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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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Honestly I think the Pats D has been a bit over-rated. They have had the luxury of playing with the lead for what like 95% of their snaps all year? Now that the Offense will struggle a little bit the Defense will start to get exposed more.

With that said, Pats will still go 14-2 or 15-1.

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Yeah, hopefully the Pats won't be seen as the greatest anymore when Gronk and Edelman are out. They and Brady were the only real weapons they had. The Steelers have way more weapons, and I bet they would be considered the team to beat if they didn't have a lot of injuries and hadn't had kicker problems at the start of the season. Their secondary is still ass, but the defensive line has gotten much better. Then again, we weren't able to try out our draft picks for CB because they were hurt in the preseason. We could see something a little different next year.

We're just a good CB and good safety away from a complete, Super Bowl caliber team. Come on Tomlin, you know this.

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The Bills are so fucking frustrating it makes me sick sometimes. Surprisingly winning out against our soft remaining schedule gives us a really good shot at the playoffs. Hell even a 4-1 finish gives us a decent chance so don't give up yet Jim Moriarty/Life. Although they will probably win the next 4 games and have a win and you're in scenario against the Jets in week 17 and then blow that game in true Bills fashion...

Different team, same result. I'll always support them but this season's over.

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I would be more inclined to agree with you a month ago. I think the D had their best game of the season against the Giants, and they certainly weren't winning that one wire-to-wire.

The secondary will be permanently suspect to me. However, when all members of the front 7 are healthy, this is one of the top 8 defenses in the league

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Being an Arizona fan in Washington is hard sometimes lol. I don't usually say much, but yeah, their fans (Seattles) are so cocky.

Ouch I feel for you. It's probably gonna get worse now that the Cardinals/Seahawks is more of a rivalry. At least you can make fun of the them and their "12th man" when you beat them lol

Ha, Jedi, I knew a Steelers fan that lives in Arizona. He was the only guy around wearing black and gold when Super Bowl 43 was happening while everyone else was in red for the Cardinals. Poor guy. :P

Having lived in Arizona briefly, I've seen first hand how much they hate the Steelers there. They had more contempt for them then they did for the 9ers and Seahawks(it's probably different now since the landscape of the NFL has changed so much). The equivalent would be if I hated Tampa Bay more than the Cheifs or Broncos lol.

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I've heard about that, is it because of Super Bowl 43? They need to get over it... Seriously. I'm over the Steelers losing Super Bowl 45, and my younger brother wouldn't stop mentioning it every time we started talking about NFL football.

Oh yeah, I'm not seeing any news saying that Ben has a concussion, so I'm assuming he's okay. Thank goodness...

Edited by Anacybele
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It's very very tough to 'get over it' when the Cardinals haven't won a championship since before my dad was born. And my dad was born in 1950.

It's even tougher when 3 of your franchise's like 5 playoff wins came from that super bowl run alone.

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Also I'd like to note that the following season was their last with Kurt Warner (and their fifth playoff win as a franchise). Actually, it was the last with Kurt Warner and Anquan Boldin. They would basically have incompetent passers up until the second half of 2013 in the meantime.

So to them it was the only window they've ever gotten in the Super Bowl era - and it closed shut about as quickly as it opened in the first place.

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Yes, because you hate them over one celebration during the darkest time in Chiefs history, whereas the Cardinals fans hate the Steelers for knocking them off in basically the lone bright spot in the Cardinals history.

The fact that it was a game decided in the waning moments of the game would make it hurt even worse.

I don't see why you think this is a stupid reason. You're probably over the Packers loss because of the fact that the Steelers still have the most Super Bowls in history and because they've basically been contenders since the 70s. The Cardinals were never contenders and the one year they made it to the big game, let alone even contended in the first place, they lost to a franchise that is basically spoiled. And they couldn't do anything again once the Saints ended Warner's career in 2009 and then the Cardinals fell into futility until basically last year.

I mean, it's one thing when you're a Steelers fan and your team has made the playoffs 5+ times in just about every decade since the 70s. It's another thing when you're the Cardinals, and this is your history:


1925 and 1947 were the years they won NFL Championships. 1948 they lost the NFL Championship. They've been to the playoffs 4 times before 2008, with a lone playoff win in 1998 (and their other three playoff trips? 1974, 1975, 1982). Then they finally make it to the Super Bowl - it's been 60 years since they've even played in a championship game - and they lose to a franchise whose records look like this:


They have won more playoff games in the 2000s than the Cardinals have in their entire history in the Super Bowl era. They have 5 more rings than the Cardinals in the Super Bowl era (by that point), including one three years prior, and 3 more rings total. And hell, the Cardinals have the most total losses out of every team in the NFL.

It's a David and Goliath story - except Goliath won. Let's add to the fact that the Steelers had people like Ben Roethlisberger and Santonio Holmes on their roster - say what you will about Ben now but back then he was a universally hated prick. Meanwhile, the Cardinals had "good guy" players like Larry Fitzgerald and Kurt Warner.

I'm willing to bet the only reason you don't see it is because of the fact that the Steelers have been spoiled with organizational stability, and the Cardinals only recently acquired it - in 2013. In your entire time watching the NFL, which you said was before 2006 (cause you dont remember the 2005 playoffs), you have never seen a single losing season by the Steelers.

EDIT: I would also like to end this post by asking you to notice a trend.

Ravens fans fucking hate the Colts (for the most part) to this day and people still haven't gotten over the Colts moving out from Baltimore despite it happening over 30 years ago. Even newer fans are pissed that Unitas' records are associated with the Colts and not the Ravens.

Browns fans haven't gotten over a roster move despite not having to rebrand.

LA wants the Rams back. Texans fans are still fucking pissed about the Oilers.

Rams fans don't really care that the Cardinals moved from St. Louis in the early 90s, and they especially don't care that their best QB in franchise history had a lot of success in his brief stint with the Cardinals. That's how pathetic the franchise has been. Arizona's embraced the Cardinals a hell of a lot more than St. Louis had.

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Hating a team for beating you in the Super Bowl is legitimate to me. Why did you hate the Chiefs again? I seem to recall it was hilariously random

For beating them in ONE Super Bowl. You don't see me hating the Packers because they beat the Steelers in Super Bowl 45. Maybe I did hate them for awhile, but it had more to do with my brother's liking for them than that Super Bowl. And I don't dislike them anymore.

And no, the reason wasn't random. And if the Cardinals fans are allowed to hate the Steelers for a single Super Bowl loss, I should be allowed to hate the Chiefs for a single stupid and highly excessive and rude celebration.

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For beating them in ONE Super Bowl. You don't see me hating the Packers because they beat the Steelers in Super Bowl 45. Maybe I did hate them for awhile, but it had more to do with my brother's liking for them than that Super Bowl. And I don't dislike them anymore.

Yes, because you have six other rings to fall back on. And the Packers still don't have more than you in the Super Bowl era.

As far as Cardinals fans knew, given their lack of organizational stability and their history of futility, that may well have been the only super bowl they will make. Nowadays it's looking up despite Arians having yet to win a playoff game. But for many people, it may well have been the only Super Bowl their team will ever see in their lifetime.

This gif describes you right now:


And no, the reason wasn't random. And if the Cardinals fans are allowed to hate the Steelers for a single Super Bowl loss, I should be allowed to hate the Chiefs for a single stupid and highly excessive and rude celebration.

That's a pretty pathetic reason to hate on a team.

The Chiefs are having the shittiest season ever by many standards and you're saying you hate them because they finally made one good play that got negated anyway? I can go on and on about just how terrible that team was, and I could even go on about how that team had to witness one of their players literally kill themselves in front of the coaching staff (3 weeks after the Pittsburgh game, but it's still awful). In fact, that game was the first time since week 1 that the Chiefs had a lead at any point in regulation. I would be celebrating my fucking ass off if I finally got a big lead after 9 weeks of futility.

Just so you learn a little humility I really hope the Steelers never have another winning season for the rest of your lifetime. I hope you understand what it's like to wallow in futility. I haven't experienced it in football but I can understand the feeling.

Your reasoning is honestly really stupid. A generally losing franchise missing their seemingly lone shot at a Super Bowl is soul crushingly devastating. A generally winning franchise losing their potential for a 7th championship is just dirt off the shoulder. Your example is a poor one.

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Just so you learn a little humility I really hope the Steelers never have another winning season for the rest of your lifetime. I hope you understand what it's like to wallow in futility. I haven't experienced it in football but I can understand the feeling.

Wow, then I hope your Ratbirds never have another winning season either. Because this just uncalled for.

I never said that Cardinals fans never had any right to be upset or mad or whatever. They did. But to stay like that for seven years now is kind of drastic to me.

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Wow, then I hope your Ratbirds never have another winning season either. Because this just uncalled for.

You're saying that for no other reason to spite me. I'm saying mine to make a point. You're really just being petty, so don't try to deflect this back at me.

I never said that Cardinals fans never had any right to be upset or mad or whatever. They did. But to stay like that for seven years now is kind of drastic to me.

2009 - Kurt Warner's career ends

2010 - 6-10 season

2011 - 8-8 season, it's looking up!

2012 - start 4-1, end up 5-11. After the 4-1 start, they threw 4 TDs to 18 interceptions for the rest of the season.

2013 - shaky first half of year, strong finish including beating the future SB Champions in their house. Miss playoffs despite 10-6; if they win their last regular season game and go 11-5, they'd still miss playoffs.

2014 - Start very strong despite missing their starting QB, have a few more good games due to said starting QB, then lose both of their quarterbacks to end the season 11-5. Lose to the 7-8-1 Panthers in the playoffs because Ryan Lindley is one of the worst QBs to ever take the field. It's amazing they even scored in that game.

2015 - looking good so far!

It took 7 years for them to even be comfortable again. Steelers made another Super Bowl 2 years later.

If they win a Super Bowl again, it may erase all of that ire. If they don't win another for another 10-15 years? Welp, it's still pretty called for.

I mean, you still hate the Chiefs for a celebrating one play in an otherwise extremely shitty season - I can't even think of a team that has had a season that disastrous aside from like the 2009 Rams or 2008 Lions. And the first time they've had a lead since Week 1 and they're adding onto it, you hate them for it. That is petty.

Again, you haven't seen a shitty Steelers team in the entire time you've been watching football. In your entire lifetime, the Steelers have been at worst a mediocre 6-10 team. In fact, they've only had 4 losing seasons in your lifetime. Yet you still insist on other teams "getting over it" when your team - which has had plenty of success - has had success in favor of another team. 7 years is also not that long ago. It's not like the game happened in the 80s or early 90s.

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I didn't read the whole string of the conversation, but the reason Cardinal fans have distaste for the Steelers is because the Cardinals have been god-awful, just like basically all the Phoenix franchises, except the Suns, have been at best sub-par. There isn't any reasonableness to it, people hold on to ire for a variety of reasons, I personally respect the Steelers because they have been a model franchise, just like I respect the Patriots or the Celtics or the Yankees; they've been well run and thus they win.

It doesn't help that basically everyone who lives in Phoenix has mixed loyalty because we're such a transient town, it's really hard living in a place where fandom is supposed to unite a city; like it does in Pittsburgh or Boston or Detroit, but actually divides the city. So bitter Phoenix sports fans can be really, really bitter, I know I feel that way sometimes.

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Despite being a Cardinals fan and knowing the ire of the Steelers, I have some family from Pittsburgh so I never fell into it, I was however bitter of people who constantly rubbed it in my face, In my own home state even, thats part of it.

I didn't read the whole string of the conversation, but the reason Cardinal fans have distaste for the Steelers is because the Cardinals have been god-awful, just like basically all the Phoenix franchises, except the Suns, have been at best sub-par. There isn't any reasonableness to it, people hold on to ire for a variety of reasons, I personally respect the Steelers because they have been a model franchise, just like I respect the Patriots or the Celtics or the Yankees; they've been well run and thus they win.

It doesn't help that basically everyone who lives in Phoenix has mixed loyalty because we're such a transient town, it's really hard living in a place where fandom is supposed to unite a city; like it does in Pittsburgh or Boston or Detroit, but actually divides the city. So bitter Phoenix sports fans can be really, really bitter, I know I feel that way sometimes.

The Arizona Diamondbacks were quite the rising stars for awhile, taking out even the Yankees in 2001 (In our 4th or so year of existence) in the World Series and having Randy Johnson and tons of other Star pitchers, winning tons of divisional titles as well, but now we have fallen into obscurity in Baseball as well.

Either baseball needs to bounce back or we just need the Cards and Suns to continue to step up.

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The Arizona Diamondbacks were quite the rising stars for awhile, taking out even the Yankees in 2001 (In our 4th or so year of existence) in the World Series and having Randy Johnson and tons of other Star pitchers, winning tons of divisional titles as well, but now we have fallen into obscurity in Baseball as well.

Either baseball needs to bounce back or we just need the Cards and Suns to continue to step up.

I love baseball too Jedi, but the Dbacks are at best a midmarket team, in a division with the Yankees of the west (Dodgers) and the win every-other-year team (Giants). We really need better up top management, like what has happened with the Cardinals, they seem to be a star franchise in the NFL these days.

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Yeah there are a lot of snide Steelers fans here, especially those that have never been to Pittsburgh. It's actually kind of irritating, because I tend to ask that at some point in the conversation (especially if they come off as an asshole). Same shit with Yankees fans. Both my sports teams have major divisional rivals in Arizona.

Also, anyone ready to watch this shitshow of a game? I predict we'll get blown out, not because McCown will do well but because Schaub will get picked off a few times.

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I love baseball too Jedi, but the Dbacks are at best a midmarket team, in a division with the Yankees of the west (Dodgers) and the win every-other-year team (Giants). We really need better up top management, like what has happened with the Cardinals, they seem to be a star franchise in the NFL these days.

We need the kind of budget we somehow had in 2001 haha, but yeah we need some new management.

Oh yeah and people still underestimate the Cardinals despite this, its quite amusing honestly.

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Yeah there are a lot of snide Steelers fans here, especially those that have never been to Pittsburgh. It's actually kind of irritating, because I tend to ask that at some point in the conversation (especially if they come off as an asshole). Same shit with Yankees fans. Both my sports teams have major divisional rivals in Arizona.

Also, anyone ready to watch this shitshow of a game? I predict we'll get blown out, not because McCown will do well but because Schaub will get picked off a few times.

eh, it's still football, it'll have a high rating no matter what. Cleveland has it's own problems too, with 'Here Comes Johnny' Manziel and his partying problems, maybe their dysfunction gives the Ravens a chance?

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