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Ragefest IV: Trolls & Tribulations


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(did I decide to stop making useless posts about every submission at some point, whatever)

I kinda wish Marc had explained the torch glitch, because I've never heard of it before. But the use of it was creative, and the submission was strict while being lenient(you have to get all the vulneraries and fight EEW a certain way, but the pathing actually didn't need to be fully optimized, which made it not too hard to execute once you understand the procedure). It was very bloated for what it was, but it was fast enough that that didn't really matter--it's also a great example of how to do a one-PC-chapter right. The door closing was quite a missed opportunity, but overall this one was short and sweet, and probably a lot closer to what Marc wants out of a submission.

EDIT: I also feel like mentioning, EEW's Birding was exactly what I wanted to replace his appearance in my game with, but I wasn't able to pull off what I wanted with that so yeah.

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Honestly, I'm not too familiar with the torch glitch. The video was literally my first time ever actually applying it, but from what I understand...

Use torch staff on a tile.

That tile then functions similar to an AREA event, or a mine tile.

When a foe ends their turn on it, they pause for a very brief moment. Resetting during this pause will allow you to control enemy units.

Units who perform an action on this tile can use up the remainder of their movement if they have canto/move again.

I'm interested in seeing how this submission influences submissions in the future. The innovative use of the torch glitch is just begging for further exploration.

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Also marky, fyi, the patch you were playing on was outdated, I did put out a new patch after mine won the poll, though it wouldn't have really made any difference, seeing as all the new patch did was adjust the torch staff description, and fix a few other text things.

Also...you didn't look at the descriptions for the stats and other things (then again, they were filled with memes from 2015)

Edited by RandomSwordmaster
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...Well shit. And you even said so in this thread. I need to get on updates the moment they are announced to me from now on.

Though, people shouldn't be updating their submissions 2/3 through the contest.

Well, I'm at the very least relieved that it was only a couple minor text changes.

Anyway, regarding a comment Numbers said earlier, I've been thinking about what I want in a submission. I think it varies depending on what kind of submission it's trying to be.

1) I like ambitious multi chapter submissions so long as the gameplay itself is concise enough. Matthew's Nightmare is probably the realization of this, but I also feel like Tales Of Purt is like a modernized take on this "genre" of Ragefest submission.

2) I'm also fond of "Playground" submissions like Ephraim225's Rondo Of Madness, where it's a huge canvas of events and content to see.

3) Really short submissions with really carefully thought out challenges and gimmicks. I think this has been RF IV's bread and butter so far. Lyn's Revenge, Moneyfest, and EnderSlicer's Escape are submissions that ultimately left a lasting good impression on me, and hopefully Money Man's Last Stand will too.

The main thing I wanna see in future Ragefests is an attempt at lowering unnecessary frustration. This can be achieved with...

1) More concise map design.

2) More usage of the three check points given to the creator.

3) RNG proofing chapters as much as possible.

4) More freedom on how to play the submission, as opposed to having Only One Solutionâ„¢

5) Less arbitrary game overs.

6) Less "Inescapable Fate"

Yes, I know it's Ragefest, and I should be raging, but... I don't have as much time as I used to, and more often than not, I get mad at the absence of quality rather than the presence of it. As I said earlier in this thread, I think submissions should aim towards messing with me instead of putting up barricades for me to bang my head endlessly against.

Oh, and... I also think people should try not to get too ambitious with their submission unless they are confident and have some experience under their belt.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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Thanks for reminding me, RanSword. Check your messages, Marc.

I don't think there's anything wrong with the tone of the contest changing. Making you rage isn't the real purpose of Ragefest, so it doesn't need to be the first priority of the entrants. Even in the early days, a creative chapter that happened to be sadistic was better to watch than a non-creative sadistic submission.

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Yeah I think it's kind of expected by this point that if a game has a super specific strategy you have to use, Marc will take something totally different and make it work. But I'd be interested in seeing what Pwntagonist had meant to happen, since this had another case of basically skipping a major event scene.

EDIT: also lol quite a few submissions referencing F.EXE, it makes me feel speshul c:

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marc will never ever do the intended strat for a stage unless its literally the only way

I think it's just a matter of making the intended strat an intuitive option (i.e. not a riddle that makes you literally check your options) instead of something you have to find through trial and error.

But yes, I think people have pointed out before that Marc will take whatever shortcuts he can pick up. :U

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What I've noticed is that it only takes a couple turn saving moves or a few extra turns of leeway and then I can pretty much break the living hell out of a submission. While I was replaying this submission, I noticed that I saved Matthew so fast that I could despawn one of the generals, allowing me to take the other one on safely without issue. I suspect I could have even despawned the second one if I could get Florina over there fast enough. I also realized I was supposed to use Alan on the pirates guarding Cana and Harken, but I still didn't need Cana worth a damn, so I just got Harken and destroyed the Money Man.

I kinda wanna see how fast one can actually clear this chapter. I took my time a bit in the winning run footage I finished recording just now, but there is some serious potential for really low turn counts here.

Edited by MarkyJoe1990
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