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Will you be playing this on an XL or a regular?


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I'm importing first so I'm not sure how much I'll be willing to dish out on a JP N3DS so I may play it on my regular old 3DS first, but I'm certainly tempted to get a PAL N3DSXL and if any game's gonna push me to get it it's Fire Emblem.

The graphics aren't great but my eyes suck so I need all the help I can get.

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I bought a N3DS for Xenoblade, and I'll probably be trading my plain old 3DS XL in. (Even though it's only worth £50, boo.)

Edited by Emmar
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I'll be importing and playing on my Japanese special edition Awakening 3DS (normal size), and when I get the American version I'll play it on my 3DSXL because it'll be easier to see. The GBA screen size was great for the GBA games, but for the 3DS games with all the 3D graphics and everything you really need a bigger screen. If it was cheaper/easier I would love to get a capture card and play it on an even bigger screen.

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I'm hoping that there's a special edition FE14 n3DS (XL I guess, stupid XL-only murica), personally.

If not, then I'll be playing it on my FE13 3DS (normal)

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Importing first, so on my New Model JP XL. I have an eye condition that makes my eyes really bad with computer screens, tv screens, and any sort of screen really.. So I need the biggest screen possible.

But I'll likely get a capture card so hopefully I'll be playing it on a 24 inch computer monitor.

Edited by TwinBlade
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Regular because I'm poor and can't afford an XL

This is me too, and even if I do get a job over the summer that money is going to other things. I don't feel the need to get an XL when my regular works just fine.

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As of now, my Awakening-themed XL. But, if there's a N3DS bundle announced that looks really pleasing to the eye, I might get that, and give the XL to my little brother

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Well, if the new 3ds has some cool exclusive features(like meaningful amiibo interaction) i could try to find the money. But I probably won't because xenoblade x this summer and the Fe If limited edition are going to drain my wallet. So regular old 3ds

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