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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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"Not that big... aside from him, anyway. I guess he thinks I'm a part of his harem of anime heroines, or something like that. I gotta admit, I owe you one." Akane admitted reluctantly. Although the dragging was unappreciated, and was on her bad side to boot.

"If you're going to conscript me into your game night, at least let me have a smoke before we go to your apartment."

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And suddenly there was another person in their hangout group. "Eh? Is she ok with that?" Eliana wasn't as keen about dragging the girl to their house like that, but it seemed she wasn't complaining. Shrug. "Well, as long as Akane says so." Eliana didn't have enough experiences with smokers to react one way or another when the girl ask. It just smells like cinders and give you breath, I wonder why people do it... The naiveté. "Well, go do your smokes. We can wait, yes?" She turned to Aoi.

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The small rest and rejuvenated Ken more than he had thought. That, or this dog was not as fast as his owner thought him to be. Either way, he wasn't having too much difficulty keeping up with it. He suspected the dog to think that this was simply a game. Eventually, it would get tuckered out. He hoped. ...He reeeeeally hoped.

At last, he think he finally cornered the dog. It seemed tired and was panting quite a bit. "I think we got him...Whew..."

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Kinji finally managed to corner Bruce, and he was tired.

Kinji went to go pet Bruce. He let out a sigh of relief and said, "I think I get what just happened. He might've left the house in search of me. Talk about a hassle."

Kinji looked at the person who helped him out.

"Before I head back with Bruce, I forgot to ask, what's your name?"

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With a slight humming of a most awesome song, Yuu did his best to enjoy himself while he was on the job. The young man also found out the name of the guy who saved that girl, her name being Akane according to the sources, from that one fatarse: Ken, or something.

And then two very certain peeps walked in.

Oh forks, Yuu thought, a bit of sweat on his forehead now. They'll know who I am! ... No, calm down, Yuu. There's nothing to be afraid about. They're faculty. They've got better things to do than remember the one face of a bystander in a specific incident.

With that, he put on a grin and a pair of shades. They wouldn't block out his majestic green eyes, but they definitely made him cooler.

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"Oh. I forgot. My name is Ken Sunders." He smiled and bowed. "I'm happy to help. But I must go now. Goodbye!" Ken decided it was finally time to go home. He was late as it is, but at least he helped someone.

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Well, her to do list was taking longer than she would have liked to be completed but now Katsumi had arrived to the most anticipated item on said list, feeding her pet koi. As she opened the door leading to the elegant backyard which housed the rather large koi pond among the flowering foliage and greenery, all the various sized koi swarmed to the surface and began begging for food upon Katsumi's approach. She warmly smiled as she tossed food out for her pet koi and watched them devour it with gusto, creating splashing noises as they jostled among each other for the food pellets their mistress threw into the waters. To Katsumi, her fish were like little children that she found delight in caring for just like her siblings.

And speaking of which, the youngest one, Hinata came bounding outside and hide behind her. Her two younger brothers soon followed, "Big sis, when is dinner going to be ready?" The second youngest one, Akira asked eagerly. Right, she had briefly stepped outside to feed her koi while dinner was cooking so her pets wouldn't starve. "Dinner will be ready soon, Akira. I'm sorry for arriving home late." Katsumi replied, putting away the fish food and returning inside to finish and serve dinner with Hinata following behind her.

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"I can imagine," Clay said sympathetically, not actually able to imagine the trauma of tuition fees at all. Well, he didn't really have to imagine financial difficulties. Indeed, the small, rather barren studio apartment over his place of employment was a testament to his monetary situation. He wondered internally about whether or not his new friend lived in similar conditions. "What are you studying, if you don't mind me asking..."

Clay perused the menu, trying to find the cheapest thing there. He wasn't about to take advantage of the kindness of strangers. Normally he would've insisted on paying his share of the bill, but something told him that it would be rude to decline the offer. He settled on a garden salad and some green tea. It was better this way, he wouldn't have to get into an awkward discussion about his inability to digest meat. Two birds with one stone, he mused.

"Do you know if they serve booze here?" He asked with a chortle, "I figure with the stressful day we've had we could use one. Still, I don't know if I'd be able to pull off looking twenty." He punctuated his sentence with a mock sigh, "The woes of being a few months shy of majority, am I right?"

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"Alrighty, Ken, I'll keep that in mind."

Kinji headed back to the residential district with Bruce, and brought him home. He figured today had been pretty crazy, so he decided to call it a day.

Before falling asleep early, in order to keep him energized for the morning, he had a thought:

"Now how the hell am I gonna get more yen?"

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Ugh, smoking. But, Aoi didn't have a real reason other than her own opinions to stop Akane this time. "Fine, fine, go smoke on the balcony, or something. My dad smokes there sometimes-- cigars --so there should be an ashtray and no one's really going to bother you... After watching biggy try to lay his mitts on you, I'd rather you smoke there, than outside, with us leaving you there. Just to be safe." Now that is had been decided that she was going to come along, Aoi let her go, and they all happily walked around the block, and into the complex. "Just gotta ride the elevator up. It's on the fifth floor." She lazily hit the button, and waited for the doors to close, relaxing against the back wall of the elevator. Normally she'd take the stairs, but... Company, and all that. "Does he do that a lot?" she decided to ask. "Also, uh, I'll try to get something cooked up. Mom makes Kazumi and I make our own food, since she's normally busy, and Dad doesn't cook, so... Hope youuuu like chicken."

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"More often than I'd like." Akane replied with a grimace, as Aoi asked about the fat man, before the topic of food was brought up.

"I have my own, it's fine." The eldest of the three continued, resting against the wall of the elevator to avoid pressuring her wound.

"By the way... I got your name, but who's she?" Akane finally concluded, gesturing towards the foreigner.

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Oh, yeah, a balcony, that's probably smart. Eliana silently agreed and followed Aoi to her complex, and felt some sort of sympathy for Akane over the topic of the creepy guy. "Can you tell him to stop, somehow? Must be bothering, a lot." It was turning to be a full day for a couple of them, to be sure. "Hmm, chicken? Yes, chicken is nice." Eliana was pretty content as long as it wasn't beef again. Good food, funtimes and (eventually!) studying. She was pretty content with the way things were turning out.

"...Oh, right!" Eliana was embarrassed to realize that slipped by for so long. "My name is Eliana, nice to meet you!" She bowed. I can't believe it didn't even occur to me. Darn, I blew it.

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"If stopped worked on these people, they wouldn't cause any problems..." Aoi sighed, the topic really starting to get under her skin. She'd never dealt with that, but... Ding. The elevator hit the fifth floor and stopped, the doors slowly opening. "Room 514..." Aoi scanned the numbers until they hit her door, fumbling through her pack for keys. "I'm glad chicken's alright? You sure you don't want any, Akane?" She glanced down at her convenience store bag, and smirked. "Instant noodles?" Click. There went the door. "I'm hooooome," she called into the almost empty apartment.

"You're late," her mother casually replied, flipping through her books. "Make sure you clean the kitchen after sup...per... You... Have company?" She had to put the book down at that. "I don't think you've ever brought company over."

"Hi Mom. This is Akane, and Eliana. They're from school! I, uh, have to use the wash before that." She left the two there, rushing to the bathroom, but just before she closed the door, "feel free to head into my room! The games and stuff are in there! The bed's comfy, so, yeah! A-Akane, there's a balcony there too, for your business. No ashtray, but, y'know, if you're uncomfortable smoking around the living room and my Mom."

"I'm not that bad." Mrs. Saito had already gone back to her book.

"Anyway, yeah, I'll be back!" She shut the door, and started the arduous task of getting the visible blood out of her uniform. With a long sigh.

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Her Japanese was a bit... rough around the edges, but the girl seemed nice enough, giving her name, Eliana, and a bow.

"Eliana, huh? Well, I'm sure you've heard it already, but mine's Akane. As for him, I wish it were that easy. Fucker's pretty damn persistent." Akane replied, giving the foreigner a quick once over. Well, it was obvious out of these two which was the demure beauty, and which the ruffian, that was for certain.

And then the elevator stopped. Lead along by Aoi to the correct apartment, Akane couldn't help but smirk as the girl was berated by her mother, who seemed damn near flabbergasted at the thought of the girl bringing friends home... not that such a thing surprised the third year student. Regardless of any of that, Akane made her way into Aoi's room, as instructed, and immediately out the balcony, to light a cigarette and take a nice long drag.

"Maybe I'll actually get to finish one, for once..."

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Not that Akane would've noticed, with how quickly she ran through the space, but Aoi's room was large enough for probably two teenagers. The walls were plastered with a pleasant lighter green, posters of all sorts of anime and video games characters (Mazin-go on one poster, a big Dai-Guard! sprawled on the other) on one wall, and a few medals hanging off of the other. Boxing, it seemed. She didn't have a punching bag, at least, but there seemed to be space for one. Against the third wall was a spacious twin sized bed, and against the fourth was her Wii U and a twenty inch TV, a small stack of games sitting next to it. If they wanted to borrow the PS3, they'd have to invade Kazumi's room, but that could wait until movies. Other than there, there was just a small drawer where Aoi most likely put her clothes. And out on the balcony, there was even a tiny cactus that she took care of! How nice.

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"Right, Akane." A name she already knew thanks to previous events, but it was nice receiving it proper. "And... sorry, maybe one day, yes? Good luck, for that." Talking about the creepy guy just got more awkward by the minute.

Thankfully the moment was disrupted by the elevator opening, finally at their destination. Room 514... Getting inside, Aoi's mother already berated the girl, which was somewhat intimidating, but changed mood somewhat when she noticed the visitors, which was relieving. "Ah, good afternoon, Miss." Eliana bowed again, and made way to Aoi's room. "If you don't mind..."

Inside, Aoi's room was... something else. It was nice to look at, it even made Eliana giggle softly. There's only one bed... I wouldn't believe this is a girl's room, but it's nice. Eliana walked towards and examined her medals, determining that, yes, they were boxing medals. Wow, she's really tough, then. That's... super cool. A smile formed in Eliana's face as she put her bag besides the bed and sat on it, deciding to wait for the other girls before doing anything. I'm the guest, after all.

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Seems Eliana really did fit into the more delicate flower archetype, sitting on the bed and just waiting for Aoi to return. Akane grinned a little at that, as she continued to smoke away on he cigarette, watching the younger girl absent-mindedly while she did so.

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''Me? I'd say Spanish and social work, I'm half Spanish from my mother's side so I thought I'd give it a shot and you'd be surprised how messed up people can be so I'm trying to work on counseling as well.'' he replied almost with a saddened tone. Out of many, he knew he had problems to resolve about himself and how he would move forward. Taking those courses were more to his benefit than anything else remotely beneficial to others and he knew it, but accepting such a fact made him appear selfish and he didn't wish for that. He had to put others first or else he would never change from who he was in his past.

Along the way, Clayton had also asked if they served adult beverages here and although not a usual customer he really didn't think they would considering the teen friendly environment here. Smoothies were way more likely, but not to lose face, he replied with something much more indirect. ''Trust me, you don't want to start drinking this early in the afternoon, it never goes well.'' he replied. It certainly never helped when he was in high school, and he wasn't going back to add another problem towards his list.

Retsuya wanted to avoid a depressing conversation topic and with no other alternative he looked around and caught sight of a stylish man. In fact, the shades he wore made him stand out from the rest of the staff working there. It only took him less than a minute due to his memory to see how his majestic eyes were truly unmistakable ''Oh hey, you work here? How's it feel being part of workforce, bro?'' he responded cheerily. The awkwardness of having a one on one conversation was a bit too much to handle so he settled for a smooth transition into a three-way chat.

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"Why is blood so hard to remove!?" Aoi nearly shouted, rubbing soap hard into that sleeve. It would probably take at least ten more minutes to make that stain unnoticeable She sighed, wondering how the two were getting along... If they were even getting along. Aoi didn't know how long it took to smoke a cigarette.

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It seemed that Aoi was going to take a bit of her time. A question sprouted in Eliana's mind, and she turned to the balcony. "Akane, uh, how is it to smoke? A lot of people do, but I am confused, it smells so strong." Well, it was a question. Hopefully that's not offensive, right? Right.

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"It's... interesting. It takes some getting used to, you'll hate it at first, but eventually the taste grows on you, and nothing feels better than a nice smoke after a long day." Akane replied with a light grin.

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Clayton nodded in acknowledgement. From his experience, people who went into fields like psychology and social work had often experienced a great deal of hurt themselves. Still, he felt it would be improper and insensitive to pry (god knows he wouldn't want anyone poking around for his buttons either). Instead he chose to give Retsuya what he hoped was a warm and reassuring smile. "Hopefully that goes well for you, it sounds fascinating. I'm sure you'll be great at it, at any rate...and I guess it is a bit early for that kind of thing."

He took a sip of his tea, which was slightly strong for his taste. He hoped he wasn't putting the other man off with how high strung he was being.

"Is this a friend of yours Retsuya?" He asked, looking at the Green-eyed stranger that his acquaintance had just addressed, "Hello there, my name is Clayton Kochran." He added, figuring it would be impolite not to at least introduce himself.

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"I... I see." Takes using to? Weird, but I guess if it makes people feel that much better... Eliana decided to swing back and lay down on the bed as she waited, it was pretty comfortable! "You are a third year, right? Is class hard? The teacher grumpier?" It was always a small fear for Eliana that school would get harder and harder to the point she'd feel like giving up. Well, even more so now, with a language acting as a wall, she hoped there wasn't any spike yet, in high school.

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Yuu didn't think too much about fate or all that nonsense, but he began to regret tempting fate's unsatiable hunger for royally screwing things over when the janitor recognized him.

"Uh..." Come now, Yuu, you can do better than that. "Y-yeah, I work here part-time. Helps with keeping war funds at an acceptable level."

The other guy with him introduced himself as Clayton Kochran, and identified the janitor as Retsuya. It wouldn't be polite to not introduce himself now, seeing as names were being thrown around.

"M-my name's Yuu Fukui," the young man nodded. "It's pretty cool to uh... see you here."

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war funds? Clayton scratched his head, unsure if he had heard correctly. That was certainly an odd thing for someone to say... He figured it must be a joke, yeah, that's it. War funds was probably a kitschy nickname for some booze money, or some cash dedicated to buying video games or something. Admittedly, he didn't really paint Retsuya as the type to be into either of those things, but he figured that first impressions left a lot to be desired, and that there was probably a hidden layer of depth to the man that he had not encountered yet.

"N-nice to meet you, Fukui!" he said with an uneasy smile, "so uh, where did you two meet? D'you guys work together or something?"

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