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Persona: Simulacrum - IC Thread


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Akane grabbed the towel out from the air, and quickly stuffed it against her wound, and began applying pressure. It wasn't as bad as earlier, she wasn't losing blood quite so fast. As Aoi began screaming something or other at something outside, Akane managed to grit her teeth, and re-bandage her wound after getting to her belongings. For fuck's sake, now...

"The hell is going on, Aoi?" The third-year asked, keeping herself relatively steady as she walked over to the pair of siblings standing on the balcony.

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Normally, if that had been some alleyway thug, she would've dashed straight down the stairs and chased after him. But this was different... This was way different, and it actually scared her. "D-Do we-- no! What!? Are you crazy!? You just saw that!" She didn't expect Akane to be up so quick after seeing that injury of hers, so she jumped when the girl spoke at her, spinning around and looking rather panicked. "S-S-- That guy!" she said, directing her pointing straight towards the hooded man who had seemingly ignored her shouting, "just sh-shoved someone into a mirror!" It sounded really, really stupid. But that's exactly what had happened, and she was still shocked, staring at the mirror now.

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Shuffling over to the balcony, Akane caught sight of the man, walking away. Just the sight of him ran a chill down her spine, unlike anything she had ever felt before... what in the hell was...? And Aoi's story made no sense, but... there was a mirror there, or at least it looked like one, but she couldn't see the glass.

"You sure, about that? I won't forgive you, if you're bullshitting me. If you're sure, one hundred percent, then... turn around and cover your eyes." Akane dictated, strangely calm all things considered, still applying pressure to her wounded side, as her other hand made it's way into her bag...

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"She's telling the truth." Kazumi nodded. "It's just like... what the hell was that? Stuff like that just doesn't happen." He looked back at the street. Nobody else seemed to have gone over to check out the source of the scream yet, and the mirror was still there - just like the cases with the Ersatz disappearances.

The penny dropped. He bit his lip, and looked back at the other two who were out on the balcony. "You don't think," he began, barely daring to voice his theory. "That maybe this is all linked to the Ersatz stuff, do you?" He thought that the syndrome was abnormal even before all of this, but he had hardly expected to see someone pushed into a damn mirror. He was still struggling to get his head around it.

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"Why would I bullshit this!? God, it just... She was there, and then she was gone, and there's nowhere else she could've went!" Aoi was getting frustrated now. Fear was starting to turn into anger, and the hooded man wasn't stopping his leaving. That fucker... He's the one who... I... Why are you so scared, huh!? You weren't scared to stare down a senior this morning, so...! Aoi was too caught up in her own thoughts to pay attention to Kazumi bringing up Ersatz, or to Akane's telling her to cover her eyes. She bolted off the balcony and jumped throught he door, running full tilt towards the stairs. Maybe we can get her out, maybe we can save her, maybe Kazumi is right, maybe we should go look, maybe...!

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Ichirou was at a loss for words as he looked out the window. "T-this sort of stuff just isn't... possible, you know? Is this some sort of... prank?"

I was outside just a few minutes ago. That could have been me.

Ichirou was trying to feel at home in Kazumi's living room when the loud crash and Aoi's panicked yells filled the air. He certainly did not expect such a dramatic thing to happen - although he had some apprehension about the two fighting girls from today being in the same house.

"D-do we... I'll call the police!" He nervously announced, reaching for his cell. If this was indeed linked to that Ersatz, it was definitely a matter for the authorities.

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The police, huh? Well, that was the buzz word, wasn't it? Akane's hand released the grip of the gun in her bag, and let the weapon stay there. And that was when Aoi made a break for it.

"Aoi, you ca-" Too late, Akane realized, and cut herself off. With a bit of a low growl, she turned towards the door.

"Well, you two are guys, right? And she's your sister." Akane began, pointing at Kazumi.

"You're not gonna let her go alone, are you? Forget the phone, for now." The third-year concluded, looking over to Eliana as well, who still seemed out of it. Now was definitely not the time, for this.

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"Y-you what? I don't want to become some hostage or worse because of some crazy girl!" Ichirou stammered. To no effect, apparently, because Kazumi's sister wasn't slowing down. You know, more hands are better than one. Better we go with her than she gets jumped by Cloak Man's cronies.

"...Tch... Fine!" Ichirou reluctantly snapped, making his way down the stairs. "But if you think I'm gonna go in guns blazing, you're gonna be sorely disappointed!"

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Clayton reached the end of his salad with a feeling of loss. He would miss fresh veggies for a long time. At least he was destined to continue having pleasant company for a while, considering that he would most likely continue seeing Retsuya at school. Overall things were pretty good...

"That stuff earlier..." He started, mustering the courage to finally ask, "Y'all were pulling my leg with the whole mob act right?"

WAS THAT AN OFFENSIVE THING TO ASK? I BET THAT WAS AN OFFENSIVE THING TO ASK. Clayton mentally chastised himself, hoping that he wasn't going to insult his new friend.

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Retsuya himself had long reached the end of his miso soup and had begun paying a different waiter from last time. Time had passed significantly and it was finally time to leave the establishment however something strange came upon his mind. He'd try to elaborate further but he didn't want to be rude towards his companion so here came the answer. ''What do ya think, punk?'' he taunted until a smirk came across his face ''Pfft... nah, I can't take it anymore you're too pure-hearted. I was just messing with you. '' he added merrily. Clayton certainly was an oddity, but maybe it was more because his optimism hadn't yet been crushed by the real world. Heck, maybe he himself was an oddity, who ever heard of such a contemplative man who was only 20 and hating the world already.

Contemplation aside, he wanted to breach one new topic out to Clayton before he left back home. ''Clayton, what are your thoughts on the Ersatz Syndrome?'' he spoke plainly. The Ersatz Syndrome was the entire reason Clayton had appeared in the school to begin with and it being the talk of the town made it a popular subject to speak on about. As he gently tapped his fingers across the table, he began to realize that no one he knew had become victim to it in the past few weeks, but maybe a new perspective on the matter could shed a little light on how to view this phenomena.

Oh boy things just got serious...

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A shatter. The noise coming from outside took everyone's attention in a moment, except Eliana's, who was still coping with her own shock. Eliana saw a towel being thrown her way when Akane caught it in the air, and promptly wrapped it around her torso. Soon enough, they'd all gone to the balcony. Eliana just gazed at them vaguely, not in the right mind to parse through the Japanese they were speaking.

Moments after, Aoi rushed past Eliana and made it for the door, and was then followed by the newcomer boy. Kazumi and Akane were still there, but they probably would be following. Eliana looked back once more as Akane looked at her. She... she is fine, right? Looking at her bloodied hand again and shivering, Eliana tried to stand using her clean one. "Akane... are you ok?" She bit her lip, it didn't help to bring the subject again, but it would just make things awkward otherwise. Managing to stand upright, Eliana took a few deep breaths. "I... sorry. That wound... I want to help, it was my fault." She managed to speak, "But... what is happening? Where is Aoi going? What was the sound?" If it took everybody's attention like that, it must be awfully important.

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"You don't need to tell me twice." Kazumi nodded. "Just... like, don't follow after us if you're gonna start bleeding again." Kazumi was a master of words. Without waiting for a response, he hurried after Aoi and Ichirou, overtaking the latter fairly quickly as he rushed downstairs. Aoi still reached the bottom first, but he wasn't too far behind.

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Aoi was only barely out of breath when she hit the first floor, and threw herself out the doors, rushing around the building as quickly as she could. She finally stopped running, panting to catch her breath, as the adrenaline was the only thing that had kept her going so fast. But by the time she'd gotten down there, the hooded man was gone... But there was the mirror. Aoi could see it fully now. Looked like a regular old mirror. But something in her head was screaming at her to stay away from it. As gungho as she had been to rush down there to help, now she was stuck, adrenaline running out and turning back into fear. I can't even move... I can't even go and check it, I... She was forcing herself to keep moving forward, slowly putting one foot out after the other, inching ever closer to that mirror.

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"I'll be fine. It just re-opened, that's all. It's not bleeding as bad as earlier." Akane replied to Eliana, as the two boys began making their descent down to the ground floor.

"There was a crash, and it seems that Aoi and Kazumi both saw the same damn thing... some girl being shoved into a mirror. They vouched for each other, but it's still damn mad... I'm going to go with them, just in case, but... you're pretty shaken, Eliana. If you need some time, it might be best for you to stay up here." Akane replied, as she began to follow the others down the staircase, at a less brisk pace, obviously.

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Kazumi slowed down a little as he reached the bottom of the stairs, panting for breath. I need to get into shape... he thought to himself, although that was a matter for later. He made it to the building's entrance, before stopping to watch Aoi slowly advance towards the sole momento of what they had just seen. Don't touch it! he wanted to yell, but words failed him. As he gazed at the mirror, he started to think that maybe they were making a horrible mistake...

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"A... crash? Shoved into a mirror?" At first, Eliana thought Akane meant a girl was shover at a mirror and it crashed, being the logical conclusion. Her grammar took a while to parse it actually meant something more unnatural. "Wait, what?" By that moment, Akane was already off, leaving Eliana alone at the room.

Deep breath. I still have to see if I can do something about that wound... Release. Eliana made her way to the bathroom and washed off her hands, then finally decided to follow the others outside. "I-I'm coming!" She spoke loudly as she reached the stairs, but by that moment Akane and the others were too far down to hear her. I Hope I don't miss it, this is confusing. I don't think I'll understand if they try to explain to me again. And down the stairs she followed.

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She wasn't stopping her slow steps. Aoi almost felt drawn to this mirror, but a quick gulp and a shake of her head brought her back to reality. She chuckled a nervous chuckle, and glanced back at Kazumi, who had managed to catch up. "I-It's just a mirror... M... Maybe we all had a really long day at school, yeah? Nothing to worry about." She was finally in control of her legs again, taking a few more steps until she was right up against it. "I'll just... I'll touch it, and nothing will happen. Nothing..." She suddenly felt that apprehension come back, a shakey arm finally managing to pry itself away from her side, as she slowly but surely poked the mirror.

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Clayton let out a (he hoped) quiet sigh of relief and became less tense after this admission. He chuckled a little, admittedly it had been a pretty good joke, "You got me good. I was totally having a cow over here."

A slight chill ran down his spine at the mention of Ersatz Syndrome.

"It's some seriously spooky stuff..." He said quietly, downing the rest of the tea (which had since gone cold), "it's kind of crazy how no one really seems to know how it happens or why... Still, I guess we should try to keep a brave face up until we get to the bottom of it all!" He added with a smile he hoped was convincing. The truth is that everything that was happening was really freaky and that he was not a brave guy at all. He couldn't help but feel bad for all the families and friends of people getting affected, even if he hadn't really known anyone who fell victim to it yet.

I hope none of Retsuya's loved ones were victims... I don't even know how I would deal with that.

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For some reason, he couldn't take Clayton's word easily. The Ersatz Syndrome was the newest sensation plaguing the town and neither the police or the medical world could discern whatever was happening to the people who were afflicted by it. Only in the deeper recesses of his mind could he remember the only encounter he ever had with one of the victims of the Syndrome and never did he wish to become something so pitiable than what he was right now.

His mind then snapped back to reality as another idea popped to mind. "Spooky stuff indeed, and so is that church around the area." he said seriously. It was no secret among the circulating rumors that people thought that something was up with that place so maybe it could all be connected. He never had a reason to visit the place either way since he was part of the Catholic minority in Japan due to his mother. Hmmm, who knew maybe he'd have to drop by at some point and clear his suspicions.

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Ichirou arrived shortly after Kazumi, struggling to catch his breath and proceeding to rest his hands on his knees. Thank the stars Kazumi got here first, or else she would've done something reckless. "Are you kidding!? You saw what happened! That isn't a regular mirror!" Ichirou shouted in response to Aoi's skepticism, but it was too late: Aoi had already touched the reflective surface.

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As Aoi touched the reflective surface of the mirror, all hell appeared to break loose as a terrifying wind burst out from the mirror. It was almost like a vacuum, drawing Aoi in, and then the others with her in rapid succession. One by one, Aoi, Akane, Kazumi and Ichirou were sucked inside the mirror and disappeared, leaving behind a surely confused Eliana.

As the quartet were dragged inside the mirror, a deep voice boomed out from within the realm they had fallen into - what appeared to be a sort of funhouse, covered wall to wall in mirrors of all shapes and sizes.

"You, sons and daughters of man... State your names, and why you have come to this realm not your own."

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Ichirou's stomach felt like it was being catapulted through space, which is the least he could say for his mind. "W-what...?" he stammered while rising to his feet, still not processing the current happenings. "T-this is a dream, right? I... fell asleep on the couch...And then... that stuff happened... and now..."

Just close your eyes. You'll wake up soon.

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What did you do?, was all Aoi thought as she was catapulted through space and time, into a world she couldn't imagine, or even begin to process. "Wha... Wh-Wh-Wh..." Aoi mumbled and stuttered, trying to come to grips with this. This is a dream. You're still in bed. You're gonna wake up soon. The booming voice was the only reason she stopped telling herself that and picked herself up off of her ass. It felt far too real. "A-AOI SAITO!" she yelped, far more terrified of what would happen if she didn't answer. "I, I, I just touched, a m-mirror and we g-got sucked in here... Honest...!" What's gonna happen to us? Are we all gonna die? Is this how Ersatz victims die? Oh, God...

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He had finally finished. Setting down the last plate, Ken let out a sigh of relief. All the dishes were squeaky clean, the house had been vacuumed, the trash taken out. All of the chores his parents had left him; done. Ken finally slumped into the couch and flipped on the television, changing the channel to find something to watch. He quickly found himself on a news channel, talking about new theories and conspiracies about Ersatz Syndrome.

'Ersatz Syndrome...' Ken suddenly felt lonely and afraid. Neither his parents nor his brother were home, and it was getting late. He had never once considered his family a target, but now it didn't seem outside the realm of possibility. He had been thankful that his mother had thought up of a plan; an alternate path that he used to get to home from school and vice versa. At least, he hoped it was safe. He hadn't been approached by any weird individuals when using the path. He thought back to his family's safety once again. 'Well...Mom and Dad are alsays meeting up with each other, and Shinichi is always with his friends. So they are never really alone, which makes them a less likely target, right? he reassured himself. Everything is perfectly fine.

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Well, this was nothing if not strange. Standing up wearily, as she began applying pressure to her wound that, let's face it, didn't fare well with the whole flingy vacuum thing, and had re-opened... again.

"Akane Himura. As for why, what she said checks out... saw some guy shove a girl in here, and thought to see what happened. Not a common sight, that."

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