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Buying a Wii U


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The Wind Waker is an action/adventure game with a big ocean and lots of islands to explore. There's lots of interesting locations, unique characters, and... not that many dungeons, unfortunately. The sailing aspect gets boring after a while, but by that point you can use cyclones for fast travel. Also, Zelda is not in this game until about 65% through, so if you hate Zelda herself for some reason, no worries. The challenge level is lower than that of Ocarina of Time, and the cel-shaded visuals are easy on the eyes. The music is pretty sweet. The only thing I truly dislike is that generic chests dredged up from the ocean floor always have that super-long-and-epic chest opening sequence, which gets repetitive if you're collecting lots of treasure in reefs.


Also, the Wii U version is a bit better, I heard.

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But he did. He stated that OP wouldn't like HW if he's not into button mashers.

But that doesn't really tell me why FierceRagnar doesn't like it.

But fine, if you guys want so bad for me to say why I think TWW is terrible, here's why. The story is boring, the game is far too easy, the dungeons are boring, most of the characters are boring (the only ones I liked were the Ritos, mainly Komali and Medli, and...Ganondorf. Yeah, for once, he was actually kind of interesting. Otherwise, I've never liked him either), sailing is boring (although the Wii U version fixes this with the Swift Sail later), and I just overall find the game BORING. I also think the game has too few dungeons. I do like some of the music and the graphics though. 2/10

Edited by Anacybele
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But that doesn't really tell me why FierceRagnar doesn't like it.

It implies he doesn't like it because he's not into button mashers. It's not spelled out for you, but it's what you get from his post.

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I've been super-happy with my Wii U, personally. Far more than I expected; it's easily my favourite Nintendo console (not portable) since the SNES.

-Hyrule Warriors was probably the pleasant surprise of last year for me; I never cared for Dynasty Warriors or Zelda much but my partner picked the game up because she thought it looked super-cool... and it kinda is. Fun mix of hack-and-slash with battlefield management, beautiful character design/animations/general sense of style, and ridiculous amounts of content.

-I'm a big fan of Devil May Cry-styled 3D action, so Bayonetta 2 was something I expected to be great, and it pretty much was.

-Mario Kart 8's another solid entry into that series, and Smash 4 is my favourite game in that series to date (see my avatar).

-Super Mario 3D World really impressed me as well. I'd never really loved a 3D Mario before this, except Galaxy with its creativity and gravity physics, but 3D World mixes in the multiple playable characters from SMB2 with the tight stage design of the 2D games and the controls of the 3D games and the end package is a hell of a lot of fun.

-New Super Mario Bros U isn't as good a game, as mentioned, but still solid enough, and is a superior multiplayer experience if you have 2-3 other people to play with.

-I've only watched Captain Toad and DKCTF, but they seem pretty fun too. It also has Rayman Legends, which I haven't yet gotten around to but have heard nothing but good things about, and it is a sequel to a game I am a big fan of.

-Adding GBA games to the virtual console is pretty nice (Metroid Fusion and of course Fire Emblem 7-8 are some of my favourite games) and if you don't have a Wii then the sum total virtual console of NES/SNES/N64/Genesis/GBA/probably more I'm forgetting is obviously amazing.

The console is somewhat limited in genres, pretty much usual Nintendo stuff + some 3D games. It's pretty RPG-parched obviously, even more than past Nintendo systems so far, which is my biggest problem with it. That and no HD Kid Icarus or Fire Emblem sequels, c'mon Nintendo. It obviously depends on your gaming interests but I certainly don't regret picking one up myself, even if it kinda seems like its future could be somewhat limited (hard to say, but it's definitely a worry at this point).

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But that doesn't really tell me why FierceRagnar doesn't like it.

But fine, if you guys want so bad for me to say why I think TWW is terrible, here's why. The story is boring, the game is far too easy, the dungeons are boring, most of the characters are boring (the only ones I liked were the Ritos, mainly Komali and Medli, and...Ganondorf. Yeah, for once, he was actually kind of interesting. Otherwise, I've never liked him either), sailing is boring (although the Wii U version fixes this with the Swift Sail later), and I just overall find the game BORING. I also think the game has too few dungeons. I do like some of the music and the graphics though. 2/10

Huh, I thought I was the only one. While the Wii U may have fixed several of the big problems in Wind Waker, such as the occasionally boring sailing and that mind-numbingly boring Triforce hunt, I still don't think I'd want to play it again; it just isn't that fun compared to other Zelda titles to me.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions. It looks like there are indeed several must-haves like Mario Kart and Super Smash Bros. There are also plenty of older games I'm interested in trying out, like of course the older Fire Emblem games, and Mario 64 with a proper controller sounds heavenly. However, I wonder if I should wait for Xenoblade Chronicles X or SMT x Fire Emblem, even though I absolutely loathe the character designs.

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As usual, I'm the only one that actually liked the Triforce hunt... It was the only part of the game I enjoyed, actually, aside from collecting all the charts. I like it when a game makes me search for hidden goodies all over the place like that and collect them all, I find it fun. Although I did hate having to dump so many rupees on Tingle. I hate Tingle.

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As usual, I'm the only one that actually liked the Triforce hunt... It was the only part of the game I enjoyed, actually, aside from collecting all the charts. I like it when a game makes me search for hidden goodies all over the place like that and collect them all, I find it fun. Although I did hate having to dump so many rupees on Tingle. I hate Tingle.

But everyone else hates the Triforce hunt. You must have been playing on Opposite Day. :XD:

Many people compare the Triforce hunt to the Artifact hunt in Metroid Prime, or the Dark Temple Key hunt in Metroid Prime 2. Maybe you'll enjoy those. ; ]

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I missed out on Xenoblade Chronicles and I didn't need to play it to know how good of a game it is. So I'm going to try to get Xenoblade Chronicles X to make up for that, I suggest you do to.

If you haven't played Wind Waker I suggest you get it. If you already played it you might as well not, unless you are a collector of games. Wind Waker is a big title in the Zelda series and timeline too. For Zelda games I at least recommend playing each title once, excluding remakes.

3D World is funner if you have someone to play with.

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TWW: not enough water 7.8/10

-Super Mario 3D World really impressed me as well. I'd never really loved a 3D Mario before this, except Galaxy with its creativity and gravity physics, but 3D World mixes in the multiple playable characters from SMB2 with the tight stage design of the 2D games and the controls of the 3D games and the end package is a hell of a lot of fun.

OK seriously could someone explain this to me? I've found all the 3d Mario platformers after Sunshine to be borderline unplayable due to the combination of controls and physics. Mario takes forever to get moving but has a very low speed cap, and all of your abilities primarily alter your vertical momentum rather than your horizontal momentum, making going anywhere an extremely frustrating experience. Yet everyone else really likes them or something.

Huh, I thought I was the only one. While the Wii U may have fixed several of the big problems in Wind Waker, such as the occasionally boring sailing and that mind-numbingly boring Triforce hunt, I still don't think I'd want to play it again; it just isn't that fun compared to other Zelda titles to me.

I actually like sailing less in TWW HD because the fastest mode of travel now involves pulling out your sail and doing nothing (in GCN, simply setting a course, pulling out your sail and doing nothing was significantly slower). And I don't care how fast I'm going, whether or not I get bored in transit entirely depends on whether or not I have something to do. It's part of why I tend not to like games where simply walking is the fastest mode of transit available.

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What? I love the controls of the 3D Mario games, especially in Galaxy because of the star spin, triple jumping, side jumping, and long jumping and all. Mario is a bit slow though, I'm glad Luigi is faster. I always use him when I can for that, his superior jumping, and cause he's my favorite video game character ever besides Ike. <3 Luigi's slippery bad traction does mess me up on occasion though. lol But I find it more funny than frustrating, really. XD

Edited by Anacybele
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OK seriously could someone explain this to me? I've found all the 3d Mario platformers after Sunshine to be borderline unplayable due to the combination of controls and physics. Mario takes forever to get moving but has a very low speed cap, and all of your abilities primarily alter your vertical momentum rather than your horizontal momentum, making going anywhere an extremely frustrating experience. Yet everyone else really likes them or something.

Platformers are about being aware of your momentum. In the real world, once you jump, you have virtually no control over your momentum. In a platformer, you have some control but not a ton, although the exact amount depends on the game. You have to judge where you want to land, how far you must travel through the air, and if it's possible. Once you leave the ground, you are invested in your jump, but you can usually make small adjustments. Planning and executing jumps in real time is the challenge of a platformer. I've played every Mario game since Sunshine, and while the physics are a bit different in each one, all of them are perfectly playable. If you think Mario is too slow, maybe you should try a (good) Sonic game.

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You can gain loads of horizontal momentum with the "start running, then duck and jump" maneuver (sorry, I don't know the name; I've sunk countless hours into Mario games but I don't really pay any attention to the community or the lingo).

I'm actually kinda ambivalent about the controls of 3D Mario; they're nothing wonderful and I do get bored of 3D Mario games where the stage design doesn't impress me, so you can take the part you bolded in my comment as a statement of fact rather than something intended to be high praise. If you really hate 3D Mario controls, I sadly don't think 3D World will change your mind.

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Platformers are about being aware of your momentum. In the real world, once you jump, you have virtually no control over your momentum. In a platformer, you have some control but not a ton, although the exact amount depends on the game. You have to judge where you want to land, how far you must travel through the air, and if it's possible. Once you leave the ground, you are invested in your jump, but you can usually make small adjustments. Planning and executing jumps in real time is the challenge of a platformer. I've played every Mario game since Sunshine, and while the physics are a bit different in each one, all of them are perfectly playable. If you think Mario is too slow, maybe you should try a (good) Sonic game.

I think there actually are platformers where you have no momentum control once you're in the air. I'm pretty sure that's the case with La Mulana. That might change once you are able to double jump, but it's been really long time so I'm not sure.

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That was standard for all the Castlevania platformers except for Super Castlevania.

I actually kinda like that: With the target of your jump already decided, you can focus entirely on attacking.

Edited by BrightBow
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