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I am curious about something even though I have only played Awakening and a bit of Sacred Stones.Why cant wyvern rider/lord's wyverns breathe fire?Is it ever explained?Cherched said Minerva burned her back when she was younger.

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I think that Awakening is the only game that mentions wyverns breathing fire. So they don't in the other games because I don't think that they have the ability to. In Awakening's case, it's just an inconsistency between writing and gameplay.

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Perhaps the wyverns build up heat within their bodies, burning whomever is touching a wyvern harshly before they exhale fire? It's just a theory, but it would explain things, should it be true.

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In FE3 it's established that wyverns are just manaketes that degenerated into a feral form and were then tamed by humans into becoming mounts. So really any wyvern which has degenerated from a fire breathing manakete should be able to do so. It's probably for gameplay reasons that this hasn't been explored in greater detail.

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In FE12/ presumably 3, there are feral wyverns that can breathe fire (AND ARE A PAIN IN THE ARSE) so I don't doubt it's possible, but then again it's also a possibility that the wyverns on different continents might not be the same. Also it'd be a mechanic that'd be a little tricky to implement without some class-bound skill on all wyverns to ever exist lol

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In FE3 it's established that wyverns are just manaketes that degenerated into a feral form and were then tamed by humans into becoming mounts. So really any wyvern which has degenerated from a fire breathing manakete should be able to do so. It's probably for gameplay reasons that this hasn't been explored in greater detail.

What about the wyverns in Awakening? Cherche's wyvern Minerva was found as a baby in the days of Ylisse's existence, and the insane dragons from 2000 years prior shouldn't have been able to bear children as dragons, according to Xane. Add to the fact that Minerva shows understanding of speech and is capable of showing emotion (according to Cherche), thus showing sanity, and Awakening's wyverns appear to be unrelated to the insane wyverns.
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What about the wyverns in Awakening? Cherche's wyvern Minerva was found as a baby in the days of Ylisse's existence, and the insane dragons from 2000 years prior shouldn't have been able to bear children as dragons, according to Xane. Add to the fact that Minerva shows understanding of speech and is capable of showing emotion (according to Cherche), thus showing sanity, and Awakening's wyverns appear to be unrelated to the insane wyverns.

Without any more information from IS it's not possible to give a satisfactory answer. For all we know it's possible that with human intervention the more primitive dragons were able to start breeding again.

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Degeneration is loss of intelligence. The Wyverns were once like any other dragon. They chose not to become Manaketes by sealing their powers in stones. This resulted in degeneration which made them like wild animals.

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Degeneration is loss of intelligence. The Wyverns were once like any other dragon. They chose not to become Manaketes by sealing their powers in stones. This resulted in degeneration which made them like wild animals.

But as I said before, Cherche found Minerva at a young age, and the wyverns should not be able to reproduce, like Xane said, yet Minerva exists. The wyverns of Ylissean times (at least, part of them, since others may be the degenerates) likely must be a separate species of wyverns, I think.

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Wyverns might have certain dietary requirements that need to be met to breathe fire, and they restricts the mounts' access to them because it might make them a danger to the rider.

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The domesticated wyverns seem to be a subspecies of the wild ones, the way dogs are to wolves, anyway. Though, I'm saying this based on the differences present between the two in the one game I can think of were both appeared together (and I'm not talking about sprite diffrences here, those aren't consistent over the course of the series anyway).

Also, if Cherche really does say that she found Minerva as a baby then that would imply that the pre-manakete dragons simply couldn't both stay dragons and remain fertile. And if one were to say that since all the dragons couldn't bear children at first then that always remained the case then shouldn't that apply to the manakete as well? And yet that is clearly not the case. Besides, one baby is not an indication of how fast a species reproduces anyway. Even the domesticated wyverns might have a very low birthrate.

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The domesticated wyverns seem to be a subspecies of the wild ones, the way dogs are to wolves, anyway. Though, I'm saying this based on the differences present between the two in the one game I can think of were both appeared together (and I'm not talking about sprite diffrences here, those aren't consistent over the course of the series anyway).

Also, if Cherche really does say that she found Minerva as a baby then that would imply that the pre-manakete dragons simply couldn't both stay dragons and remain fertile. And if one were to say that since all the dragons couldn't bear children at first then that always remained the case then shouldn't that apply to the manakete as well? And yet that is clearly not the case. Besides, one baby is not an indication of how fast a species reproduces anyway. Even the domesticated wyverns might have a very low birthrate.

I'm sure Xane said that the dragons couldn't give birth anymore, so to survive, they became manaketes, thus gaining the ability to give birth again. The inability to bear children only appears to apply to their dragon forms, not their humanoid forms.
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I've long thought if they bring back master skills they should do some kind of fire breathing ability for Wyvern Lords. Stun is boring and kind of shared with other classes.It could be an automatic dual strike like in Awakening if the unit is unpaired or it could be some kind of command attack like Naesala's vortex ability.

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