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time once was m&m had crispy m&ms which were m&ms with a crispy rice center

they were so good but then they were so gone and i never saw them again

then pretzel m&ms became Alive and they were like kind of a shittier version of cripsy m&ms so i became still the sad

BUT TODAY i am shoppying with my mother and i say unto her "what the hell is this green m&m package?" and she walks over to check because i am in line with our cart of fod and she comes back "...crispy?" and i run and grab one and i am eating them now they are just as i remember sf blog i am so happy

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Pretty sure they've been in vending machines at work for a while, but I wouldn't be surprised if they've been making a comeback.

French Toast Crunch came back, and look at how successful that's been.

please christ keep the purple ketchup away

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please christ keep the purple ketchup away

lol are those silly-colored ketchups still a thing?

They were fun to look at but really gross.

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I have never heard of these crispy M&Ms and I feel like my life has a gaping hole in it now that can only be filled by crispy M&Ms. or vodka. vodka fixes all problems

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