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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Just as Eliana was done with her bento, the bell rang. Oh... just in time. Well, that works. Less time to spend idling and all. Standing up and picking her lunchbox, Eliana realized she left her phone on silent. Oh no! As she flipped it, her suspicions confirmed that there was indeed a message waiting for her, and one she wasn't quite ready to respond immediately. At her home? Wouldn't that be uncomfortable, we just started talking! I guess staying here at school would be kinda boring, though... Ah, the decisions. Unfortunately, class was about to start. She'd have to speak with Aoi once classes were over.


Finally, school was over for the day. That... wasn't so bad, I guess. Relieved, Eliana was about to strike conversation with Aoi when the same made her way out of the room with impressive haste. O-oh no! Grabbing everything she had with a panicked haste, Eliana made to the entrance --and Aoi was still there, changing her shoes. Thank god for Japanese traditions. Relieved, Eliana waved as she approached her classmate. "Aoi! I received the message, but, the bell rang." She tried to explain. "I want to make a day for study, yes! But, I think I have enough time in school already. Are you ok with going to your house?" It was pretty exciting to have a study buddy! At the same time, however, Eliana was concerned she was being a nag.

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At last, school was over for the day! The rest of the day would be relegated to completing assignments given, and working at Chevalier. Though the ratio wasn't clear right now, mixtures had indefinite ratios, or else they'd be compounds.

Hopefully, someone new dropped by. That always broke the monotony of working.

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With a grimace, Akane packed her things. She had missed the whole period after lunch, with some expected berating from the teacher, but at least the day was over. Standing gently, as to avoid pushing her wound and risk exposing the damn thing, the third year student began to leave the classroom and descend to the first floor.

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"Don't forget to practice," Schwartz announced as the students from the last class of the day left the classroom. A busy day of teaching leading to a busy afternoon of grading, he thought as he too made his way to the school entrance. Though perhaps something to eat before that.

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Well, they say a janitor's work is never done, but that was up to the other guy doing the after school shift. Normally he'd go and do the shift with him even if it wasn't his own turn, but he felt rather different today. Maybe a nice change of pace would change his outlook if anything else considering all the day's events. He could even invite Clayton over for a drink or two considering he had to leave his food eaten unsatisfactorily. It could potentially lead him to get a better enjoyment of the school he once attended.

So doing exactly just that, he set out to look over by the mural. ''You almost done for the day? Why not tag along with me to Chevalier and get ourselves something nice to eat?'' he asked. He wasn't sure he'd accept, but he wanted to break of the mold and do something different at least for once in such a long time. Truth of the matter was, in two years he worked he was rather lonely so even a temporary pal was something he needed.

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"O-Oh, hey, Eliana." Well, it wasn't a bad thing to run into her. But it didn't feel very good, either. Today had been a mixed bag of things, so... "Ah, good... I was starting to worry that it hadn't gone through," she lied. She'd been far worried about other things, but it was probably good to keep up relations. That's how friends worked, right? Making a day for study, though... Wait, my house-- right, I said that in the text. "Uh, today might not be the best day for that," she started, confusing what Eliana meant about making a day for study, "but maybe over the weekend, or, something. Just text me again, to let me know..."

She started to trail off, because the other half of the mixed bag had started to come down the stairs. Aoi tried her best not to stare, but that was another thing she was bad at, and she ended up doing just that. I guess the school's not that big... Running into Princess was probably going to happen sooner or later. She didn't glare, or scowl, or anything. If anything, she noticed how... Well, the senior wasn't walking perfectly, like she had done, storming off the roof. That's odd. It was now that Aoi realized she'd probably been staring too long, and she turned her attention back to her shoes, rather awkwardly.

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After the bell rang, Kinji headed home via the bus. After placing his school things in his house, he said goodbye to his mother, and headed to MediPaX to get some medicine.

"Hopefully, some sleep medicine ought to do the trick, I've been having trouble sleeping all week," he thought to himself as he walked to the shopping district.

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Clayton stepped back from his mural as he heard the end-of-class bell ring. He would be expected to vacate the school grounds soon as per his contract.

He frowned, looking at the painting. It all looked rather flat and lifeless at the moment, but he blamed his dampened mood for the lack of progress. Still, he had more than enough time left to finish the first wall, as long as he fulfilled his three commissioned wall murals by the end of the year, he would be golden. He wiped his brow once more and took a quick inventory of the remaining supplies and was pleased to report that he had more than enough paint left to make it through the week.

He was pulled out of his reverie by the janitor, Retsuya.

"Oh, uh yeah sure!" He answered, a bit too eagerly. Clayton very rarely got invitations to go out anywhere, so this was a pleasant rarity. "I've never been there before, actually. Funny how I've lived here for almost 12 years but never bothered to, actually".

He gave himself a quick once over, he figured he wasn't that paint stained. His clothes were in a decent shape and he figured he didn't look too frazzled considering all the stress he had been under all day.

Hope I don't mess this up. Please for once in your life Clayton be cool.

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Great, it was her. Well, aside from the first year staring at her for a little while as she descended the stairs, nothing really transpired, yet. The absolute last thing Akane needed was to be harassed by this joker again, but lo and behold, she was pretty well directly across the row from Akane's locker.

'I just can't catch a break, can I?' She wondered to herself, before making her way over to her locker and removing her shoes, not bothering to speak or make eye contact with the delinquent girl.

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Well, shoes were on, but... That nagging voice in her head wouldn't go away. And it was a stupid voice-- well, alright, half of her said it was stupid, and the other half was telling her it was the mature thing to do. Kazumi probably rubbed off on me too much. Ugh... She sighed, and without skipping a beat on things, spun around and stared straight that the third year. "Are you okay?" she asked, trying her darnedest to sound concerned. "I'm... I... I'm s..." She fumbled with the word. Do I really have that much pride? Seriously? Come on, idiot! She fumed for a moment, and ended up slapping herself. She let the shock set in before talking, again. "I-I'm sorry! For... F-For being a dumb broad." Oh, that was so hard to say...

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As the last of the day ended, Katsumi packed her things and made her way out of the classroom. As she was on route out of the building thinking of all the items on her after school to do list, she walked by Akane on the first floor. Worry began crossing her face since she did get scolded by the teacher for missing the entire period after lunch. She hoped nothing bad had happened for her to be late like that on the first day. Doubling back inside if only to satiate the caretaker side of herself, "Is everything okay?" She asked her fellow third year, noting the slow walking pace of the other girl. She stopped short when the female who had left the roof with a bloody nose came up to Akane and apologized which left Katsumi feeling like she came in at the wrong time to ask of things were okay.

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Well, that was... unexpected. Akane was pretty sure she just had some sort of pain-based hallucination, but there she was, turned around, with a slap mark across her face, apparently apologizing. It left the older girl notably perplexed, just... looking at her for a moment, blinking several times.

Of course, then one of the girls from her class stepped up, asking of her well-being. Tch, had she messed up that badly? Either way, there didn't seem a favourable way to approach this, just yet, and Akane didn't respond, for a moment.

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Well... that was an eventful day. Wish every school day had some spice to it. Ichirou checked his watch as he exited the school gates with his peers. Wonder if the Guru needs any help around his parlor. I could use some extra dosh.

Takako Yaguruma, the owner of the resident tattoo parlor Drei Hard, was intimidating as first glance, but was a pretty decent guy underneath all pretenses - especially since he offered Ichirou a casual job when the teenager had asked around the nearby shops for a way to fill his pockets with some extra finances. The Guru always appreciated the extra hands for sorting and stocking, and the parlor was always filled with his latest metallurgical... experiments, which never ceased to amaze. Or entertain.

Reaching into his pocket, he texted a short inquiry to Yaguruma while he headed home to change into more casual attire.

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"W-W... Well, say something..." Aoi stared at the staring, and ended up turning red. Ugh, why isn't she saying anything? I figured she'd tell me off or just ignore me, but this staring is so awkward. "What is it, huh!?" she asked, louder this time, trying to seem big and strong, but probably coming across as confused. She was. "I just... You shouldn't be smoking on the roof, but, I was... I was a big bitch about it, okay? So I, I wanted to say sorry, for that..." She crossed her arms and huffed again, looking away now. Some other third year had shown up, and the audience was making this even more embarrassing than it already had already been.

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Smoking on the rooftop? Was that what lead to that ketchup being spilled? That seemed a bit odd for a food spill cause. Katsumi wondered if the whole situation on the rooftop was a squabble over smoking in a non designated area. Either way, Akane was silent and the other girl's words on the matter was making Katsumi worry more about something bad going down on the first day of school, but it was looking like whatever had happened at lunch was resolving itself so no sense worrying over something that was working itself out.

Perhaps it was best that she be on her way, her siblings would be arriving home soon from school and her Father would also be arriving home after them like he always did. And there was her after school list which needed doing and couldn't be put off any longer. "I may not be aware of what happened at lunch but I'm glad things are resolving," She said before turning to Akane before leaving the building, "I just wanted to make sure you were okay since you arrived late from lunch. If you ever need anything, don't be afraid to ask me. I'll be happy to help out," Sha said before walking out the front door and into the sunlight.

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Oh boy he just couldn't have enough drama for the day now couldn't he? This event however, was not his to intervene in and he decided to simply avoid it by using some of the lockers as cover. He also put a finger on his lip and made a barely audible shh sound to keep them from being discovered. Whatever was being spoken sounded serious and things like those were left to be settled by the belligerents unless they really got out of control. So with a quick escape and out of the school grounds, Retsuya would lead his pal Clayton over to the restaurant.

''So you still studying out in a university?'' Retsuya asked. He also removed the white cleaning bandana he had over his hair revealing more of his red hair to Clayton. He hadn't changed from his regular work attire either, but considering he was still young, no one would bat too much of an eye over in Chevalier. Might as well get the conversation ball rolling as they neared the shop itself.

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"Oh, is fine, Aoi. I know, today is too soon." Eliana replied, she expected they were going to arrange a day first, of course, she probably wasn't quite clear. Come on, get it together... With all said and done, Aoi seemed far more out of it than earlier today. Uh, was it me? I'm bothering her, right? Damn it. Before Eliana could ask what was wrong, however, Aoi turned swiftly to another student and... apologized?

The girl she apologized to seemed... strange. A third year student, and wearing an overcoat. Hmm, didn't seem in a very good mood either, but that was all Eliana could infer. I don't know what's up with them, I shouldn't nag her yet again... Instead she just observed the admittedly kind of surreal scenario. Apparently the third year girl was smoking, and some really bad argument must have happened. Uh... why is Aoi apologizing so hard? Was she really that out of line? Eliana felt in no right to ask what was going on, and it sort of frustrated her. "Uh... Aoi?" Eliana placed a hand at Aoi's shoulder, "Are you okay?" Quite the generic question, but Eliana's language barrier and little information really couldn't afford more.

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Clayton took the hint and tried to be as quiet as possible, successfully circumventing the assembly of teenagers (some of whom he recognised from earlier's rooftop debacle). He was sure whatever conflict resolution was occurring would go smoothly and with no fisticuffs.

"Not at the moment," Clayton started, education was always a bit of a touchy subject. He knew his parents had been hoping that he blossom into a great academic mind, but such a thing had never come to fruition. "I found an internship at the art studio. It's not so bad, they treat me alright and I get to work with a colourful selection of characters. It's not usually the most interesting job, but this assignment is pretty good so far!"

Clayton turned a little pink again. He was babbling about himself too much again...

"So what about you, are you a custodian by trade or are you workin' on a degree?" He asked, trying to turn the conversation to the topic of his new acquaintance again.

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This is quite good, Schwartz thought as he took another bite.

Having decided to not wait until getting home to eat, he had instead opted to eat on the way instead. So there he was, in a ramen stand, enjoying some Sapporo-style ramen.

Perhaps I should come here more often, he concluded. It certinaly wasn't a bad alternative when preparing food at home wasn't an option.

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Ah! Crap! Eliana's still here! Want to know another thing Aoi was bad at? Focusing on more than one person. Getting that hand on her shoulder was enough to make her jump, but it did make her realize that Eliana was, in fact, listening to all of this and still there. Aoi didn't know who that other third year was, but they'd left, so she figured they didn't matter that much. They did say something curious, though. She didn't come back after lunch? What? "I, uh, yeah, I'm okay..." That was good enough, right? This third year still hadn't said anything, which was really unnerving, but maybe she was just having trouble figuring out how to put her down. "I just did something really stupid, earlier, and I'm apologizing for it..." It was easier to say now that she'd already apologized, but it still hit her hard in the pride for repeating it.

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"Well, as long as you realize, and don't do it again, I suppose that's fine." Akane replied. All she really cared about at the time being was that the younger girl was, thankfully, not seeming to look to cause trouble. She did learn that the girl's name was Aoi, however... that had potential to maybe be useful in the future, but at the very least, even if it wasn't, it was a name to put to a face.

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"Huh?" Wait, why aren't you mad? That was a rather docile response. It took Aoi odd guard, for a moment. Now it was her turn to stare like something was wrong, so she did, for a good half minute. "Are... Are you okay?" she finally asked, wondering if that late return from lunch had done something to her head. "Uh... I'm Aoi, I guess... You are?" Introductions happened now, right? Now that they weren't socking each other in the face?

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"I'm fine." Akane replied bluntly, as she finished changing her shoes. A slight flinch and grimace as her foot went down a little harder than intended, but the older girl shook it off in haste.


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"Okay, Akane... Then why are you flinching? I hit you in the chin, not the leg." Aoi slowly folded her arms. Things weren't adding up! She'd been walking a bit weirdly on the stairs, and now she was flinching putting her leg down. And she was late from lunch? Something was up! "What happened to you after you left?" Was Aoi the right person to be digging into this? Most definitely not. But she was going to anyway!

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