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2017 NFL Playoffs - Super Bowl LI Confirmed! Atlanta Falcons vs New England Patriots!

Lord Raven

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According to 2014 DYAR, Roethlisberger was the #1 QB, Bell was the #5 RB, and Brown was the #1 receiver. Green Bay is right behind them though 2/6/2. Romo/Murray/Bryant were also close with 5/1/5. Next best was probably the Broncos with 3/7/3.

So based on last year, it's a reasonable assertion to call them the best.

Roethlisberger's numbers are inflated from those two games where everything he touched turned to gold. Take out those two games of 500+ yards and however many TDs he threw and calculate the average of the rest. Tell me what you get... Oh, I'll do that for you.

Minus Indianapolis and Baltimore in Pittsburgh (where Ben threw for over 850 yards and 12 TDs), Roethlisberger averaged 1.5 TDs a game and would have had 23 at the end of the season rather than 32. That's a rather big anomaly. Those 12 TDs in two games inflate his ranking when he had 8 games last season where he threw for 1 or 0 TDs all game. That's half the games in the season. Similar to the YPG average. Ben should have been averaging under 300 per game (292). Add in those two games where he went off the hook and you get 309 which adds up to an additional 323 yards (an entire extra game).

Ben didn't have a good enough season to really be #1. He had some fantastic games which bloated up his averages. Proof is right here.

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on top of that like... he played like crap against baltimore twice and had an explosive game once. which of these seems like a fluke?

It's my opinion that it's just a fluke that Ben crapped out against the Ravens twice... which makes it undeniable fact.

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I wouldn't actually go with Roethlisberger as the #1 QB in 2014 either, but any QB has a lower average when you take out their best games. If we're including playoffs then that makes a pretty strong case for Brady.

Basically, I think the Steelers trio was good enough statistically to make it arguable.

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I don't think any set of triplets would perform all that well if the o-line is shit. Besides, even with a good o-line, that doesn't mean they're the best. The Cowboys had arguably the best o-line last year, but DeMarco Murray still fumbled seven times and Dez Bryant and Tony Romo didn't match Ben or Brown's yards.

Also, Ben's TD numbers were hindered a bit because he also had Bell for rushing TDs. And Bell got plenty of those. Rushing TDs don't count as TDs for the QB, they count as TDs for the RB.

Big Ben was...a bit too inconsistent for me to say he was the best last year. I mean, as Lord Raven pointed out, he imploded vs the Ravens twice, though both instances, he lacked one of the weapons he has now (Bryant in game 1, Bell in the playoffs). Despite that though, he could've done better. He then had several big games, though, in this same season. Yeah, a little inconsistent there, Ben... Hopefully, he'll be better than that this season. He did look good in the loss vs the Pats so far.

I do, however, want you to stop spouting opinion as known fact.

Uh, where exactly was I doing this? It IS fact that Ben/Brown/Bell are considered the best triplets (doesn't necessarily mean they are, there's a difference here). But that ISN'T my opinion since I don't have enough knowledge to form a solid one there. My OPINION is that they're simply VERY good.

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UGH. Only the first drive and the Steelers are already fucking themselves with penalties. And after AB and Wheaton made great catches for a lot of yards too! KNOCK IT OFF.

EDIT: 8-0 Steelers! WOOT! TD + 2 points! The Steelers haven't failed yet at a 2-point conversion this season! :D (they succeeded in one vs the Pats) I think they got screwed out of a fumble recovery earlier, but doesn't matter now.

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Well, I'll eat my words. The Pats have been unstoppable since their first offensive and defensive series. The 4 TE package the Pats continue to roll out in the red zone could be the advantage the offense needs against stacked AFC defenses this season. The Steelers had no answer and Gronk just caught a TD from that formation against a great defense

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^That is weird, I thought the Bills had a great D that could hinder Brady like those Ravens do. Are the Ravens like the ONLY team that ever gives them trouble? Well, except maybe the Seahawks given that Super Bowl... Pats almost lost.

Anyway, 16-3 STEELERS!! AB caught a 59 yard bomb from Big Ben, setting up an easy TD for DeAngelo Williams, and the next part is hilarious. The Steelers were going to kick a FG, but then the Niners got a penalty, setting up the Steelers at the 1 yard line, so Ben decided to go for 2 instead and Heath Miller got two more! Wow, Niners, wow. XD

Also, the Steelers D is looking like the good ol' Steel Curtain again!

The Niners are losing MORE yards now, OMG wow.

And the Steelers get to start their next drive in the Niners' own territory. HAHAHA NINERS!

EDIT: First play of that drive, TD BOMB TO HEYWARD-BEY! OMG HOLY SHIT! The Steelers are SHREDDING the Niners! But of course Scobee still sucks. That guy needs to go! Where's Hartley, damn it!

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And a bad hand-off leads to a fumble recovery for the Steelers and now they're at the 2-yard line ready to get ANOTHER TD. OMG the Niners just have no answers.

Although, a bit of luck was involved, admittedly. As I said, a bad hand-off, so the Steelers didn't cause that. And they were helped by a couple penalties as well. Yet they've cashed in on EVERY opportunity just about.

Bad news is, Panthers have another injured receiver... Cotchery. Ugh. This is BAD for a team that has little receiver depth...

EDIT: Halftime now, 29-3 Steelers! :D These guys just need to not forget that a game is 60 minutes, not 30. We can't have any BS like what happened in week 1 last season vs the Browns. Almost cost the Steelers the game.

Also, speaking of the Browns, how the hell are they blowing out the Titans after the Titans were so good vs the Bucs last week? That's just nuts. And the Vikings are beating the Lions? And the Bucs are beating the Saints? And the REDSKINS are blowing out the Rams who have NO points right now? What's with this week?! o_O

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That's sounding like a more competitive game than this one. lol Niners can't do anything right here, it seems. I'm thinking now that it's not just the Steelers D looking much better than last week, it's also the Niners' o-line just looking terribad lol. Four sacks on Kaepernick already.


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The Niners O-line was definitely a work in progress yeah, people were surprised how well they ran the ball against the Vikings,

The Bucs are winning and the Saints only have 7 points- that's the big surprise for me this week.

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I see.

And now the Steelers D is having problems again... Well, couldn't expect them to look as good as they were forever. And it isn't unusual for a team that's down by a large margin to try a lot harder to make a little comeback in the third quarter, regardless of who's against who. But Mike Tomlin, if you lose another challenge here, I don't think I can say you're as good at challenges as I thought...

Aaand, Tomlin lost it. Come on now, that's another timeout wasted. :facepalm:

EDIT: The Niners...DIDN'T get a TD that time? I can't see how that was an incomplete pass... Oh well. But the Steelers D still held them back three times while they were REALLY close, so great effort regardless.

EDIT2: God damn it, STOP GOING 3 AND OUT. What are you guys doing?!

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Haha, I noticed. :P

Okay, the defense came through again (BOYKIN WAS PUT OUT THERE YES and rookie Bud Dupree got his second career sack!), but they can't keep cleaning up the offense's messes, come on now, Big Ben and co...

EDIT: ...The Niners got a TD on a 4th and 14, what. I was sure they'd go for a FG. Well, offense needs to get to work, regardless of the lead still being big.

EDIT2: YEAAAAH!! Third TD of the day for DeAngelo Williams! And the offense is back! 35-10 STEELERS! Williams, oh wow, he looked like he was going to get stuffed, but he pulled a Marshawn Lynch!

Oh, also, dat deep ball to Wheaton! All three of our receivers have caught a deep ball now in just this game!

EDIT3: Another deep ball and then a TD FOR AB!! WOOT!

EDIT4: Steelers win 43-18! Glad I managed to find an online stream to watch this! :D Buuut, guess who got hurt? Damn it, Ryan Shazier... -_-

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Gah GG Bengals.

I like the fake draw screen call by Reich for the 2-point conversion, but they should've stacked the left side so somebody could block Johnson's CB. Ideally have Green on the left and leave Floyd 1-on-1.

Woodhead was warming up we probably should've let it be the Woodhead show for the last drive but Rivers took a shot deep for a post route and didn't overthrow it for Floyd. Oh well we will win some and lose some.

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Man David Johnson is such a good Rookie RB we (The cardinals) are giving a shot.

108 Yrd Kick Return for a TD. also had 5 carries for 46 yrds and another TD there.

Also Fitz had 3 receiving TD's

Man we are doing so good to start. It goes to show what we can do when we are HEALTHY. I hope we can keep this up.

48-23 was the final score. Palmer is back baby.

The Bears were keeping up, they just turned over a few too many times imo.

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