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Anyone else dislikes how Awakening overshadows these older games sometimes?


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Yeah, you kind of have to accept emulation if you really want to get into the older games, but the three you can't really make any sort of case for are 5, 9, and 10. Thracia doesn't have a full English patch last I checked, and Dolphin is difficult to run. My older computer couldn't run Path of Radiance without stuttering, and the one I have now won't run Dolphin at all. Don't even bother scanning for a reasonably-priced physical copy.

Edited by Inference
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Lack of availability is why Nintendo really needs to re-release some of the older games. This is the perfect time to re-release RD, for example, since Wii games are now downloadable on the Wii U. GC games should follow, and that means PoR for download too.

FE8 is on the VC in the US now, isn't it? Add FE7 there too. And maybe some of the Japan-only games.

I don't like how Awakening is overshadowing all these games though. Yeah, Awakening sold great, saved the series, blah blah blah, but that doesn't mean it's okay to pretend the other games don't exist. Hell, the other games should get more spotlight now than ever before because of the new fans being brought in. They should be made available for these new fans to try and become more popular themselves.

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emulate them then if you can't find them, not my fault you didn't support the series

I was merely stating why Awakening gets more recognition. It's all about awareness of the games, which the older games lacked and as such I was not aware of them. It is not as though I purposely refused to get them, I was unaware.

Yeah, you kind of have to accept emulation if you really want to get into the older games, but the three you can't really make any sort of case for are 5, 9, and 10. Thracia doesn't have a full English patch last I checked, and Dolphin is difficult to run. My older computer couldn't run Path of Radiance without stuttering, and the one I have now won't run Dolphin at all. Don't even bother scanning for a reasonably-priced physical copy.

There in lies my problem because I vastly prefer physical copies and only use emulation as a last resort.
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The second reason is a "I won't play this Fire Emblem", and that is because of the fans of the older games. A lot of them have a very aggressive attitude in which it feels that they are attacking any newcomers to the series. I regret to say that because of this I refuse to play FE4/5/11 out of straight pride. Due to my preconceptions I know I am going to go into the game and absolutely find everything wrong with it that I can out of spite. Although this is me who likes the series from what I've played, fans who have merely a budding interest into the series my be turned away from the series as a whole because they see the old guard as antagonistic.

I get that emulation is a pain and should probably be a last resort, but it's really the only way to play truly old games these days. The older games are very fun and they have merits to them just like Awakening does.

To each their own, I don't love Awakening, but I appreciate it as a fun game. If I was giving you advice, I would say give the older games a try, even if some stuck-ups gave you a hard time about liking the new game; I imagine those who like the newer games are in the vast majority.

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I get that emulation is a pain and should probably be a last resort, but it's really the only way to play truly old games these days. The older games are very fun and they have merits to them just like Awakening does.

To each their own, I don't love Awakening, but I appreciate it as a fun game. If I was giving you advice, I would say give the older games a try, even if some stuck-ups gave you a hard time about liking the new game; I imagine those who like the newer games are in the vast majority.

Honestly I latch onto first impressions quite easily so my plan was to let my initial feelings die down and then try and get emulations of them.
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Honestly I latch onto first impressions quite easily so my plan was to let my initial feelings die down and then try and get emulations of them.

I understand that. Sounds like you have it under wraps.

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No i dont. Because i dont see Awakening completely overshadowing the entire series. I like that one of my favorite things is more popular than it used to be. It brings me joy.

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No i dont. Because i dont see Awakening completely overshadowing the entire series. I like that one of my favorite things is more popular than it used to be. It brings me joy.

I completely agree with you. Awakening may not be my favorite game in the series- hell, probably not even in my top five anymore- but I can actually discuss Fire Emblem with people IRL and share my love of the series with them. My friends actually listen and understand what I'm talking about when I rant about enemy formations and ambush reinforcements, and we've gone on for hours a few times doing this. Even if the conversation is mostly about Awakening, I'm just glad I can share even one FE game with my friends.

Besides, plenty of them have asked me about the older games and the best ways to find and enjoy them, so that's even more of a plus. :D

Edited by The Legendary Falchion
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emulate them then if you can't find them, not my fault you didn't support the series in the early days.

not everyone has to like the same game.

Why? are they not allowed to enjoy the game or take part of the fanbase just because they don't want to deal with emulation? this is honestly one of the statements that most annoys me from the fanbase. it's like if people want the FE fanbase to be an exclusive club that you have to prove yourself by playing games several years old just to be admitted.

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Yeah, it annoys me that a lot of people think of it as the freaking messiah, which, technically it is, it saved the franchise, but you see what I mean. It doesn't mean it's the best.

Awakening being the best Fire Emblem... *snort*

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Why? are they not allowed to enjoy the game or take part of the fanbase just because they don't want to deal with emulation? this is honestly one of the statements that most annoys me from the fanbase. it's like if people want the FE fanbase to be an exclusive club that you have to prove yourself by playing games several years old just to be admitted.

now your putting words into my mouth, all i suggested to a person that had trouble playing the older games was to emulate them, afterall, now that prices are so high, you have to either do that or shell out big bucks for it.

i bought the games on their releases when they came out, so i supported the series in the "early" days and i was rewarded with having fun with the games and having a copy for whats now considered "cheap".

everything i've said in this post is a fact, i personally don't care who considers themself a fan or not, i was just trying to bring up a suggestion of the person not being able to access the games, sorry that your defensive.

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now your putting words into my mouth, all i suggested to a person that had trouble playing the older games was to emulate them, afterall, now that prices are so high, you have to either do that or shell out big bucks for it.

i bought the games on their releases when they came out, so i supported the series in the "early" days and i was rewarded with having fun with the games and having a copy for whats now considered "cheap".

everything i've said in this post is a fact, i personally don't care who considers themself a fan or not, i was just trying to bring up a suggestion of the person not being able to access the games, sorry that your defensive.

there are all sorts of issues with emulating that many of these people may not want to deal with. especially people who are not knowledgable about computers, the internet, and emuation.

and congrats on buying the games when they came out. that doesn't mean everybody should be forced to experience all the games that you've experienced. or that everybody would find the games enjoyable anyway. there's a reason why the series has been incredibly niche for most of its history.

and you're ridiculous about me being defensive, since you're not attacking me in the slightest. i've played every game in the series except FE1 and 2, many of them multiple times since I enjoy to tinker with them and do some light hacking. it's just that I find the elitism in the FE fanbase exceedingly toxic and annoying.

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well you can leave if you really don't like the fanbase, noone will miss you

oh, i'm sorry, i forgot that i wasn't allowed to criticize and had to be 100% in agreement with every single issue here in order to take part of this forum.

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