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Types of classes you'd like to see

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ScarletFlame : Maybe not for 3 reasons :

1. The Dragon would have 3 or 2 squares of movement when someone is riding him (and he can't fly too).

2. If the charater who is riding the dragon doesn't have a weapon, there will be only a single attack since , for balancing purposes, the Dragon would have low speed.

3. I imagine the Dragon with a bite or claw attack for melee range and a flame breath for long range but both attacks don't do bonus damages against any units.

Edited by Nym
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Honestly, a camel rider. A mounted unit with unhindered movement in the desert and with a scimitar. Slower and weaker than cavaliers but better terrain movement. Possibly can go over mountains.

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Honestly, a camel rider. A mounted unit with unhindered movement in the desert and with a scimitar. Slower and weaker than cavaliers but better terrain movement. Possibly can go over mountains.

Yeah, but then the class exists soley for one map type.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd like to see druids be made a separate class, instead of just replacements for sorcerers.

It might be interesting to see a sort of Templar character. Basically, the equivalent of a paladin, but on foot instead of mounted. Maybe using swords and spears.

Edited by dragonlordsd
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Bowman: A Bow class that specialises in strength, defence and HP. Promotes to Marksman and gains the use of Crossbows.

Exorcist: A Dark magic wielding class that has the Bishop's slayer skill. Quite fast with a high con, but low HP and Defence.

Geomancer: A class that wields a unique type of magic (called Earth Magic) that affects the environment around them (e.g. If you use a spell called Torrent whilst you are in a river, you can trap your enemies in a water bubble, which prevents them from attacking) High HP and magic, low speed.

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Bowman: A Bow class that specialises in strength, defence and HP. Promotes to Marksman and gains the use of Crossbows.

Exorcist: A Dark magic wielding class that has the Bishop's slayer skill. Quite fast with a high con, but low HP and Defence.

Geomancer: A class that wields a unique type of magic (called Earth Magic) that affects the environment around them (e.g. If you use a spell called Torrent whilst you are in a river, you can trap your enemies in a water bubble, which prevents them from attacking) High HP and magic, low speed.

These are awesome!

To everyone saying bull/elephant/bird/whatever riders: my opinion is that the steeds we have are enough, adding more would be a bit weird. The gryphons in Awakening are an example. They were just there, without any explanation whatsoever, and they didn't really fit into FE lore.

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Classes I would like to see return are Ballisticians, Chameleons, Witches (from Gaiden), Barons (from Genealogy of Holy War) and Summoners.

As for new classes, I'd like to see an Arbalist class line that focuses on Crossbows as well as making Crossbows a full weapon type.

I'd like a Bannerman class who would be a non or weak combat unit that get access to the rallies from Awakening instead of attaching them to the classes. This would offer a trade off between fielding a strong unit or powering up your other units.

I'd like to see a proper class to represent the two types of Valkyries we've had in the series so far, physical and magical. I'd make Valkyries a staple that uses Anima, Staves and Swords like Mist and SNES Valkyries, and then have a magic orientated version like the modern Valkyries that use Anima, Save and Light magic whick I'm currently calling a Thaumaturgy.

3rd Tier War Cleric that gets a mount because the only thing better than Nuns With Axes are Nuns Wtih Axes and Horses.

I'd merge the two Shaman classes we've had so it's a light/dark wielder and counter balance it by making Sorcerers Anima/Dark and introducing Cardinals as Anima/Light,

Dark Knight is kind of pointless since Mage Knights are a thing so I'd repurpose he class to make it a foot unit that uses Sword/Dark Magic and promotes to Overlord (based on Walhart's Japanese class name because that's just too cool a name to not use) which like Baron would be another duel physical/magic armored unit that uses Swords/Dark/Anima.

Let's see, what else. Give Dark Fliers Dark Magic instead of Anima and bring back Seraph Knights as Light wielding pegasi. Then have a magic wielding Wyvern Mage to complete the triangle. Give one type of Griffon Riders bows on promotion to make them more meaningful and make the other branch an armored flier.

Make Vanguard a promotion to Hero that uses Swords/Axes/Bows, have Marshalls use Lances/Axes/Bows and introduce a Centurion unit that uses Swrds/Lances/Bows to complete the set.

Give the Dancer a promotion line that either allows it to dance more units at once or give it more physical capabilities and maybe some thief abilities as a nod to Lara from Thracia.

What I think to be two particularly cool ideas are a Lance unit that uses Light magic, called a Holy Lancer, and an Axe unit that uses dark magic called a Desperado. I like duel magic/physical classes. I have loads of ideas for classes that I've organised into one big three tier branching class system. Check it out if you haven't seen it. I'm quite proud of it.


Edited by Jotari
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I also had an idea for unique Lord type classes for OCs in my head. (These are mine. Please don't steal)

The class is called 'Wolf Prince', and it's the unique class of a man who is often called the Wolf Prince (natch). The Wolf Prince weilds bows, and specialises in HP, Strength, Con and Defence, but at the expense of speed and resistance. He promotes into the 'Wolf King' after events in the story. Then he gains the use of axes and gets a huge boost in speed.

Meanwhile, another unique class is called the 'Bear King', which is the unique class of a one-armed man who is often called the Bear King (obviously). The Bear King fights with his fist (after losing the other fist in a fight against a dragon... Which he won) and the gloves he wears dictate what effect his fist will have (e.g. Holy glove gives his fist a light magic affinity and makes it easier for him to kill dark mages). He specialises in Strength, Speed and HP, but at the cost of defence and resistance.

Thirdly, we have the 'Thief Princess', and it's the unique class of a women who is often called...

Esmerelda (weirdly)

She is a bow and knife weilder, and specialises in speed, HP and skill. But at the cost of Strength and Resistence. She later promotes into either the 'Black Widow', the 'Vagabond' or the 'Atoner' depending on the morality system. The 'Black Widow' is if you go for the chaos route, and she gains the use of dark magic as well as getting a massive magic boost. The 'Vagabond' is if you go for the neutral route, and she gains the use of swords as well as getting a huge strength boost. The 'Atoner' is if you go for the justice route, and she gains the use of staves, as well as getting a massive boost in magic.

Finally, we have the 'Dark Star', which is the class of a woman whose name is...I cannot remember of the top of my head (poor girl) In all seriousness, she weilds light and dark magic, and specialises in Magic, Resistence and speed, but at the cost of HP and defence. She later promotes into the 'Dawn Sage' where she gains the use of staves.

Edit: I remembered the name of the 'Dark Star'. It's...

Chandrika. It means Moonlight, and reflects her using both light and dark magic

Edited by Fantasia
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What I would like to see, is something called a Dualist, a promoted class wielding both dark magic and light magic, as a promotion option for either a dark magic user or a light magic user.

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It might be kinda cool to have someone who could dual-wield. Not sure exactly how that would work, maybe just add the extra might to your attack. Probably would have to limit it to something low-powered like knives or maybe swords, but even that might end up being exploitable. But I've always wanted a class that can dual wield; especially with the swordmaster art of Awakening, like Lyn or Say'ri.

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It might be kinda cool to have someone who could dual-wield. Not sure exactly how that would work, maybe just add the extra might to your attack. Probably would have to limit it to something low-powered like knives or maybe swords, but even that might end up being exploitable. But I've always wanted a class that can dual wield; especially with the swordmaster art of Awakening, like Lyn or Say'ri.

Maybe make it harder to dodge or take some insane speed to pull it off lol.

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It might be kinda cool to have someone who could dual-wield. Not sure exactly how that would work, maybe just add the extra might to your attack. Probably would have to limit it to something low-powered like knives or maybe swords, but even that might end up being exploitable. But I've always wanted a class that can dual wield; especially with the swordmaster art of Awakening, like Lyn or Say'ri.

Simple. Just make it so that unit has a constant Adept Skill effect which would cause them to attack with the second weapon at the cost of reduced HIT to balance it out. Maybe 20-30%. Or screw the accuracy balance and make it a mastery skill.

Edited by Jotari
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Simple. Just make it so that unit has a constant Adept Skill effect which would cause them to attack with the second weapon at the cost of reduced HIT to balance it out. Maybe 20-30%. Or screw the accuracy balance and make it a mastery skill.

Like I was saying, they don't even have to be separate hits or attacks, you could do 1 attack hitting with both weapons for Str + Might (A) + Might (B) - Def = Damage. So basically that would just be some extra damage for low-might weapons. Otherwise I'd say go for the mastery skill and just make it a flurry of attacks.

But it's just something I've always wanted. I'd probably use it even if it was terrible and like halved their skill or something.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'd like to see some not-mounted classes that can use swords and bows (or swords and tomes, for that matter). I know dread fighter covers the parentheses, but I feel like there should be something else in this category.

You mean like Blade Lord ? (Fire Emblem 7).

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