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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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I've seen plenty of reports saying that Tom Brady is likely to be suspended at least for the opener. That honestly wouldn't shock me. Though it'd be a little funny to me to see Jimmy G out there taking snaps against the Steelers in primetime for the league's season opener. Maybe Ben will do some not-nice things to some females again and we can make it an all-backup affair?

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Tom Brady suspended vs the Steelers? Aw crappies, I wanted a good Big Ben vs Brady offensive showdown! But oh well, I do suppose it won't be as challenging to win if Brady doesn't play. xP

Ben never did any " not-so-nice" things to females as far as anyone knows. And he's a much more respectable guy now anyway. I'm so tired of people bitching about things that happened over half a decade ago. You don't see me saying Ray Lewis murdered someone.

Edited by Anacybele
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Tom Brady suspended vs the Steelers? Aw crappies, I wanted a good Big Ben vs Brady offensive showdown! But oh well, I do suppose it won't be as challenging to win if Brady doesn't play. xP

Ben never did any " not-so-nice" things to females as far as anyone knows. And he's a much more respectable guy now anyway. I'm so tired of people bitching about things that happened over half a decade ago. You don't see me saying Ray Lewis murdered someone.


Not like you can win anyways. The pats can actually control the tempo of a game unlike any team you faced last year, with brady it wouldve been a slaughter, without brady itll just be a blowout. your defense wont make a stop the entire game and run your offense, who's missing your star running back, into the ground. you don't need a stud QB to beat the steelers or teams like them. what you need is a stable defense, not excellent just stable, and a competent run game. its the same formula for beating the bronco's, the same formula for beating the colts.

also 1. ray lewis was involved in murdering 2 people, that is a fact, he got a shorter sentence for selling out his 2 buddies iirc. 2. denying that ben raped women is like saying kobe didn't rape women, or OJ didnt kill people. its factually incorrect.

and also can we please stop hiring ted wells for these reports. this is the third straight investigation where he has spent 3+ months to give the exact statement the nfl wanted to hear. i mean come on you waste 3 months investigating ray rice to literally tell us what we already knew, you spent 4 months investigating the dolphins to tell us literally what we knew, just in more graphic detail. you spent 3 1/2 months to tell us the exact "evidence" we already have been told. its kinda getting old.

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1. There's no need to be rude.

2. Wow, I didn't know you could see the future. Oh wait, no, you can't. So you don't know any of that for sure. You act like the Steelers suck, which they do not. Their defense was bad last year, yes, but even that defense was able to make big stops once in awhile (Jamaal Charles at 4th and inches, anyone?). If the rookies we drafted do well enough, we'll have a solid D again next to our already good offense. The Pats won't find victory that easily, with or without Brady. As for Bell, DeAngelo Williams will be better than the scrubs Tomlin tried to use vs the Ravens in the playoffs.

3. First of all, the first time Ben was accused of rape was proven to be total BS, as the girl's lawyer admitted that she lied. The second time wasn't proven to be true OR false, as nobody found any evidence. Also, like I said, this stuff happened over half a decade ago and Ben has become a better man. There's absolutely no reason to bring it up regardless of whether or not he did anything.

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You need to be able to handle criticism about your team a little better, Ana. My comment was made in jest (not-nice things is almost ambiguous enough for the NFL to use in its reports!) I believe the game will be close if Tom is suspended, but the fact that the Steelers have one of the weaker defenses compared to the rest of the schedule is a huge boon to the Patriots' chances of winning.

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Oh, I know your comment was made in jest, but I just REALLY don't like it when someone jokes about Ben's past because I respect the guy a lot (he's honorable on the field because he doesn't care for numbers or glory or anything, he just wants to win and have fun. And he loves dogs and has a foundation for police dogs. He does feel he's underappreciated as a player, and rightfully so, but he doesn't make a big deal out of it or anything). You might not have known that though, so I'm not mad at you or anything. Besides, I think Randa was being more rude than you were.

And yes, I agree that the game will be close no matter who's going to be playing. The NFL picked two great teams to open up the season, which is cool.

Edited by Anacybele
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boy Randa Ray got an obstruction of justice charge and his homies got self defense, according to the reports Ray and his posse got charged by two young bloods and they all got into a fight, then they got chased in their limo and shot at a million times. Pretty sure it wasn't as black and white as you made it seem

As for OJ I heard a theory that he tried to cover for his son which is why the glove didn't fit

I'm pretty sure the true criminal in all this is joe flacco. I hear he cooks meth in his basement.

Also steelers secondary sucksssss

Edited by Lord Raven
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i said involved with murder, i did not say he commited murder.

also ana, i don't give a fuck if the charges were dropped. you act like ben is on some moral level that makes the fact that he was even accused as acceptable. greg hardy is now cleared of his domestic assault charges that does that mean that won't be attached to his name for the rest of his life, hell no. if hernadez, and this parts is very unlikely to happen, is found not guilty for the double homicide charges, he'll still be judged for that. and the reason why i am being "rude" about this, is because i'm getting pissed off about this. you are brushing off rape charges it like they mean nothing. i don't care if they are convicted that the charges where ever made is bad enough. the fact kobe bryant is even allowed to play in the nba and greg hardy is allowed to play pisses me off. and the fact that you think that acting better in last half decade makes any difference, is flat out stupid. its like saying because a war criminal hasn't killed someone they shouldn't be judged for it.

and for the love of fucking god can you accept that i am able to look at the steelers in a more objective manner than you can. that i can say without bias, that team a has a good matchup and will most likely beat team b . hell i do it the pats, admittedly i predicted they would lose more often than did but still pretty accurate. i said it about the steelers, three times last season. i was right about the saints, i was right about the jets, we never got to see the broncos or pats, would've been right about those games though. not gonna lie, i'm not god i can't get every game right. there will be a lions-pats game, where i think one team, the lions, have a clear advantage and they yet they still lost. doesn't mean i didn't before that the pats were gonna lose, because of reasons X,Y,and Z. and i said it with the same level of certainty as i did about the steelers. and every time i made any statement about the steelers having an unfavorable matchup, you just tried to wave it off last year. not how it works, i know as much about the steelers as you do, and i know more about every other goddamn team than you do. please stop acting like i dont know what the fuck i'm talking about.

Edited by Randa
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Also steelers secondary sucksssss

It did suck last season. But many of the main reasons it sucked (old guys Troy Polamalu and Ike Taylor, Cortez Allen), are no longer on the team or starters. Granted, it could still end up sucking again anyway... I hope not.

Ryan Shazier and Jarvis Jones need breakout seasons.

Mike Mitchell needs to stop trying to be Polamalu unless he figures out just HOW Polamalu could be Polamalu in the first place.

Shamarko Thomas needs to prove that he's worthy of taking over Polamalu's spot.

Our rookies need to be solid.

Please let this stuff happen, football godsss.

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La'el Collins....goes to a team with 4 Pro-Bowl linemen......

You have so many other teams who NEED you but the Cowboys. WOW.

I actually don't mind it. 1st round talent for a steal. Cowboys are building the best O-line in football history obviously.

Gotta protect the aging Romo.

EDIT: My unpopular draft opinion is that Tevin Coleman is overrated. He has elite speed, break away speed and ran a 4.4. That's the only thing special about him is his ability to accelerate and zip past defenders. He shys from contact, and when he approaches contact he's not able to do much. I think his ability to break tackles is over-emphasized and are cherry picked, since his tackle breaking ability isn't anything special. He doesn't have good patience, unable to wait and read for blocks. He tends to just sprint it out relying on his elite speed to beat defenders. He also doesn't appear to have those second level reads that Ajayi and Gordon posses. I couldn't believe people put him as the "third best back." Duke Johnson is the third best back since he is a complete back, he's especially good at picking up blitzes when pass protecting. Also able to make people miss in open space when running or being a receiver. Tevin Coleman has average footwork and shiftiness and something that is not emphasized is HE IS SLOW AT CUTTING. He loses a lot of speed making a cut. He has stiff hips too.

Edited by Vermilia Scarlet
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i dont see the Steelers as the type of team that hesitates to bench long term veterans if they are doing poorly. If they weren't benched, I wouldn't get too hyped up over their replacements.

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Polamalu and Taylor retired though, and Cortez Allen WAS benched. You're right though, they do seem to like keeping veterans around anyway every now and then.

I don't expect our secondary to suddenly become amazing, but I do think it could be somewhat better now.

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The problem is Pittsburgh's defensive front isn't exactly scary looking (not to say it'll be terrible, but this year an "average" d-front puts them in the bottom 3 in the AFC, without a doubt.) If the secondary is suspect, a powerful front 7 that gets consistent pressure can provide a little relief. The Steelers don't seem to have any true difference makers in their front 7.

It's certainly nice when your team can dominate the league offensively. But if you don't have a defensive front that can at least somewhat control the game it becomes incredibly difficult to win a championship.

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Yeah, you're right about that. The only game where our defense actually got in control was vs the Chiefs. And that's partly because the Chiefs had crappy receivers. They never got in the endzone once! Even against OUR secondary.

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Alex Smith is partly to blame as well. Tom Brady this past year rarely attempted any deep throws, but even he had some impressive intermediate-deep throws (my favorite of which was the frozen-rope 20 yard dime to LaFell to win the game against the Ravens.)

In contrast, you hardly ever see Alex Smith throw deep. There will be a lot of pressure on him this upcoming season now that the Chiefs have brought in legitimate WRs. I honestly wouldn't be surprised to see KC win the AFC West this year though.

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Geez, how did the Chiefs ever wipe out the Patriots early in the season? :/

But I see. Looks like Steelers vs Chiefs will be pretty different this time around.

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The Patriot's O-line was still in flux, which caused the offense to accomplish literally nothing. Tom Brady is one of the best QBs in the league at stepping up in the pocket away from edge pressure. However, he struggles more than most with interior pressure, and has a tendency to just clutch the ball and hit the deck when there's pressure in his face.

The defense also was incapable of covering TEs for most of last season, and Travis Kelce had a great game. Even Dwayne Bowe had a few big catches against Revis. Combine that with a run defense that was basically made of paper and you have an abomination of a game like the one last season.

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Ah, yeah, I see. I did hear some time ago that Brady sucks under certain kinds of pressure. That might be why he totally crapped up at the end of that one Steelers vs Pats game, resulting in a fumble and Polamalu's infamous ball punch. :P (he actually punched the ball into the endzone, which led to a safety for the Steelers. No pun intended. lol)

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Tyrod is one of the QBs in the league that has impressive athleticism but can't really pass the ball. Hell, he was a below average passer in college, let alone the NFL. I'd say Cassel has the best chance to start. He doesn't do anything incredibly well but can certainly manage a run-heavy offense. EJ hasn't been too great thus far but I suppose he has an outside chance of starting if he has an impressive preseason. If Tyrod is starting for your team you're in a lot of trouble

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Yeah, you don't want a QB that can't pass... Cam Newton's sucky accuracy caused a lot of problems for the Panthers for awhile. He finally got somewhat better, but he's still got work to do.

Also, damn, the Jaguars lost their first round pick already. Tore his ACL in his first practice. Christ, that has to hurt in more ways than one.

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It sucks for the Jags quite a bit. Their defense was actually pretty good last season, and I had them pegged for much larger things (contingent on Blake Bortles improving, of course.) They've done a much better job upgrading the roster compared to a team like the Titans. Losing Fowler hurts a lot, but I truly believe they have the players necessary to make some noise in a very tough conference.

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Lord Raven, what's Tyrod Taylor like? And will EJ, Cassel or Tyrod start for the Bills?


If you have game rewind, watch 2012 season Week 17 Ravens @ Bengals. We had already clinched the 4 seed so we rested our starters after the first quarter and Tyrod Taylor played the rest of the way. Can't read a defense, very athletic, has learned to put touch on his passes but it's still lacking, his arm isn't that strong for longer throws, his short range accuracy isn't great either, and he has issues with fumbles.

Poor man's 34-year-old Michael Vick.

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