (more of a writing resource issue).

So do you think the relationships you build in THIS game will have any additional impact? Will certain story arcs change slightly? Will other characters comment on your relationships?

I actually think that this is impossible simply because there are too many characters to take into account and that this is a FE game… not really a Persona type RPG at all.

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Freaking YES I want this to happen, but unfortunately IS doesn't have the time to burn on these kinds of things...

Which really sucks because one of my biggest gripes with FE is how everybody who's not a protagonist is a background character.

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One could even suggest that love blossoms faster during war.

Anyway I would love to see this in FEi, but yeah, unfortunately it won't happen. I would like slight changes though, Cordelia's admiration to Chrom despite being married to someone else was kind of annoying.

Edited by Yuki
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There shouldn't even be any romances until the aftergame. This is war, god damnit.


I assume you mean the scenes during the credits where it says this and that character got married, had children and then got killed by an avalanche.This is what I enjoy seeing as well.Getting married during the war seems a bit out of place to me.

Personally I hate lots of lovey-dovey.Unless they somehow manage to make it interesting.BUT not the cliche ''No!I love you dont leave me'' or ''They are my friends!''

I had enough of that in every RPG.

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One could even suggest that love blossoms faster during war.

I always considered this the case with awakening.

If you're in a situation where you have a chance to die every day, you might do some impulsive things just for fun.

Though, I do agree that some of the marriages were just plain stupid from A-S rank.

Anyhow, I would like this as I am a sucker for cheesy romance, but it would take a long time to develop.

In Awakening, they tried to develop your relationship with the little "sparkly spaces" and their special lines for marriage partners but it kind of felt half-done.

Either way I do hope marriage returns though.

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I highly doubt that character relationships are gonna be the highlight of this game, so them having more impact on the storyline is unlikely. They didn't even mention anything about the support system. We don't even know if it's gonna work the same way as it did in Awakening. No marriages or S-supports confirmed yet.

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It would be impossible for everyone to get dynamic romances but they could give special treatment to Kamui. Let's say Base conversations return and there is always *someone* who talks Kamui about this or that. That someone would be with whomever he has the most support values with, so the closer Kamui is to different people, the more he interacts with them. That way it will be like two people getting close and falling in love over a long period of time. There could be other perks like the two characters exchanging a skill after reaching S rank support or Kamui's lover getting a free deploy on top of the usual unit cap for each level.

There could be a few events in game which are effected by having an S rank buddy. Say Kamui is ambushed so he has to clear a level by himself, but if he has a romantic partner, naturally they spend more time together and are together for the mission.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I think the biggest reason we'll see a lack of romance in this game is because a huge number of the characters on both sides are part of a family together. Whether you pick Nohr or Hoshido, you will be heavily associating with the royal family, where everyone is a blood relative. That alone makes it unlikely that romance will be as large a factor, as there will simply be less potential partners. Compare to Awakening, where the only relatives you have in the first gen can't be married, and the two instances in 2nd gen with Lucina/Owain or if you bother to set it up, Robin marrying their uncle.

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I think the biggest reason we'll see a lack of romance in this game is because a huge number of the characters on both sides are part of a family together. Whether you pick Nohr or Hoshido, you will be heavily associating with the royal family, where everyone is a blood relative. That alone makes it unlikely that romance will be as large a factor, as there will simply be less potential partners. Compare to Awakening, where the only relatives you have in the first gen can't be married, and the two instances in 2nd gen with Lucina/Owain or if you bother to set it up, Robin marrying their uncle.

Yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't any romance because of this. Or Kamui being unable to romance anyone at the very least. Being uncertain if the person you're attracted to is your family member would definitely put a damper on things.

or they could just game of thrones this whole game

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This is a major complain of Awakening for me, the married couple doesn't act like they are married. Seriously I marry Lucina and Chrom has no reaction all to it, during the main storyline only chapter 21 has any acknowledgement of me marrying her. I want to marriage to have impact in the story, if I say married Dancer Lady and Hinoka harbor love for me, she could jokey comments why I didn't chose her instead and shown some sign of jealously. Or also during main quest, Dancer Lady and Kamui could be holding hand and talk a bit about heir marriage life. I really want this for IF.

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This is a major complain of Awakening for me, the married couple doesn't act like they are married. Seriously I marry Lucina and Chrom has no reaction all to it, during the main storyline only chapter 21 has any acknowledgement of me marrying her. I want to marriage to have impact in the story, if I say married Dancer Lady and Hinoka harbor love for me, she could jokey comments why I didn't chose her instead and shown some sign of jealously. Or also during main quest, Dancer Lady and Kamui could be holding hand and talk a bit about heir marriage life. I really want this for IF.

Personally, I was just too happy to not have any overused cliche, like the overprotective father bull.

But you guys got a point, I would love to have more than one dialogue about in the ending, or one in one of the DLC's. Seriously, the last one was such a bull.

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They definitely can't give such treatment to every character; that would put way too much focus on romance. And if they decide to make only Kamui's relationships dynamic, then Kamui's support options will need to be limited, since if it's like Awakening again, building a dynamic around every possible S-support for Robin would be too complicated. Personally, I have no problem with the developers doing that and limiting support options, since quality trumps quantity.

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I want to marriage to have impact in the story, if I say married Dancer Lady and Hinoka harbor love for me, she could jokey comments why I didn't chose her instead and shown some sign of jealously. Or also during main quest, Dancer Lady and Kamui could be holding hand and talk a bit about heir marriage life. I really want this for IF.

From a technical standpoint, this would be an absolute nightmare to implement, since there are going to be multiple choices for your spouse (assuming marriage is in this game). It's completely unreasonable to expect IS to write line upon line of text for every possible wife or husband combination.

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I think if they just do a better job writing out character's quotes, there will be so many less holes. Like the whole Cordelia thing...I get she was obsessed with Chrom, but they could've used different quotes on event tiles. I actually enjoyed the support system in Awakening, as long as they don't go back to Base conversations, I'll be happy.

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From a technical standpoint, this would be an absolute nightmare to implement, since there are going to be multiple choices for your spouse (assuming marriage is in this game). It's completely unreasonable to expect IS to write line upon line of text for every possible wife or husband combination.

Bioware does it in their Dragon Age series, can't imagine it would be impossible for IS to do so.

A bitch to code? Yeah probably. Impossible? Nah bruh.

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Iff marriage was as big of a component as with the last game then it'd be justified to make the romance more dynamic, since it's a significant part of the gameplay. However, if it's more like traditional FEs where it's just kinda there with the A(S) ranks and is more of a side thing, I can see at most maybe like, 1 line, 2, if it's necessary and relevant and it doesn't need to be centerpiece when the game may not be designed around it.

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Bioware does it in their Dragon Age series, can't imagine it would be impossible for IS to do so.

A bitch to code? Yeah probably. Impossible? Nah bruh.

Dragon Age comes out on discs that have a lot of storage space to store those conversations. FE: If on the other hand, is coming out on a 4Mb 3DS cartridge.

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From a technical standpoint, this would be an absolute nightmare to implement, since there are going to be multiple choices for your spouse (assuming marriage is in this game). It's completely unreasonable to expect IS to write line upon line of text for every possible wife or husband combination.

Only for Kamui, I think that will be fairly easy to do.

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Dragon Age comes out on discs that have a lot of storage space to store those conversations. FE: If on the other hand, is coming out on a 4Mb 3DS cartridge.

Ah, I see your point.

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a 4Mb 3DS cartridge.

four gigs, not four megs. huuuuuuuuuuuuge difference, it's not the '80s anymore.


EDIT: FWIW, as far as i'm aware text is relatively extremely light on storage space, most of the space is occupied by models and sound (especially) and textures (to a slightly lesser extent); the biggest commitment to text is the time involved in writing it/writing event flags for it

a real programmer might tell me i'm wrong tho

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