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Yooka-Laylee aka. the spiritual successor to rule them all.


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Really hope they're not overshooting it, though. I think Double Fine got into some problems during while developing Broken Age because of this..

The thing with BA, Godus and MN9 was that they underestimated how much was needed/misallocated money and had to ask for more, at least that's the rumours I head.

Whereas with this the KS is mainly geared towards porting it across the consoles, and bonus modes, and the main game seems to be coming off their pre-existing income.

So come release date there'll be a lot of "OMG how did this cost a million pounds?"

Edit: [spoiler=Also new rap confirmed]

Here, here, here we go...

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When the Monster Hunter team designed a chameleon they gave it a garish purple to make it stand out.

I understand they chose a chameleon because changing colours will probably visualize the various power-ups, but they approached it from the wrong direction.

The design also reminds me of mediocre late 90s platformer heroes like Gex.

I remember Gex. I played Gex 3 all the way through.

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Dang, this thing means so much to me, I already had a dream about them buying back the rights for Conker and finally releasing a sequel with a third game about time travel in mind. (It's that crazy!)

I wonder how much the Conker IP would cost and if another campaign would raise enough money..

Edited by FierceRagnar
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