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What was the thing that made you laugh the hardest/most that you can recall?



13 members have voted

  1. 1. Funniest thing is from?

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I'd have to say mine was when my friend showed me Naruto, and we got to the part where he drinks sour milk for breakfast, and that day they were learning how to make "shadow clones" in the ninja school...cue like 4 or 5 Narutos pounding down the bathroom door and "am I gonna spend the rest of my life on the pot?!"

This has to be the best answer because my friend even said she'd never heard me laugh that hard. And we've been friends since before preschool and this was like middle school age.

So yeah, what's yours? Has to be from one of the things in the poll. So no crazy Uncle Jack being drunk and getting arrested for indecent exposure or something like that ;)

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I think it was something on the internet. Only thing I can recall at the moment is this.


First time I watched it about 2-3 years ago, I freaked. Out. I was on the floor, couldn't stand up, was wheezing and practically choking on air. I had tears in my eyes. I'm not kidding. Just rewatched it and it gave me a few chuckles.

Alternatively, pretty much anything from Skate 3.


Watch it for about a minute and you'll see why I like it. If you like it, watch more.

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Let's play's from the Achievement Hunters I can't name the one that made me laugh the hardest but their video's are always great.

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This. That is all.


As some backstory, the film Downfall is about the fall of the Third Reich. People have been substituting subtitles in for years having Hitler rant about random things. This isn't my favorite; Its just a sample.

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Shame on you, downfall subtitle switches are terrible.

I can't find a video of it, but last night the weekend review with John Oliver on HBO did a segment where they showed a fake retrospective of humanity, narrated by Martin Sheen, to be aired whenever doomsday threatens to rear its ugly head. That didn't make me laugh all that hard. But after that, they did a video of a bunch of cats acting like miscreants and varmints in a cat-sized wild-west saloon. I totally lost it.

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Shame on you, downfall subtitle switches are terrible.

I can't find a video of it, but last night the weekend review with John Oliver on HBO did a segment where they showed a fake retrospective of humanity, narrated by Martin Sheen, to be aired whenever doomsday threatens to rear its ugly head. That didn't make me laugh all that hard. But after that, they did a video of a bunch of cats acting like miscreants and varmints in a cat-sized wild-west saloon. I totally lost it.

Please don't tell me that you're being some moral guardian who's all "Oh Hitler wasn't a cartoon character, we shouldn't make fun of him" even though the director and stars all thought they were hysterical? Because if so, I have nothing to say to you.

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Mine would probably be the first time I got drunk (legally.)

My friends, new husband, and I went out to the mall the day after I got married. Inside one of the bigger stores there was this wall that had all sorts of Gordon Ramsay kitchenware, but instead of facing the side with what was inside these boxes towards the store, they faced the side with a giant face of Gordon Ramsay, essentially making this particular wall look like some sort of shrine to Gordon Ramsay. My new husband decides this is the perfect opportunity to make a snapchat to our friends, and does so narrating some sort of riff on Gordon Ramsay's famous freakouts.

Cut to later that night, in our hotel room. I had had a bit too much to drink and was barely able to walk from both drunkenness and feeling sleepy. The excellent idea comes into my mind to call my mother and apologize for the likelihood at being hungover the next day. Now note, this is about 3 AM and my mother goes into work at 6. Nobody stops me from picking up my phone to call my mother. So she picks up and I'm blubbering on the phone apologizing that I'm going to be hungover and I'm so sorry and please don't be mad, and after she ensures me that no, she's not gonna be mad, the topic somehow turns to how I got so drunk in the first place. Drunk me goes all the way back to the shopping mall trip, and eventually gets to the fact that the husband made this funny snapchat. I try telling her about this "Wall of Gordon Ramsay."

I couldn't.

I absolutely couldn't.

I lost it in hysterics trying to say "The Wall of Gordon Ramsay." I don't know what set drunk me off, but I couldn't stop laughing long enough to say the phrase "The Wall of Gordon Ramsay." And every time I thought I had calmed down again I try saying the phrase again, only to burst into more laughter. So, great friends I have, decide to start quoting the husband's snapchat about Gordon Ramsay in front of me trying to tell this story, only making me laugh even harder.

It went on for a good 20 minutes. Needless to say, even to this day I'll get videos sent to me of Gordon Ramsay because of that night.

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Please don't tell me that you're being some moral guardian who's all "Oh Hitler wasn't a cartoon character, we shouldn't make fun of him" even though the director and stars all thought they were hysterical? Because if so, I have nothing to say to you.

Nah, I just don't find them funny for w/e reason. It's perfectly OK to make fun of Hitler.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A drawing in the only game of Pictionary I have ever played.

I was playing with my dad and younger brother and my dad drew something absolutely horrendous-looking. My brother and I spent about 10 minutes trying to guess what it was before he told us it was supposed to be a lion. We thought that was nonsense and spent the next 20 minutes laughing our asses off.

Edited by KMT4ever
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It's so easy to make me laugh, even if something isn't that funny

for example, i laughed at this


and this


Also fucking Filthy Frank

that fucking genius

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Ah, yes, it was a game of Cards Against Humanity I had a while back. The card played was "What do white people like?" And people answered things like brown people, the bible, Republicans...

I put "socks."

We were all in stitches for a good ten minutes and I still chuckle every time I think about it.

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  • 5 months later...

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