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Time Travelling Is Confusing In Awakening....


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While I was doing my Fanfic on Awakening [about the future after the events of Awakening fyi] I realized something:
"Hey, if the REAL Lucina was born and raised after Awakening...What happens to the Lucina from the Grima timeline?
Of course:
Lucina disappeared after whispering these words to her infant self: "Yours will be a happy future." Did she journey to another land or back to her own time? ...No one knows for certain.
Yes, THIS what happens when Lucina doesn't have a S rank support with anyone. However...Something seems fishy here. Let's see the definition of the butterfly effect:
In chaos theory, the butterfly effect is the sensitive dependence on initial conditions in which a small change in one state of a deterministic nonlinear system can result in large differences in a later state.
So, according to this theory, Lucina CANNOT go back to her own timeline. Chrom, his men, Robin and even herself changed the course of history which therefore leads a change of events. This applies to the other kids too. So, where did Lucina go? Obviously, she disappears like literally. Since Grima is dead (or asleep for another 1000 years), Lucina is NOT the same Lucina from the Grima timeline. So technically either way, after the battle with Grima, she doesn't exist anymore, so are the other children too.
Also, the fact that she traveled through a Time Gate, not the Outrealms is still there. Also, if she does travel back to her own time, wouldn't she meet herself once again? I mean, the same baby Lucina is still in Ylisse, and there can't be two of them.
However, maybe Nintendo misinterpret the concept of time travel? IDK, ask the creators.
But there is more...
What if Lucina DID get a S rank support with someone. If the previous theory is correct, then how in the seven hells they exist in the world THEY HAVE changed. Well, maybe it is because they weren't born yet. MAYBE the credits is actually the events that taken place during the "reincarnation" of the Avatar or it was just their spare time before they actually disappeared.
It is possible that they went through the outrealms? That though is impossible because as witnessed with Lucina, they went through a time gate.
So, if this theory is true, that means Robin X [All female Future children] and Morgan do not exist. What I mean is that Morgan, [father+mother=baby] wouldn't exist because if the Female child disappears, then the traits of the mother wouldn't pass down to Morgan. Of course, Robin can have a relationship with someone else, but with the Future children is technically impossible.
However, there is a theory to prove this wrong.
The Restricted Action Resolution Theory on the Grandfather Paradox has an example that kinda does prove this wrong. IF Lucina was able to go back into time, this may happen to her:
"It also may not be clear whether the time traveller altered the past or precipitated the future he remembers, such as a time traveller who goes back in time to persuade an artist— whose single surviving work is famous— to hide the rest of the works to protect them. If, on returning to his time, he finds that these works are now well-known, he knows he has changed the past. On the other hand, he may return to a future exactly as he remembers, except that a week after his return, the works are found. Were they actually destroyed, as he believed when he traveled in time, and has he preserved them? Or was their disappearance occasioned by the artist's hiding them at his urging, and the skill with which they were hidden, and so the long time to find them, stemmed from his urgency?"
A lot of things can happen. Lucina and the future children can disappear or rather, go back to their time and witness the change of the future they have caused.
Also, as we have witnessed, Lucina and the others managed to travel through the time gate, but in the DLC Days of the Future Past, they actually...fight Grima? Is that what really happens when Lucina didn't go back
to the past? Maybe...
According to the Parallel Universes Paradox theory,
"Succinctly, this explanation states that: if time travel is possible, then multiple versions of the future exist in parallel universes. This theory would also apply if a person went back in time to shoot himself, because in the past he would be dead as in the future he would be alive and well."
So the future that Chrom is trying to change and IF he does die, and the future still remains intact, this supports the fact that this DLC is the parallel paradox universe.
Maybe the future is finding itself back to a darker and more devastating event than Grima? Who knows...
Well, I'm trying to prove that it may be possible that Lucina, wasn't supposed to exist after the battle of Grima. Still, she can exist and return to her timeline. This can be confusing since there are lots of theories or lots of smarter people that can prove me wrong. Or the fact that I stated this entire thing wrong may be my weakness too.
Anyways, comment what you guys think [and check my grammar errors or tell me that one of the claims kinda confused you a bit]
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I think you're overthinking this to a rather absurd degree.

First off, nowhere does it say Lucina managed to return to her own timeline. It says nobody knows whether she did or didn't, and in Summer Scramble she's very open to the possibility that she can't go back, doesn't know for sure and just plans to go into hiding if all else fails.

As for Morgan, 3rd gen is from a different timeline than the rest of the children. It's a failure timeline (like ALttP's official one) where you fail in Cht.23, Chrom dies and your Avatar becomes Grima, and seen in The Future Past. Since the kids were already around in that timeline, there's no reason why one of them couldn't have been Morgan's parent.

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The thing here is that these "Timelines" are actually specified to be from different dimensions: They're within the realm of "Probability", and are realities that went down a similar path but diverged at some point, but are loosely connected through the Outrealm Gate and/or similar magic.

There's no butterfly effect going on here because Future Lucina's father isn't the same Chrom as the Chrom we have, and similar. People COULD travel between these alternate realities without any adverse effects (besides a massive case of "what the fuck?" when they see their parallels) since they exist entirely independent of each other.

Personally I like to believe that if Lucina "leaves without a trace" she goes to the other parallel timelines and tries to save them too.

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What I find weird is how the fuck did Lucina learn swordplay from her father? In the timeline where Lucina came from, it was when MU kills Chrom unwillingly; by that time, Lucina is still a baby. By the time Chrom dies, how was Lucina raised and trained? Sure, you can say her mother, but it says that she learned swordplay from her father.

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What I find weird is how the fuck did Lucina learn swordplay from her father? In the timeline where Lucina came from, it was when MU kills Chrom unwillingly; by that time, Lucina is still a baby. By the time Chrom dies, how was Lucina raised and trained? Sure, you can say her mother, but it says that she learned swordplay from her father.

Due to Emmeryn not being able to sacrifice herself to stop the war in Plegia (due to being dead) that war dragged on, then Valm invaded in the middle of it and the whole thing basically took 10+ years to resolve to the point where the Grimleal could make their move. Cht.23 didn't happen in the original future timeline for a very long time.

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Due to Emmeryn not being able to sacrifice herself to stop the war in Plegia (due to being dead) that war dragged on, then Valm invaded in the middle of it and the whole thing basically took 10+ years to resolve to the point where the Grimleal could make their move. Cht.23 didn't happen in the original future timeline for a very long time.

Were is this stated? This isn't the first time I heard this but I could never find an official source.

Edited by BrightBow
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Due to Emmeryn not being able to sacrifice herself to stop the war in Plegia (due to being dead) that war dragged on, then Valm invaded in the middle of it and the whole thing basically took 10+ years to resolve to the point where the Grimleal could make their move. Cht.23 didn't happen in the original future timeline for a very long time.

i wouldn't be suprised, but i can't buy it cause the sprites don't look different in the prologue, let alone the cut scenes.

you can't tell me they didn't have the time, energy, and money to put as much content in the game as they did, and then not bother with different models.

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The sprites and cutscenes are identical but there are a few reasons besides laziness why they would have done it the way they did regardless: namely, it would have been really confusing to the player to have them change. Alternately, it's quite possible that it was a plot hole at first, and when they added the "10 years later" thing to patch it up, they simply forgot to do anything about the Premonition.

Besides, nobody gets visibly older between the 2-year timeskip either (on the younger units especially, it would have been quite noticeable) so there is a precedent. And even with the resources they had, I seriously doubt they wanted to make an old version of every single one of Avatar's builds (and back to the confusion point again, you just created your Avatar and this is the first time you get to see them in game, having them look completely different from what you made for no apparent reason is pretty bad game design).

So I don't think it matters much and changing it would leave the game in a worse place than it is now.

Were is this stated? This isn't the first time I heard this but I could never find an official source.

In Cht,13, Lucina states that the events surrounding Grima's resurrection happened "more than 10 years hence". That's the basis and the rest is the most logical extrapolation.

I believe it's further elaborated on in a lot of JP-only supplemental materials, but obviously can't confirm/cite that myself. SoC or Vincent would probably know, though.

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In Cht,13, Lucina states that the events surrounding Grima's resurrection happened "more than 10 years hence". That's the basis and the rest is the most logical extrapolation.

I believe it's further elaborated on in a lot of JP-only supplemental materials, but obviously can't confirm/cite that myself. SoC or Vincent would probably know, though.

But that sounds more like events happened exactly the way that the intro suggests they happened. Lucina most certainly isn't in her twenties yet, so "more then 10 years fits perfectly". And it doesn't imply anything about the war going on longer either way.

Edited by BrightBow
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Think of it like this. If you've ever watched DBZ you'll know about Future Trunk's timeline where Goku died of a heart virus and the Androids kill everyone leaving him and Gohan to fight them. Future Trunk's goes back in time to save Goku and beat the Androids which culminates in that timeline's Gohan beating Cell and everyone being happy. That did nothing to his timeline though as when he returns to HIS future he still has to kill the Androids (which he does).

Pretty much multiverse theory going back in time is essentially just going back to a parrallel universe which has no impact on the timeline you (or in this case Trunks/Lucina) came from.

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