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Why I Actually Like Severa

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I mean hell Morgan is supposedly from a different future but still has supports with her.

No she doesn't. Lucina only has female supports with Cynthia and Kjelle, she can't support with Morgan-F, Severa, Nah or Noire. She's got the same amount of supports as any other 2nd gen unit (plus Tiki).

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She does get called out on it in her supports with Cynthia, for example

What support have you been reading? Cynthia calls her a jerk in her B support and Severa just snarks it off and ignored it. The rest of the support chain is something completely different. Her behaviour doesn't change at all.

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What support have you been reading? Cynthia calls her a jerk in her B support and Severa just snarks it off and ignored it. The rest of the support chain is something completely different. Her behaviour doesn't change at all.

And what are you talking about? As soon as I do not quote somebody, what I say gets twisted and reinterpreted in a wrong way, fine here goes:

Most of the characters from FE13 have a gimmick that make them infuriating, Severa just so happens to have the worse gimmick of the lot, that I just so happens to hate.

Seriously, just because she's a tsundere doesn't mean she can act like such a b-word.

It's really Tsundere just for the fetish of it, in full tsun-mode with 100% bitchiness, with most of the supports instantly taking an stupid turn with her. And of course, she never get called out on it.

This is the claim. I respond with this:

She does get called out on it in her supports with Cynthia, for example

Whether or not she changes her behavior isn't even open to debate. I refuted B.Leu's statement, that's all.

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She does get called out on it in her supports with Cynthia, for example

First, nice avatar !

She only get called a jerk, not only is this a huge understatement, but I wouldn'd call that getting called out., especially since it doesn't happen nearly enough.

Holy crap, she was horrible in that support, I know it was more or less supposed to be funny, but I think the trope 'Dude, not funny' apply there, or at least in the C and B Support, then it become complete and total randomness.

Mind you, I blame mostly Cynthia for the randomness.

Edited by B.Leu
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First, nice avatar !


She only get called a jerk, not only is this a huge understatement, but I wouldn'd call that getting called out., especially since it doesn't happen nearly enough.

Holy crap, she was horrible in that support, I know it was more or less supposed to be funny, but I think the trope 'Dude, not funny' apply there, or at least in the C and B Support, then it become complete and total randomness.

Mind you, I blame mostly Cynthia for the randomness.

She only gets called jerk because the game must be accessible to children, so heavy insults are not acceptable. Dastard is reserved for enemies. What would you have others call her that is not off limits?

Edited by Knusperkeks
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And what are you talking about? As soon as I do not quote somebody, what I say gets twisted and reinterpreted in a wrong way, fine here goes:

This is the claim. I respond with this:

Whether or not she changes her behavior isn't even open to debate. I refuted B.Leu's statement, that's all.

She's not getting called out on anything if she completely ignores it. Many people try to call her out but by the end of the support chain, it almost always the other person backing down. The one with Cynthia completely drops the subject.

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She's not getting called out on anything if she completely ignores it. Many people try to call her out but by the end of the support chain, it almost always the other person backing down. The one with Cynthia completely drops the subject.

They're literally starting a contest over who is better. How much closer to a fight can you get, without making things escalate?

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No she doesn't. Lucina only has female supports with Cynthia and Kjelle, she can't support with Morgan-F, Severa, Nah or Noire. She's got the same amount of supports as any other 2nd gen unit (plus Tiki).

M Morgan can though. I just kinda figured that her being their leader she would be able to support all the gen 2 kids. It just kinda makes sense.

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Pretty much what Ranger said.

The support start off as Cynthia being Cynthia, and Severa being even worse than usual, then, in the middle of B-support, the randomness and stupidity start. A shame, Cynthia was more mature than normal in the C-support.

This is one thing to be called out of your behavior, this is another to actually listen to it, and this is again another to actually do something about it. Severa's is rarely called out, and if she is, its ignored, she never listen, and never do anything permanent about it.

Imo, this is best shown in the Severa/Laurent Support, long story short:

Laurent gave Severa a shopping list, and he is annoyed because Severa bought way more than she should, and because of that he had to do a lot of various budgets cuts. 'This is war, this kind of behavior is selfish and unaceptable', or something, which makes perfect sense.

Severa's counter-argument ? That he is a jerk, that he is boring and that shopping should a fantasy. What. Yet by somekind of strange voodoo magic, they managed to find a perfect balance, and Severa gets a lot of thanks for that. The dialogues and characters just bend over for no reasons.

This is, alas, a very recurring thing in Tsundere characters, like Zero No Tsukaima (BLEH.), or Viridi from Kid Icarus. Apparently, that kind of exagerated tsuntsuntsuntsun is a huge-fetish in japan.

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I just kinda figured that her being their leader she would be able to support all the gen 2 kids. It just kinda makes sense.

Then again, if being the leader means you support everyone, then Chrom would talk to everyone too, right? Not just Lucina.

But man, it would be far more difficult with Chrom since Gen 1 has a lot more units.

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Then again, if being the leader means you support everyone, then Chrom would talk to everyone too, right? Not just Lucina.

But man, it would be far more difficult with Chrom since Gen 1 has a lot more units.

Yeah it'd be tough but I figure itd be a way to learn more about the future they came from but I guess I've just been playing too much Future Past.

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M Morgan can though. I just kinda figured that her being their leader she would be able to support all the gen 2 kids. It just kinda makes sense.

But all eligible females can support all eligible males. What does a generic male-female support have to do with a rarer female-female support being missing?

I do think Chrom, Lucina and Morgan need expanded support sets, though.

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But all eligible females can support all eligible males. What does a generic male-female support have to do with a rarer female-female support being missing?

I do think Chrom, Lucina and Morgan need expanded support sets, though.

The point is that they go through the effort to include a M Morgan support as generic as it is and forego the opportunity to have supports with the rest of the children units to build the story/world. Also on the note of expanded support sets what makes even less sense is how she doesn't have supports with Lissa and Emmeryn but thats getting a little off-topic.

As far as Severa goes I think she's alright as a character sure she is feisty and outspoken (putting it nicely) but Future Past made me like her alot.

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Is Severa a likable character? No. But is she an interesting character? That's what I like about her.

I don't know how well some of you know Shakespeare, but one play he wrote is called Taming of the Shrew. It's about a king who has two daughters; the older one, named Katrina, is more or less a even more bitter version of Severa, and Bianca is your stereotypical dumb, sweet blonde. Now, the king has set a rule that Bianca can not get married until Katrina does, which becomes an issue as every man in the 100 mile radius of the royal family loves Bianca, while every man in the country is horrified of Katrina, so no one wants to marry her.

Personally, I found Katrina more likable, despite her asshole attitude. Sure, she may have been bitter, but she was smart and witty, which made her interesting. Though I can't recall the exact reason why she acted that way in the first place, I can recall it had to do with Bianca and that more of the guys like her. Bianca was nice, but there was absolutely nothing to her. Marrying her was equivalent to marrying a balloon.

The reason why I bring this up is because Severa reminds me of Katrina so much. She is obnoxious due to her bitter behavior, but I love how witty and cocky she is, and the fact she has a pretty good reason to act the way she does all adds up, and it makes her interesting. So I can see why people hate her, but in reality, she would be a pretty damn boring character if she was Cordelia's sweet little perfect daughter just like Cordelia was thought of to be perfect herself.

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Shakespeare reference.

Awesome post. The most important part is the distinction between characters who are likable and characters who are likable because they're interesting, even if they are unsympathetic in nature.

The only play by Shakespeare I read and witnessed in theater is 'as you like it'. I will look into the one you mentioned, thanks for sharing your insight~!

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On the other side, there are the characters who are so "likeable" that you start to dislike them... *coughEmmeryncough*

As long as any given jerk with a lot of character depth doesn't cross certain lines, I'd prefer reading them to reading something sweet and dry. If they do cross those lines, though, then I might spend too much time wondering why they're not a villain instead of appreciating their depth... And that's a threshold Severa is not very far from. A good deal of self-awareness can stretch those lines quite a bit, which is unfortunately also something Awakening lacks.

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I have good points and bad points for Severa. Severa can be manipulative at times, including with thoses she loves seen in her supports. She can be self-centered. She tries to be right all the time, even trying to question the male avator's tactics. However, based on what happen to her some of these traits can be understood. However, they do not mean how she acts is right. She is almost the exact opposite of her mother. Her mother trys to use her various skills to help others but Severa tries to use them her her own means. However, both of them were rejected mostly by their friends.

Edited by Ike's True Descendant
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I find that, while her actions aren't completely justified, they're still understandable. I think her support with the F! MU is actually pretty damn sweet. She's definitely not my favorite, but I do really like her. It's just some of her support with other kids that bugs me, but I guess they're supposed to.

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