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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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Todd Haley? Blame your stupid team's radio broadcasts leaking into the coaches headsets. They actually said this was happening and that disrupts everything for us. Patriots are cheaters, I hope they still lose tonight.

Josh Scobee sucks though. He was supposed to be good? Yeah, that's a joke.

EDIT: Well, there go any chances of winning. The Patriots don't give up 14 point leads... Especially to a defense like this one. Congrats on cheating to another win again.

Edited by Anacybele
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The announcers. They kept putting the camera on the sidelines at the radio stuff and then were saying that your radio broadcasts leaked into our coaches' headsets so they had trouble communicating, which led to some communication troubles to our defense. And the offense as well, probably. Steelers fans are already chanting Radiogate, btw.

These Steelers though, if it weren't for a couple of painful penalties and stupid Scobee, this game would be a lot closer. They were moving the ball well, but just couldn't cash in at the end. How, though, is it that they have redzone troubles, but are one of the better teams at doing 2 point conversions? -_- Still, I bet if we had Suisham or even Hartley, those field goals wouldn't have been missed!

Also, one Steeler fan on Facebook brought up a good question. WHERE IS BRANDON BOYKIN? He was supposed to come in after Senquez Golson had to get surgery and he's supposed to be pretty good. Seriously, wtf... He looked decent enough in the preseason too.

Cynthia, can't blame you there.

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That happens a lot regardless of the team. Every time we go to Miami Flacco has to go to the sidelines to get the playcalls for whatever reason.

At any rate, the only reason that's even an issue is confirmation bias. "Oh these guys were accused of cheating, something funky is happening.. I'm not gonna say they're cheaters but I'll let the audience decide." They caught you hook, line, and sinker.

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This game is quite discouraging to me tbh. Easley was injured in the first quarter, and he was expected to be a difference maker on the defense. Otherwise, the front 7 has looked like garbage. No pass rush to speak of to this point, and fucking run defense is a joke.

I say 50-50 Patriots win, even with the lead. Ben is making every throw he needs to and our defense has no answers

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Well, the radio thing still fucked us up pretty bad. I don't think anyone expected that OR Scobee sucking, though.

God damn it, you're literally RIGHT at the goal line after a pass interference call and STILL can't get a TD? Ben was pointing at the defense during that other penalty though, I don't know if it was really our offense messing up and not the Patriots D. But that was still pathetic and inexcusable.

Still, cutting their lead by a little bit is better than not cutting it at all. Need more defense now... Sigh.

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This game is quite discouraging to me tbh. Easley was injured in the first quarter, and he was expected to be a difference maker on the defense. Otherwise, the front 7 has looked like garbage. No pass rush to speak of to this point, and fucking run defense is a joke.

I say 50-50 Patriots win, even with the lead. Ben is making every throw he needs to and our defense has no answers

I'd say this game is encouraging due to a Steelers still bad defense, but we also don't have a receiving corps on par with New England. Brady's been on point though.
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This defense isn't bad. It's downright SHIT. They force a fumble and STILL let the Patriots get another TD. This is fucking pathetic. I thought we might actually have a chance after cutting the lead to one score, but nope. The defense just doesn't exist It's even WORSE than last season at this rate.

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This defense still has no excuses for how they played after the first quarter. DURING the first quarter they actually looked solid. The Pats didn't score at all at that time. Then they just suddenly became complete garbage...

Still, the game should've been a lot closer. If those two missed field goals had been good, the game would be 28-27 right now. If Heyward-Bey's endzone catch had been called a TD like I think it should have (his knee was down before his foot touched the white, I think that should be considered a TD. I never did agree with some of the TD rules in this league), that would've put the Steelers ahead and past the 30 point mark Ben wanted. Ben was looking like himself tonight too for the most part, his teammates let him down. Going back to Heyward-Bey though, he surprised me. He caught a Ben Bomb, holy smokes. And didn't drop a bunch of passes like he used to.

AB though, he's still incredibly awesome! He beat Malcolm Butler a few times, and wrestled with him to make a sweet catch!

If we just had an actual f-ing defense, this team would be winning Super Bowls left and right...

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Nope. I saw the replay too. His foot didn't touch the paint until after his knee went down, right after he caught the ball. Still, I bet if that had been Bryant or Brown, it would've definitely been a TD. Meaning they'd have gotten both their feet in bounds a lot more clearly.

EDIT: Also, it turns out that Belichick was having headset problems on his side as well, and that this apparently happens a lot at Gillette Stadium (why the hell isn't this fixed yet then?), so my apologies for saying the Patriots were cheating again. They wouldn't cause problems with their own headsets if they wanted to cheat. Makes no sense.

EDIT2: And our TE coach got into a conflict with a Patriots fan during halftime that might have gotten physical? Seriously? We don't need this bullshit. -_-

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He eventually did have control of it though, with his knee still down in bounds. But it's pointless to argue about it now, what's done is done... I do think that Heyward-Bey could've done a better job there though, and made it a TD for sure.

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If any part of your body is touching out of bounds then you are out of bounds. It doesn't matter where your knee, arm, elbow, or anything else is if your foot is touching the paint, because a foot touching the paint = out of bounds. He was out of bounds when he caught the ball, therefore it's no different to throwing the ball out of bounds. Therefore, he never had possession in the first place and that did not count as a catch.

Same shit happened a few years ago with a Dez Bryant "catch." His fingertips were out of bounds and the rest of his body landed in bounds when he caught the ball. It was considered an incomplete pass as a result. This is pretty basic.

Do you want me to grab an official NFL rulebook and point you in the direction of the rule? I can do it. A bunch of return guys do the same shit where if a ball lands close to the out of bounds line on a kickoff, then they put one foot out of bounds and pick up the ball, allowing them to start their drive at the 40 due to an illegal kick.

You should also note where the ref is looking during that play. You really think our line of sight is better than his?

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Yeah, he was out of bounds once his foot touched the paint. Sorry.

Also, I've had a change of heart and think I will amend some earlier picks:

Giants @ Cowboys- No Victor Cruz and the Giants D is worse than I thought

Lions @ Chargers- I was on the fence with this one and with Antonio Gates suspended the Chargers seem to be kinda lacking in weapons

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If any part of your body is touching out of bounds then you are out of bounds. It doesn't matter where your knee, arm, elbow, or anything else is if your foot is touching the paint, because a foot touching the paint = out of bounds. He was out of bounds when he caught the ball, therefore it's no different to throwing the ball out of bounds. Therefore, he never had possession in the first place and that did not count as a catch.

Same shit happened a few years ago with a Dez Bryant "catch." His fingertips were out of bounds and the rest of his body landed in bounds when he caught the ball. It was considered an incomplete pass as a result. This is pretty basic.

Do you want me to grab an official NFL rulebook and point you in the direction of the rule? I can do it. A bunch of return guys do the same shit where if a ball lands close to the out of bounds line on a kickoff, then they put one foot out of bounds and pick up the ball, allowing them to start their drive at the 40 due to an illegal kick.

You should also note where the ref is looking during that play. You really think our line of sight is better than his?

I still don't think his foot was on the paint before he caught it, but like I said, it's pointless to argue it now, because nothing's going to change. So why are you making such a big deal out of it?

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I still don't see his foot on the white... So no, I'm not wrong. It's VERY close, though. And that picture isn't really clear anyway, the quality is low.

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How is the picture not clear. You can see the yellow of his cleat on the white. And remember he continues moving about another inch and a half to the as he is catching the ball.

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