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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Retsuya started to get a bit serious now, asking about what happened at the rooftop. Yuu didn't know the exact details, but he figured he might as well tell him about it.

Unfotunately, before Yuu could tell of the incident, Clayton came back. The tale could be told at another time.

"Well, I gotta go now. Business gets heavy at around this time. We should meet again sometime." With that, the student smiled and left.

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Kazumi shrugged at Ichirou. "It's fine." He stepped aside and gestured for him to come in. "I'm guessing you haven't eaten yet? Hey sis!" He didn't wait for a response. "Do you think you can make enough for one more?"

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"I mean, if he just wants to eat rice," she said, only slightly annoyed at cooking for someone she had no idea about. "Mom said to save some chicken for Dad, so he can't have any of that, if I'm already feeding you, me and Eliana. Akane has some instant noodle or something, so she said she'd be fine. But we've got a tonna rice, so if he wants to splash some soy sauce on that he can go right ahead." She shrugged a mighty shrug, and kept her eyes on the chicken the whole time.

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"Is that right? Well, I suppose it worked out for you." Akane replied somewhat lazily, as a knock on the door came, along with a little exchange.

Well, the newcomer didn't really concern Akane any, since he wasn't one of the ones after her. Grabbing her things, the third year pulled out the bento box she had purchased, and began to eat. May as well, if that's what people were getting ready for.

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Do. Not. Wolf. Down. The. Food. Eat. Your. Salad. Like. An. Adult.

Clayton continued to have the strength of will not to eat the entire plate in three bites. After two months of veggie salt flavoured instant cup ramen and fish sausages, this salad was out of this world. (How he still didn't have pickled insides, he did not know). He raised his cup of tea weakly at the toast, still unsure about whatever was happening on that mob front, but for the moment things were pretty enjoyable.

"Here's to a good year", He said with a cheesy grin, "... and hopefully no more rooftop debacles." He added, furrowing his brow slightly as he remembered what had to be the most awkward thing that happened that day.

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''Cheers... for a new school year of growth and prosperity'' he said merrily. He raised his cup of tea with his new friend and began to gulp it down with gusto. After two years without a friend to speak with, this little event was enough to bring in positive thoughts to his heart and soul. After so long, he could speak with someone else instead of eating in his small dingy apartment with nothing else to do, but study and work like that was the only thing a man was destined to do. If it weren't for the food, he'd probably never stop smiling.

For some reason the miso soup he had ordered was getting even better, and no matter how he tried to explain it, he could only find one truth that made sense to him. The truth that when someone wishes to be around your company, the food just seems to get a tad bit better and when all was said it done, he would meet him yet again near the hallway mural.

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"Yes, glad it worked. Makes school less weird, yes?" Eliana replied. "Is pretty nice to have these people, I feel safe speaking with." It was a pretty good arrangement for her, no longer feeling as ostracized in such a foreign life. Kazumi left to greet somebody at the door, and while Eliana was tempted to just lay down on the bed again, doing it so much would probably drift her to sleep. "You are eating there? Why not get the table?" She asked Akane. Wait, what if it is a Japanese custom... oh, they don't sit on chair to eat, right? Am I missing something else. Pondering over cultural differences, Eliana made way to the entrance of Aoi's room, seeing who the guest was. "Ah, um, hello." Eliana bowed, it was nobody whom she recalled, unfortunately. Probably a friend of Kazumi.

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"I can't be bothered to. After all, I'm only here by technicality, if anything. I'm sure things'll be back to normal by tomorrow." Akane replied between bites of her food, watching as Eliana moved to look at the new arrival.

"Well, hopefully it works out for you. Seems like she's the type who needs friends, anyway."

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"Ah... I see." It seemed Akane was just fine not socializing, which Eliana couldn't blame her for. Akane was kind of dragged along, anyways. "Uh, have a nice dinner." Almost as if an immediate response to something the girl was unsure of, she bowed.

She is the type of people who needs friends... That one phrase did get stuck in Eliana's mind. If Aoi's mom was any indication, Akane was probably right. I'd think she have a lot of friends, she seems like a cool person! The thought challenged Eliana, Aoi seemed sociable enough to have her own group of friends, but there she was taking a girl she just met home. Maybe... no, I shouldn't pry. I should be glad I got this chance at all. She sighed, and then forced a smile back at Akane. "Aoi is not the only. Thanks..." Before she returned back to her silence, another question sprung in Eliana's mind. "And you? You have many friends, Akane?"

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"Nope. None to speak of, really." Akane replied bluntly, not bothering to sugar coat anything. She wasn't really ashamed of that fact, after all.

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"Oh..." Well, that was awkward. But... isn't she a third year? She can't be so alone! Did something happen? "But... Uh..." Confrontation turned out to be extremely complicated. "Well, if you need help, it is good to have a person to trust, yes?" Aaaaand already she was going off an intrusive tangent. "I mean, just... it depends on person, I know. But, if you need something, and we are around, well... you can ask, yes?" Eliana somewhat tensed up in the middle of her speech, and started fidgeting her skirt. She... she's kinda scary, but doesn't look like a bad person. It can't hurt to offer help, right?

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"Uh, sure, I'm up for some rice." Ichirou accepted as he entered the household, making sure to wipe his shoes at the entrance. He just noticed how hungry he was.

Although some of the chicken wouldn't have hurt. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, as they say.

"Y'know, I could help with dinner, if you don't mind." Ichirou offered to Kazumi while walking past him. "I'm no slouch when it comes to cooking."

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"You seem pretty adamant on this." Akane replied, placing her food down, and walking over to the first year. This one was... rather curious, all things considered. Akane couldn't help but want to mess with her, just a little bit. Walking right up to the foreign girl at examining her features a little more thoroughly, Akane managed a light smile.

"So, do you want to be my trusted person then, Eliana?" Akane questioned, her mouth lingering rather close to Eliana's ear, though not close enough to be considered overtly uncomfortable.

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"I don't need your help," Aoi said, sticking out her tongue. "It's just chicken and rice and curry, it's really not hard. Just, like, go sit down, or something." She might not've enjoyed cooking for someone she didn't know, but she stilled enjoyed cooking, so she didn't want someone getting in the way of her frying rhythm. "Turn the TV on, see if there's anything good right now. I was gonna sit Akane and Eliana through a horror film, but I don't think I can muscle that into the player with all four of you here, without some protest." She jokingly rolled her eyes at that, putting the rice into the now boiling pot.

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Akane had put down her food, and started paying full attention to Eliana, which made her even more nervous. "Eh, I just... Is okay to worry about people, yes?" As Eliana tried to meet Akane eye-to-eye, she realized she was being... examined more thoroughly, which only tensed the girl more. Eliana was frozen cold in place, sans for the fidgeting of her skirt, which only intensified. "Uh... Akane, did I say somethi--" All Eliana saw was a smirk, and then the girl got notably close to her, whispering softly to her ear...

"So, do you want to be my trusted person then, Eliana?"

"QUE?!" Eliana squeaked the highest pitched squeak she remembered doing, quickly moving her hands from her skirt to cover her face, which reddened almost instantly despite her skin tone. "Uh, que-- I mean, você--you, uh, want me to be friend, yes? I-I'd friend! Uh, I mean..." What is going on?! Is... is she also one?! Her an Aoi... B-both going after me?! Is this Japan?! If embarrassment and confusion could kill, Eliana would be on the seventh heaven. Not that pushing her over the edge would have very different results, at that point.

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Akane couldn't help but giggle at the display, Eliana growing a magnificent shade of red, and trying entirely too hard to cover her tracks and hide herself,

"Is something wrong, Eliana? You're acting strange." The third year asked in jest, placing her hand up against the foreigner's forehead... yep, she had certainly heated up, a bit.

"You're feeling kind of hot. You alright?"

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'Que'? What the heck does 'Que' mean? Aoi stared at her room as she heard the squeak, tilting her head somewhat. "Oooooooi. What's goin' on in there? Everyone alright?" Maybe one of them tripped... She didn't want to leave the food alone, but she wanted to go make sure everything was also okay... But there wasn't much to trip on, so, she shrugged, and kept tending to the food. If there was a problem, one of them would come running for help, surely.

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"You heard the boss." Kazumi chuckled to Ichirou, before plopping himself down in the chair that his mother had been seated in a few minutes ago. "Anything in particular you want to watch?" he asked nonchalantly. "Or either of you two?" he glanced over to Akane and Elinia, spotting the latter's face reddening. Huh. They probably aren't paying much attention. He smiled to himself, flicking between channels in hopes of finding something interesting. ...And preferably not another depressing report on Ersatz victims.

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Eliana only managed to redden further as she heard Akane's giggling. "I... I am fi--" And then there was physical contact. Akane put her hand over Eliana's forehead, which made the foreigner's eyes widen as she dropped her hands. WHY.

At that moment, her legs gave up on being legs.

"Eep!" She fell forwards, trying to hold anything to stop herself from falling and making a more embarrassing ruckus. Thankfully, Akane was in the way, and Eliana quickly held onto her for dear life... or dear sanity, even if it was the lesser of two evils. "So-sorry... I --sit, I need to sit." She said, having wrapped her arms around Akane, one hand resting at her right shoulder and another awkwardly clinging to her lower torso. There was no way Eliana could make eye contact after that, so she buried her face on Akane's left shoulder. Despite hearing Aoi's inquiry, Eliana was in no shape to answer at the moment, either.

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Well, that had gone to shit rather quickly. Normally such a thing would have just prompted a laugh and a teasing offer to lay down on her lap to rest, but in this case, all that escaped Akane's lips was a sharp hiss. Eliana resting her head and hand on either shoulder was just fine, as she didn't seem to weigh that much, but the foreigner's other hand that had flailed out for grip had managed to land itself right on Akane's wound, and was squeezing rather hard.

Of course, Akane was finding herself in a bit of a pickle, due to all of this. Her body had tensed up, and she was still hissing lightly, though not quite as harsh as before. The real problem was the growing dark red patch that was seeping through her top, and the blood that was already beginning to coat Eliana's fingers and hand as it escaped the re-opened gunshot wound.

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Alright, that was enough squeaking to elicit inspection. Aoi turned off the heat for the chicken, turned down the heat for the rice, and told Kazumi, "just find something funny to watch," before walking over to the doorway. She was a bit surprised to see the girls so close together, but the first thing that came out was, "why didn't you tell me we were gonna practice wrestling?" before finally noticing the red that was beginning to bleed through Akane's shirt. She stared at it. It took a moment for things to register. But did they ever register. "Oh my god!" she shouted, doubling back to the bathroom and grabbing a towel, running full tilt back towards the room and crashing into the door frame to stop herself. "Ahhhh, h-here, oh, oh gosh, wh-what happened!?"

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A hiss. There was that hiss, which Eliana did not expect,and froze her in place for entirely different reasons. Then she noticed something wrong-- a strange liquid in her hand that was not meant to be. She immediately let her grasp go, standing back on her two legs as her embarrassment was overridden by shock, she looked at her left hand, which had grasped Akane's lower torso, to find blood. A notable amount, more than what a simple wound would have caused. "A-Akane?"

She looked at the girl again, who was still in some pain, when Aoi entered the room, and understandably went in shock. "I-I... Akane, you will be fine? Sorry! So sorry!" Eliana almost went into panic as it all sunk to her that she probably aggravated a terrible wound. "I did not mean. I... I..." Tears were welling up in her eyes as Aoi returned with a towel, "...Do not know." Eliana dropped to the floor on her knees, watching her arm as blood dripped from her hand.

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As the group at the Saito residence went about their various businesses, a large crash sounding like broken glass could be heard from outside, in a gap between their residence and that of their neighbours. It appeared there was a significantly noisy struggle going on outside, that just couldn't be ignored by the five within the house...

Upon further inspection, the struggle was between a large, seemingly cloaked man standing next to a mirror, and a young woman in a school uniform - one Kiyomi Shijima, a member of Torodara's drama club who ended up running late as a result of an issue in cleaning up after the drama club's meeting. She really wished that the meeting wouldn't have run late.

"Get off of me...! Ugh...!" Kiyomi cried out, as she attempted to free herself from her captor. However, as the man was bigger and stronger, he held his ground and began to push Kiyomi towards the mirror, much to her horror as she slowly began to realize what exactly was happening to her. "W-wait, no... please! I'll give you anything, just... please, don't...!" The student pleaded, but to no avail. With one final push, Kiyomi was thrown inside the mirror, the glass rippling for several long seconds, before the man briskly walked away, seemingly pleased with his results.

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"WHAT NOW!?" Aoi practically cried out, as some loud crash happened outside. She tossed the towel to Eliana and gave her a look which practically asked 'seriously!?' to her collapsing, and rushed over to the balcony, just quick enough to catch the cloaked figure toss someone into a mirror. What? Wha... What? She blinked a few times. She kept blinking. Was she going crazy? Maybe this was a rad dream, turning into a nightmare. Of course, she couldn't have made friends that easily. She'd be waking up any second now, and then start her first day of school.

She pinched herself. It hurt. Still there. Part of her wanted to duck back into the apartment and curse it all, but she couldn't help what she was about to do. "HEYYYYY!" she shouted as loud as she could at the hooded man. "STOP RIGHT THERE!"

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Everything happened so quickly, first with Akane's bleeding, and then speeding off to the balcony in time to see the student forced into the mirror. That didn't just happen. That... just... what? Kazumi was dumbfounded by the whole thing. The whole thing was impossible - there was no way that a person could enter a mirror. If they could, people would've figured it out years ago. But it happened, so just... what was he supposed to make of that?

Aoi shouting down at the assailant brought him back to reality. He had half expected her to charge down the stairs right after him, but if she had, maybe she would've been tossed in there too. Staying safe inside the apartment was undoubtably the right decision, but all he could say was "Do we... go look?" He knew it was stupid, and dangerous of course, but he had to know what was going on here. It was too strange to ignore - especially when it happened so close to home.

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