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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Well... that was abrupt. "So Clayton had other matters to attend to. He could have asked me to phone in an excuse for him at least." Retsuya added quietly. His partner little explosion and darting out of the window didn't come out without any witnesses. The staff and the clientele waited on Retsuya to act but his response to them was simple. Looking out to the crowd watching, he waved over for one of the staff to come over and one eventually did albeit somewhat reluctantly.

"Sir, are you going to pay?" a young waitress came in to ask him. His miso soup had been done for and the salad had been finished and since neither ate too much, the price came off as surprisingly low that in the end he'd have to get change back. "Give the rest to your employee Yuu, tell him it's from the janitor." Retsuya said politely. After that little transaction was made and that the girl he gave the money too hadn't stole it or kept it to herself he left without saying another word. He walked back home now with a drive to figure out what exactly was plaguing the city and the mystery of the deity Ameno-Koyane.

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This... appeared to be a problem. The children of man that were apparently chosen to wield the power of Persona seemed to be having some sort of... difficulty... leading the man out. Of course, there was a simple solution to the issue, that they had yet to consider.

"Children of man... perhaps your best course of action regarding the man is to merely leave him to his fate. I suspect that he will not be easily saved regardless of your best efforts. His mind was weak, and the world surrounding him quickly swallowed him whole. The disease plaguing his mind... I fear it may not be purged enough to save him."

Kiyomi, meanwhile, remained motionless, while Saburo continued to inch ever so slowly away from the people near him, though he did seem to be heading in the general direction of the blue door... Perhaps he could be corralled there?

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"Well we can't just leave him!" Aoi boomed back at the booming voice, getting more and more irritated with it as time went on. Maybe we can... I dunno, if no one wants to get their hands dirty... "Hey, uh, if he's just gonna keep away from us, maybe we can, like, move him towards the door? Like border collies... I guess." It was an idea. It was the only idea she had, 'cause, even she didn't wanna sock someone who probably didn't deserve it. If that was their only idea, anyway, she might as well get them started. "So we just, uh, move towards him, keep the door between us and him, easy enough?" Aoi started walking towards him.

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"Well... it doesn't look like he can be reasoned with at the moment..." Ichirou concluded. "Feels funny to treat a fellow human being like some sort of sheep, though..."

Making sure not to send the quivering man in the wrong direction, Ichirou walked towards him at a different angle than Aoi, hoping to influence his movement towards the door.

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Honestly, Akane's nerves were at their limit, for the time being. All of this was a lot to process, and honestly she didn't really care much for this man, if he was gonna be stubborn.

"You hear that, salaryman? I dunno if you can or not, but you can either stick around here and rot, or you can come with us. Choose already, why don't you?" Akane noted to the man with a sour note, walking briskly towards the blue door, with the man in-between. Maybe they'd get lucky and he'd just back away from her straight into it.

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If that won't convince him... A gust of wind suddenly whipped up in front of the man, far enough away to avoid injuring him, but it would probably be enough to startle him. And Kazumi, who was currently trying to conceal a smirk, definitely wasn't the one responsible for it. Definitely not.

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Saburo was, at this point, and for a lack of a better term, scared shitless. These people were trying to kill him, he just knew it! He saw those... things, and how they ended up defeated by these people! He was having no part of it. Fortunately, there was a door handy that he could use to trap them, so he stood up quickly, and ran to the door, slipping through onto the other side and trying to keep it closed as much as he could.

The voice was mildly amused by all of this, but now the group did what they were tasked to. "Remember, children of man. You have one week to save the people trapped within here... Though I expect you cannot save everyone, you must do as much you are capable of."

Then, there was silence.

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"You know what I'm talking about... Geez. At least it worked... So, what, do we just walk through the door, too?" Aoi was a bit confused (who wouldn't be, really, after all of this), but if that door was all they had to get out of this world, then it was. She propped the girl on her back up a bit higher, and slowly went after the man, opening the door and slipping her way into it... For whatever waited on the other side.

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When Aoi pushed through the door and into the room before her, what she was met with was... blue. Lots and lots of blue. Everything in the room around her appeared to be blue, and it almost seemed akin to a doctor's office, considering the rather... unusual decor dotted around the walls. Medical charts of all kinds adorned the walls to the left and right of what appeared to be another exit, and there was also a bed for patients - or, at least, it would be, if not for the fact that the atmosphere permeating the room was... odd. It certainly didn't seem to be a hospital room.

Especially with the strange man with a comically long nose sitting directly across from the door, flanked by a striking woman in a similarly blue nurse's outfit.

"Welcome... to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor. I am delighted to make your acquaintance." Igor began, with his assistant motioning to the motley quartet to come and join them in the room. "This place exists between dream, and reality. Mind, and matter. Now..." A brief pause, as his assistant adjusted her glasses and Igor seemed to adjust himself every so slightly. "Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

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"Whoa," was all Aoi could say, at the surprisingly blue room, walking in with a slow step, since she had some extra weight on her back. It took her a moment to take everything in, finally locking eyes with the nose man, and recoiling a bit. "Uh, uhhhh, i-is anyone else seeing that?" Igor, huh? Igor, you might wanna find a good surgeon... "Introduce myself? Again? Uh, Aoi Saito... What's with you people and introducing? You'd think that voice would've tipped you guys off to us coming." Whatever, there was a place to put the girl now, so Aoi dropped her off on one of the patient beds.

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Blue. Blue everywhere. Blue was the only thing Ichirou saw as he entered the room. "Whoa..." Ichirou gasped. This place just keeps on outdoing itself in the weirdness department. A certain feeling climbed his spine... but not necessarily an unpleasant one. It felt like he was... destined to be here - it was hard to describe.

As his eyes swept across the surprisingly normal medical memorabilia, Ichirou eventually noticed a strange old man with a few... distinguishing features and a strange woman who gave off a supernatural air. Ichirou was about to open his mouth in shock but, figuring that to be rude, bit his tongue just in time. This man and his cohort did not seem like enemies.

Igor, as he called himself, had an oddly soothing voice that did not match his appearance. "M-my name is... Ichirou... Ichirou Nagai." Ichirou carefully responded as he moved closer. "What... what do you mean by 'dream and reality'? Are we in... some sort of alternate dimension or something?"

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Tick. Tock.

Minutes passed, Eliana continued staring at the mirror, as if trying to perceive what lied beyond it glassy substrate and metallic coat. What was hiding itself past the world's reflection. "/If you are always there, then what is your connection... what is it you're not showing?/" She muttered in her native language.

It took a good fifteen minutes in that trance until a noise broke Eliana's trance. A noise of something approaching. Quickly, she retracted her fingers and stood up, heart beating fast as danger sprung in Eliana's mind. Is... is this who is behind this? The "shover"... "shovers"? Did they shove the others?! A-are they coming for me?! Eliana could feel an overwhelming cold take over her chest, robbing her of movement, she couldn't help but stare at the corner of her eye...

A black cat jumped the dividing wall between the buildings, rushing past Eliana and towards the front gates, she must have stirred it to move quick with her abrupt standing. All noise faded past that.

After taking a few minutes of frozen fear at the expectation that something would jump at her at any moment, Eliana took quick breaths as she crouched, and, with shaky hands, picked up the mirror. I need to leave, I'll go nuts here. Feeling her breath quickly escape her with each step, Eliana made haste to the entrance of the Saito's residence's building. Eliana thought over whether she should go back to their apartment or not, only to produce a rather scary realization.

"/What am I going to say to Aoi's parents?/" It was a rather grim thought, "/'Hi, your children left to see an Ersatz case that just happened outside and disappeared.' ...Oh my God./" Restating the occurrence to herself only made things sound worse. Where are you guys? Please show up... Finding a seat at the ground floor, and making sure the lights were turned on, Eliana sat down and began fidgeting her skirt again. Ugh, I hope their parents don't pass through here...

Edited by Xinnidy
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Well... that was, different. Having stepped through the door after Aoi, Akane simply took in the blue room for a moment, somewhat confused by the spectacle... what was with all the weird-ass shit today? Giving her head a quick shake as she listened to the oddly proportioned man speak, introduced himself as Igor, and say some more odd things, before asking for introductions.

"Akane... but what did you mean, by that?"

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Well, this is weird. Kazumi had kind of been expecting (and hoping for) a way out, but instead they ended up in some weird medical ward. He didn't notice Igor at first, but when he did, he was transfixed by the length of his nose. I don't even... how is it so big? This place just gets weirder and weirder. He sighed. "I'm Kazumi Saito. And uh, what they said." As strange as this place was, he didn't think that repeating Ichirou and Akane's questions would accomplish anything. He did have one of his own, however. "Um, do you know how we can get out of this place?" He'd had enough of this weirdness for one day.

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As the quartet introduced themselves, Igor nodded and motioned to the couches that seemed to have materialized before him in an instant. "Please, do have a seat, and I will attempt to explain everything to you." Turning to his apparent assistant, Igor glanced over at the unconscious Kiyomi and the still-panicked Saburo. "Estelle, please take care of those two while our guests' questions are answered."

"At once, Master." The assistant, Estelle, replied as she stood up and hefted both of them onto a hospital table and closed some sort of curtain behind her. Satisfied with his assistant's work, Igor turned back to the quartet before him.

"Now then... To answer any belief that I may have been guiding you within the realm beyond that door, I'm afraid that I was not the one you were speaking to. However, I did observe you all, and, with you all having made a contract to choose your fate of your own free will, I am now able to assist... you..." Igor slowly trailed off, as his face seemed to darken ever so slightly. "Oh my... none of you possess the Wild Card... very interesting indeed."

Igor's expression returned to the way it was before, as if he had never changed his face at all. "This room exists within a space in the collective unconsciousness of humanity... In essence, you are in another world, created by human thoughts." Igor paused for a moment to let this explanation sink in. "Now... I presume you are meaning to solve this mystery, and save the people trapped within the world of mirrors from their cruel fates. To this end, Estelle will purify any whose minds have been tainted by this... ailment of the mind." Igor added, seemingly unmoving aside from his mouth.

"Onto some more pressing matters. You who hold the power of Persona, can gain even greater power through your bonds with other people. These are what my former guests have chosen to call 'Social Links'. As you strengthen these bonds with others, you may attain an even greater power... But be wary. Though bonds can provide you great power, they may also come with grave consequences... Please, do keep that in mind." Without skipping a beat, Igor flourished once more to the wall on his left, showing a second door, much different than the one that the quartet had originally entered from. "If you wish to leave now, the exit is to my left. I suspect you will be back, and that we will meet again someday."

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"Uh, what's this 'wildcard' thing you're talking about?" This was still moving way too fast for Kazumi to keep up with, like it had been taken staight out of some weird movie. Solving the mystery? Kazumi wasn't sure what to think about that comment. Sure, they had these Persona things now, and they saved the crazy guy and the girl, but they were right there next to them. They would've had to have been jerks not to save them.

Solving the mystery sounded difficult - and dangerous. If they had to fight any more of those monsters, they could get themselves killed. And really, was it their problem to deal with? The police and detectives should be the ones dealing with this kind of stuff, not high school students. From what Igor had said, stuff like this seemed to have happened before too, which just gave him more questions. "So, what happened to your 'former guests'?" Couldn't they deal with this? Surely someone with experience in this kind of thing would be way better suited to it than they were.

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Whoa, a couch! Aoi flopped down into it, relaxing against the fabric, after that annoying little fight. It was curious, and a bit disconcerting, that the voice that had been instructing them hadn't been whoever this Igor guy was. Then who was it? Who started this? It was just another annoyance on top of that fight, and she ended up sighing. Dreams, reality, whateverrrrrr. I just wanna go back home. Aoi continued to get steadily more and more annoyed, because her head wasn't really grasping the concept of this world of human thought. Did that mean that she could think something into existence? Could other people? Was that what they fought? It didn't make a lot of sense, and she sighed.

Kazumi has questions of his own, but... Social links... That term caught her interest, though. As did the explanation. "Wait!" she barked, sitting up. "You mean that, like, spear dude who popped up behind me will get stronger if I talk to people? Just, like... If I make friends?" Friends. That was something she wanted. This whole saving the world deal, she wasn't sure she was up to that, but if it meant getting more friends along the way... And she already had a head start, with Akane and Eliana! "Hey, sign me up, nose guy," she said. That was pretty much all it took to convince her. Another door appeared and they were free to leave, but... Well, she wanted to stick around to see if Akane and Ichirou had any other questioned she didn't think of. She wasn't the best at thinking.

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There was more talking from the large-nosed fellow. He had dropped a couple of odd terms, wild card, social links? None of it really made any sense, but apparently he was asking them to assist others who were thrown in, as well.

Honestly, it was all more than Akane really cared to deal with, but there Aoi had gone, and volunteered herself, and in shady deals like this, that no doubt was going to volunteer the rest of them by proxy. The senior student let out a sigh, as began pulsing that strange energy from earlier... as had happened earlier, a strange card appeared in her hand... she didn't crush it, this time, simply examining it for a moment. Thinking back to an acquaintance who read tarot, it strongly reminded her of one of the cards... surely it was one of them.

"Devil, huh? Pfft." Akane muttered, under her breath.

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Ichirou hesitated before sitting on one of the couches, while casting a curious eye over the curtain the victims had disappeared behind. Wow, this is pretty comfy! Wonder if he bought it from somewhere...

Immediately chastising himself for thinking so casually, Ichirou instead focused his attention on 'Igor's' words. Collective unconsciousness? Ailment of the mind? Social Links? Wild Card? This is all so insane. Do I grow stronger by talking to people and making friendships? What is this, a shonen manga?

He was still lost when Igor materialized a door out of nothing right in front of him, surprising him out of his train of thought. "S-so... we can leave now? Just like that? What about the people we rescued? Will they be returned? Can we summon our 'Persona' things whenever we want?"

He had so many questions about everything that he couldn't ask them all in less than an hour's time.

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Before Igor could respond to yet more questions, his assistant, Estelle, came back out to the group from behind the curtain she was hiding behind. The group could see Saburo from where they sat; he appeared to be fine, physically anyways. "Operation successful, Master." Turning to the quartet before her, Estelle nodded and gave a warm smile. "Please, escort our patients back to the real world. Come visit us again, and we will tell you everything. I'm sure you'll be able to find us easily once you see where the entrance is." The strange woman replied, before leading the quartet to the door.

"And remember... You are both alone and not. Bonds are power, but your actions are yours alone. Take great care not to endanger those bonds with your actions... Farewell."

And with that, the four Persona users, as well as Kiyomi and Saburo, were whisked out of the blue hospital room and into... the shopping district, before the usually closed store simply named Aquamarine.

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"Well hey you never told me if all I had to do was make frien--" with that, Aoi was whisked out of the room by Igor's assistant, shoved through a door and landed square on her ass out in the shopping district. It took her a moment to readjust, but once she had, the only thing that popped into her head was "Eliana! Shit! She's still back at the apartment! What time is--" She snatched her cellphone out of her pocket, as she scrambled to her feet. It's been an hour. We were in that mirror, for a whole, goddamn hour. OH MY GOD! "We have to go!" she shouted, hopping up and down, waiting for everyone else to get themselves reacquainted with reality. "Eliana's probably, like, worried sick! And the chicken might've burnt! Come on!"

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A wave of dizziness washed over Ichirou after he and his companions were shoved out the door. "Man... that shook me up... He couldn't have asked us if we were ready first before working his mumbo jumbo?"

Looking around, he noticed they were quite far away from Kazumi's house - in the actual shopping district. "Hey, this was a little off the mark don't you think?" Ichirou stated indignantly.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Kazumi's sister (Aoi, was it?) clearly seem interested in heading off in the opposite direction. He wasn't paying attention to what she was saying.

"H-hey, wait! I wasn't listening! Back to your place?"

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Despite the fact that Igor seemed to have ignored his questions, and the sudden exit, Kazumi was quite pleased to be back in the world he knew again. The ordeal had been kind of tiring for him, both physically and mentally, so he probably would've plopped himself down on a nearby bench if it hadn't been for his sister's urging. "Ugh..." He forced himself to go after her, trying to figure out how unshaken she seemed by the whole ordeal. Well, relatively at least.

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