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Here to recruit drawers for battling sprites and music makers.


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I need some help creating my game. The game itself I'm making on my own (and it's looking great so far) and I have Haon making the character art for my game.

But I need someone or someones willing to create some battler sprites like my Monster and Swordsman. Both of which were created by my brother and, though he definitely got how I wanted them to look down (battlers out of the SNES or GBA era), he is preoccupied with work of his own. So I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to help.

I also need some help to create some music for the game. I have only the main theme in mind, but I have no musical talent of my own and can't make it.

If you are willing to help me, PM me and let's work together to get my game made! Acceptees will get a free run of the game once it's completed if that'll convince you.

Oh, and the sprites were made entirely on Paint, by the way.

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I think if you can show that you've got something beyond a couple of sprites, people may be more inclined to help out. People are unlikely to do something as time consuming as art or music on a whim. I'm a musician with 15 years of experience, but as much as I love composition and performance, you'd be hard pressed to get someone like myself or a graphical artist to give away pieces without some sort of monetary compensation.

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Well, my site has many concepts and screenshots of the game. (http://www.powermastergame.webs.com) Many of the bosses appear in the concepts. As for money, that's a little tight for me right now, but once the game gets released, I will pay you for your work.

Well, I don't know much about art or music creation, but I do know a thing or two about game design in general and some of those screens do look pretty interesting. Could you give me your pitch for your game (what is it and why would people be interested in helping)? I can tell that a good deal of work has gone into it, just not really what it is.

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Well, I don't know much about art or music creation, but I do know a thing or two about game design in general and some of those screens do look pretty interesting. Could you give me your pitch for your game (what is it and why would people be interested in helping)? I can tell that a good deal of work has gone into it, just not really what it is.

The first game is basically a standard RPG. The four heroes have to go around the world, which I have named Moneo, to find and gather these wish-granting gems before the main villain does. The story and concept of the game is greatly improving the more I work on it, and I have given a few characters expressions to help better their development. As you may see on my site, I have a LOT planned for the game series, with Power Master 1, 2, and 3 already drawn out in notebooks. The written story you'd find on the site is based off of the remake of PM1 I hope to make one day, which improves it's story telling and adding other characters (Stan is a favorite among my family).

As more games are made, the better I become, but I can't do everything. Spritework and music are a couple of things I can't do... very well. Me and everyone I talk to can see this series going places. I'm not good at describing things, even if it's my own creation, but I hope this summary gets some people interested.

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