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What is the first video game you have played?


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So I'm a little bit curious about everyone, just tell: the game, the console (in case your game is not a common one) and the reason (if you want). ( I have no idea if someone made a thread like this, if this is the case, a moderator can erase it).

Mine was Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness on the Game Cube, my dad bought a Game Cube for my birthday and (I guess) the game was a bonus when you bought the console.

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Duck Hunt on the NES because my dad had it and the only cart he had for it was the Duck Hunt Mario Bros, combo one. I still hate the Duck Hunt dog to this day.

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Mine was sonic 2 I specifically remember walking into my basement when I was extremely young like 4 or something and seeing my father hook up his old Genesis and wanting to try I immediately fell in love with the system and game. This event most likely was the cause of my love for video games today. To this day I still play sonic 2 so often i own it on lots of platform PC,Genesis, Wii,GameCube,Ds.

I actually own like 4 cartridges because whenever I buy a box of Genesis games there always sonic 2.

Edited by JDT001
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Five bucks no ones ever heard of this

Army Men for the PC.

Litterally, a game about those little plastic toy soldiers made for children in a full scale war.

Interestingly enough, the game and its MANY sequels, potrayed death for an army man in a somewhat gross yet highly realistic(by toy standreds) fashion. This game WILL make you fear flamethrowers.

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Doom for PC.I played some of the Army Men games.

Huh, that surprizes me. I've been to three schools in my life and litterally one student out of all of them not counting me had played them. It's a shame my PC won't run them anymore, the console ones are decent but just don't have the same charm.

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Zelda:Ocarina of Time for N64 my mom and dad used to play that game up there and I decided to play it one day and from that day on I was into games. Not to mention Lol Lol due to all the text in the game it helped me a long with learning how to read back then too.

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Mine was sonic 2 I specifically remember walking into my basement when I was extremely young like 4 or something and seeing my father hook up his old Genesis and wanting to try I immediately fell in love with the system and game. This event most likely was the cause of my love for video games today. To this day I still play sonic 2 so often i own it on lots of platform PC,Genesis, Wii,GameCube,Ds.

I actually own like 4 cartridges because whenever I buy a box of Genesis games there always sonic 2.

Sonic 2 was my first as well, a similar story too~ All the music/ zones/ characters/ etc. got me hooked, and well... here I am today!

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If we don't count educational games (good little boy I was, played the shit out of 'em), I think it was my older brother's Pokemon Crystal. My first personal game system was a GameBoy Advance I got for my 7th birthday. My early boyhood in gaming was dominated by the aforementioned Crystal, Pokemon Stadium, and Super Smash Bros. Melee. I picked up Fire Emblem not too long after, now that I think on it...

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Super Mario Bros. 2 on the NES when I was about 2-3 years old. Also some fishing game on the Sega Master System that I can't remember the name of.

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I can't quite remember which came first, but I have memories of playing Tetris on a gameboy, and we used to have an Amiga with Street Fighter and some other games. The thing I remember most about that though is the case we kept the floppy discs in. After that, we got a Snes with Super Mario All Stars and Super Mario World.

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I can't remember exactly which but it was either A Link to the Past or (nobody's heard of this) Galactic Patrol.

Galactic Patrol's a mish-mash of 3D, vertical and horizontal shmups. I saw my dad playing it on his computer and I immediately wanted to try, needless to say I was horrible, but one of favourite genres to this day is shmups, so it clearly left and impression.

It was a similar story with ALttP. I even remember which temple I started playing from, which was Misery Mire. I don't even think I had the blue mail at that point, and that just makes me feel incredibly sad for child me playing the game.

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Though I was born in '97, my neighbours owned an NES and a Sega Genesis. So my first game was either Sonic The Hedgehog 2, Super Mario Bros, or Gunstar Heroes. There's also a possibility that Duck Hunt was the first game I played as well.

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Probably doom, since my dad played it a bit while I was really young, and he let me have a go a couple times. First game I clearly remember playing was Kessen II.

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Either Super Mario Sunshine or Pokemon Leaf Green.My brother had a Game Boy Advance,and we got a Game Cube a couple months/years after I was born.

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