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Touhou for idiots


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what the fuck

All you need to do to be good at Touhou.

i actually had an unfinished guide that i wrote up

It's all you need to say.

ZM please

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show me when you're done :3

i will

i don't think making a guide would go well on here

would there be anyone who would even read it

what's the point of writing something if you don't read it

it's like not using toilet paper

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Pay attention and git gud

I try to, but the game is merciless to your average casual Joe. ;-;

Dat Madolche Marmalmaide avatar tho. Nice to see someone else who's actually heard of that archetype lol

Edited by AddictPunk
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I could not stand the calls of gitting gud! Every day no matter where I went I had friends, relatives people telling me that that was all that i had to do!!But one day I was passing a billboard and a bearded man came out and told me EAT NIGHTGRITY-OS and I thought "maybe this is how I can git gud??" So I did! NIGHTGRITY-Os made me into a Flying Oil Tycoon overnight! I am now "git gud" and have a beautiful wife and ten million dollars!! THanks Nightgrity-Os!!!!!!

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"The Western Touhou Freedom Front has issued the following statement:

We have attacked and destroyed the MOTK database server in protest of anti-community actions by the MOTK administration, most notably the rampant abuse of community newbies and would-be developers. We recovered passwords and other data to be used in future enforcement actions in support of the community. Anyone who supported MOTK's censorship and oppression should be put on notice - You cannot hide from justice. The righteous warriors of the Western Touhou Freedom Front will drag you into the light, and you will burn. There is no compromise with dictators and facists. Anti-community and anti-gamer behavior will not be tolerated. "

looks like they've been gitting gud

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Hold Z to shoot

except in PoFV

Hold Z in PoFV anyway, but release it at regular intervals to spam Level 2s.

(probably not very effective if you don't main somebody like Yuuka who charges really fast)

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"The Western Touhou Freedom Front has issued the following statement:

We have attacked and destroyed the MOTK database server in protest of anti-community actions by the MOTK administration, most notably the rampant abuse of community newbies and would-be developers. We recovered passwords and other data to be used in future enforcement actions in support of the community. Anyone who supported MOTK's censorship and oppression should be put on notice - You cannot hide from justice. The righteous warriors of the Western Touhou Freedom Front will drag you into the light, and you will burn. There is no compromise with dictators and facists. Anti-community and anti-gamer behavior will not be tolerated. "

looks like they've been gitting gud

I wonder if they were inspired by the west Georgian liberation front.
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