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Resident Lurker Out of Hiding


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I've been pretty extensively lurking since fe14 was announced, mostly because nowhere else is really quenching my if thirst, but alas, I'm not content to simply sit on the sidelines and watch speculation anymore.

I'm Deirdre (yes, like the Genealogy character, although I've never played Genealogy) although most people shorten it to Deir/Deer/Dear. You can also refer to me as Melt or Lilith - it really doesn't matter to me!

While I played older Fire Emblem games, I'm definitely no expert since they were largely only in my youth, and only the GBA titles (since I never owned a gamecube), although some of my fondest memories are from helping my friend(s) out with Path of Radiance whenever I'd come over. So, despite all of Awakening's faults, it is what made me return to/remember the series and for that I'm grateful.

Some random (maybe interesting?) facts about me:

- I'm majoring in Creative Writing

- I love cats but am extremely allergic to them

- I'm partial to the Fate series, although am no expert on the main series - talk to me about Extra and CCC instead

- I don't play MMOs often (and often forget about them after a week), but when I do I usually play priest/cleric/healer

- I tend to stay up for absurd amounts of time/get very little sleep in general. My current record with 0 sleep is 64 hours

- I'm a 100% mom friend. People usually call me the Deer Mom (because of my name) or the Dragon Mom (because of my general disposition)

That's about it! You probably won't see me much outside of the fe14 section, but feel free to hit me up about basically anything!

Edited by Meltlilith
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Creative Writing? Nice. I wanted to join a Creative Writing course last year, but it got canned. I hope it's available this year. There is a Creative subforum in SF, if you decide to feel like sharing your pieces with us

You've a nice name. Don't think I've met anyone who shares it with you

Welcome to Serenes Forest

Edited by DodgeDusk
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- I'm partial to the Fate series, although am no expert on the main series - talk to me about Extra and CCC instead

- I don't play MMOs often (and often forget about them after a week), but when I do I usually play priest/cleric/healer

- I tend to stay up for absurd amounts of time/get very little sleep in general. My current record with 0 sleep is 64 hours

I welcome you with open arms; love your avi.

You are obviously amazing, so make your self at home, make some friends, and have fun.

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Ahhhhh, so nice to see love for Fate! I hope everyone's enjoying ufotable's Unlimited Budget Works ^^

Welcome to the Forest! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Also what side are planning on take for now?

I'm firmly for Nohr ;;;; I don't have anything against Hoshido (in fact peace/paragon routes are the ones I'm more partial to) but the idiosyncrasies of the Nohr route intrigue me and I'm a loyal hoe

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ATTN: EVERYONE WHO WRITES: Check out the writing competition in the Written Works subforum! The more the merrier! Ahem. . .

Welcome~! Don't forget to read the rules and all~!

(end generic greeting, now go attempt FE4 so I can have someone to commiserate with :P: )

Edited by eclipse
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