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Pricing in America?


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This is assuming that we will get If as one in America...

How do you think Nintendo will charge us if we got the special edition only? I imagine that that the 3rd path probably won't be a part of the bundle and will be half price DLC just like Japan.

A $50 price tag would be fair game.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly. Not to mention the hate that the Japan selling approach has been getting here from fans, I personally couldn't care less what approach they take along as I can eventually play all the stories.

Now the special edition would be awesome as the only one here however I feel that the price tag may scare some players away and fans would get all pissy when they don't get DLC and Japan technically does.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly. Not to mention the hate that the Japan selling approach has been getting here from fans, I personally couldn't care less what approach they take along as I can eventually play all the stories.

Goodness, I hope not. Nintendo would get a lot more crap for only releasing one path of the game than they would for any DLC, I think. They've already started advertising the fact that you can choose a faction, to go back on that now would be basically unthinkable.

I figure they'll either do something similar to Japan or they'll combine everything into one version... maybe expensive? I'm really not sure. I just hope they do their homework and take the path which gives them the best chance of success. It doesn't matter to me personally, as I'll happily pay whatever for the game, but it certainly could matter for their financial success = future of the franchise.

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I wouldn't be surprised if nintendo uses standard pricing (aprox $40-45) They probably created a ton of content mainly for the Japanese version, and will include it in the American version because 1. it would look bad not to, given that said content has already been advertised, and 2. a ton of content like this increases sales, which probably justifise localization costs. The reason that i sispect standard pricing the the famious result from economics that decreasing price increases sales, which can increase profit more than a higher price would.

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I wouldn't be surprised if nintendo uses standard pricing (aprox $40-45) They probably created a ton of content mainly for the Japanese version, and will include it in the American version because 1. it would look bad not to, given that said content has already been advertised, and 2. a ton of content like this increases sales, which probably justifise localization costs. The reason that i sispect standard pricing the the famious result from economics that decreasing price increases sales, which can increase profit more than a higher price would.

That theory obviously being dependent on how much it took to produce said product. If they feel like they put lots of money into game production and localization, they may not put the price down too much.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly. Not to mention the hate that the Japan selling approach has been getting here from fans, I personally couldn't care less what approach they take along as I can eventually play all the stories.

Now the special edition would be awesome as the only one here however I feel that the price tag may scare some players away and fans would get all pissy when they don't get DLC and Japan technically does.

They better not only sell the Hoshido version. I want to play Nohr first. That would also ruin the whole choice thing they've made such a big deal about.

I fully expect there to be a complete edition like in Japan. Hopefully we get an artbook, too. As for price, I'm going to say between $60-80.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly.

If Nintendo were to only sell us the Hoshido version, it would be false advertising on Nintendo of America's part, meaning this is literally the worst case scenario here.

At the moment, Nintendo of America is currently talking about FE14 as if it's 1 game, meaning it's most likely going to be one game here in America.

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If we got the special edition without the third path DLC, I would imagine it to be 60 USD. 40 for the base game and 20 for the second path.
I expect each individual game to be $40, and if they retain the discounted price for the opposite version as DLC, then ~$20 for the other path. They may lower it to $10 though, as that would probably be more pleasing to people. However if it's a special edition version, I can definitely see both of them wrapped up for $60. If we get the extra goodies like they did in JP, I want to say 60-80.

I really think we're going to get both Hoshido and Norh versions. Since only selling one, which would be the limited edition version in JP, for $40, the price of Awakening, would be a little silly given the content presented. Despite the lack of clarity on Nintendo's part, I feel like that would be too drastic of 'compensation.'

If they lowered the price to $20 for each game, I don't think they would even bother bringing them to U.S lol.

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If they lowered the price to $20 for each game, I don't think they would even bother bringing them to U.S lol.

I suppose I did forget that you can buy the other path as DLC for reduced price. $30 then. Any higher and I couldn't see anyone I know not being upset.

Hopefully IS would avoid that whole debacle entirely and just sell it as one game.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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I really doubt they'd sell it as a $50 combined version as the only option. Picture a customer being out of the loop about the game, they see a TV advert or just see the game instore with $50 label on. All they'd see is a rather pricey 3DS game without being able to understand why it would cost that.

If the physical game in the US is $30 and the 2nd route(~$20 DLC) you can get one for $30 or both for $50 which would allow allow for a lot more flexibiliy and serves a lot more customers price points. Selling the two versions separately this way would be preferable to requiring every player to pay $50 just to play it(even if they only ever intended in doing one campaign). Any gripes with it would simply be pettiness on a principle that the games have to be sold together, something that could lead to an inflexible pricing scheme for everyone.

Edited by arvilino
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I really doubt they'd sell it as a $50 combined version as the only option. Picture a customer being out of the loop about the game, they see a TV advert or just see the game instore with $50 label on. All they'd see is a rather pricey 3DS game without being able to understand why it would cost that.

If the physical game in the US is $30 and the 2nd route(~$20 DLC) you can get one for $30 or both for $50 which would allow allow for a lot more flexibiliy and serves a lot more customers price points. Selling the two versions separately this way would be preferable to requiring every player to pay $50 just to play it(even if they only ever intended in doing one campaign). Any gripes with it would simply be pettiness on a principle that the games have to be sold together, something that could lead to an inflexible pricing scheme for everyone.

I agree with basically all of this. The only thing I would say is $40 base game, $10-15 dlc, still being the ~$50 total(To the $30 game/$20 dlc.) I feel like day 1 $20(66% the base price of the $30 game) dlc may be daunting for some.

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If Nintendo were to only sell us the Hoshido version, it would be false advertising on Nintendo of America's part, meaning this is literally the worst case scenario here.

At the moment, Nintendo of America is currently talking about FE14 as if it's 1 game, meaning it's most likely going to be one game here in America.

This. I think its the Third Path that will be sold separately out here as DLC.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly. Not to mention the hate that the Japan selling approach has been getting here from fans, I personally couldn't care less what approach they take along as I can eventually play all the stories.

Now the special edition would be awesome as the only one here however I feel that the price tag may scare some players away and fans would get all pissy when they don't get DLC and Japan technically does.

We got lunatic off the bat in Awakening and that was still a big success for nintendo. It is true that FE has gotten bad press for being too hard before (FE10). But as long as there's an easy mode available for newcomers, I think Awakening is going to be a better indicator than FE10, regardless of whether a hard mode gets released as well. My guess is that Nohr is not going to be so hard that the easy or normal version won't be approachable.

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We got lunatic off the bat in Awakening and that was still a big success for nintendo. It is true that FE has gotten bad press for being too hard before (FE10). But as long as there's an easy mode available for newcomers, I think Awakening is going to be a better indicator than FE10, regardless of whether a hard mode gets released as well. My guess is that Nohr is not going to be so hard that the easy or normal version won't be approachable.

My only problem with Awakening's DLC was that it was overpriced. It cost more than the actual game. It was very good but it was overpriced.

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I can see both paths being bundled for $50 and the third path being DLC for $15, Altlus sells every game for 3DS for $50 so I can see Nintendo doing the same thing.

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It was very good but it was overpriced.

Overpriced? I wouldn't consider the £8 I spent on the Golden Pack as "overpriced". Besides, unlike most DLC, you can play it over and over again. So value wise, I'd say that it was quite fairly priced.

It cost more than the actual game.

If you bought everything, sure.

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My only problem with Awakening's DLC was that it was overpriced. It cost more than the actual game. It was very good but it was overpriced.

I eventually bought a pretty fair share of Awakening's DLC. I like the challenges and whatnot, and golden gaffe is very handy, but I'm not a big fan of the chapter maps that just imitated maps from past FEs. I did replace Anna with Leaf, which turned out pretty nicely besides his lack of supports.

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Overpriced? I wouldn't consider the £8 I spent on the Golden Pack as "overpriced". Besides, unlike most DLC, you can play it over and over again. So value wise, I'd say that it was quite fairly priced.

If you bought everything, sure.

Which I did even though I didn't want to. I'm a sucker for Fire Emblem :(

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I can see both paths being bundled for $50 and the third path being DLC for $15, Altlus sells every game for 3DS for $50 so I can see Nintendo doing the same thing.

This is the ideal set up, in my opinion. Make it a tad bit more expensive than a standard 3DS title and leave the last route for DLC. Any money 'lost' by bundling the games will be made back by the sheer size of the foreign market, compared to Japan. I'd say Fire Emblem's commercial success is more contingent on the North American/European market than it is the Japanese one. Sticking to the Japanese marketing model will take away the momentum Awakening started.

Edited by NekoKnight
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What they should do: Release it as one game with both paths available in one cartridge. Release the third path DLC as part of a special edition option which would include art books and so on. Standard game priced at $40 and special editon anywhere around 50-70.

What they probably will do: Take the pokemon approach and release both games as seperate versions with the option to buy the second as discounted DLC and no special edition/collectors edition. Priced at $40 with the DLC discount at $15.

Unless you can't tell I'm really hoping for a special edition stateside or just a single cart but I doubt thats going to happen.

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Nintendo's probably gonna just sell us the Hoshido version because its easy allows grinding and new comer friendly. Not to mention the hate that the Japan selling approach has been getting here from fans, I personally couldn't care less what approach they take along as I can eventually play all the stories.

Now the special edition would be awesome as the only one here however I feel that the price tag may scare some players away and fans would get all pissy when they don't get DLC and Japan technically does.

the purpose of the game is choice so giving us hoshido only would be defeating the purpose of the game

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If the west only gets one version, it'll probably be similar to the downloadable version in Japan where once you pick a side, the other is locked until you buy the DLC. I'd imagine the pricing will be similar as well, so $40 for the base game and ~$15-$20 for each of the extra paths. This means that it'll be ~$80 for all three paths, which is still cheaper than FE13 plus all of it's DLC.

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