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UK General Election 2015



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Today's the day us Brits get to the polling stations and put a big cross next to the party we think will do the least damage to the United Kingdom.

Labour will more than likely be winning in my constituency as they usually do, and I'll be putting my vote in for them, too.

Edited by Raven
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I'm a traditional Libdem voter, but I'm voting Labour this election, primarily because pretty much every non Highland seat in Scotland is an SNP vs Labour war right now. As a staunch unionist, there's really no choice. At the Independence referendum, all the unionists voted together, regardless of their political alliances, and we only beat the nationalists by 55% to 45%. Now that 45% are ALL voting SNP, and unionists are divided among their preffered parties, and in the polls, Labour look to get annihilated in Scotland.

I'm hoping for tactical voting on the part of every anti-SNP voter out there so stop the SNP from causing chaos in Westminister. I think Liberals would be willing to vote Labour when they know their consituency is under threat from the SNP, but it's much harder to imagine Tories doing so. The only reason I even have any hope on that front is because the Scottish Conservatives as a party evolved from the Scottish Unionist party, so if their supporters really care about the Union, and acknowledge that their local Tory candidate hasn't got a chance, they'll put aside their differences again and vote Labour.

Edited by Irysa
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I voted, my constituency is pretty split between the Tories and the Lib Dems, so my vote actually matters. I'm glad UKIP are predicted to do so badly. In some sort of twisted dreamland, if they did win, I'd give back my passport and leave.

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i literally don't give a shit, because everyone is shit

At the Independence referendum, all the unionists voted together, regardless of their political alliances, and we only beat the nationalists by 55% to 45%. Now that 45% are ALL voting SNP

I don't think this is exactly the case.

How's that decentralised UK looking, by the way?

Edited by Tryhard
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It's more like

Conservatives: Centre Right (tradtionally more right, but Britain overall has become more centrist in recent decades)

Labour: Centre Left (traditionally more left, but moved to the centre in the 1990s. Moving back to the left now though)

Liberal Democrats: Radical Centrist

UKIP: Right (BNP are the actual fascists, UKIP is controversial but I wouldn't go that far)

SNP: Traditionally more right than left (we used to call them the Tartan Tories), but have adopted an overall left slant for populist vote.

Labour getting pretty much annihilated in Scotland now. Unless Labour manages to stage a recovery in the Scottish Parliament elections next year, the future of the union looks bleak.

Edited by Irysa
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If nothing else it's impressive to see Scotland as one big blob of yellow. I'm sort of glad considering how much I despise Scottish Labour currently.

And even though Cameron is a smug asshole it's not like Ed Miliband is any less slimy.

Edited by Tryhard
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In all honesty, at least we might see something happen now. I'm not super pleased with Lord Shinyhead, but it'll probably be more productive than the coalition. The mass resignation of the other parties' heads is pretty impressive.

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Tbh Ed's brother would have done a far better job leading Labour. Fucking Unions using their influence to make Ed the Labour leader instead of the more favoured brother basically guaranteed Labour's defeat here.

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In all honesty, at least we might see something happen now. I'm not super pleased with Lord Shinyhead, but it'll probably be more productive than the coalition. The mass resignation of the other parties' heads is pretty impressive.

I don't really understand the coalition hate: it's not like they didn't get things done. Most of what was stopped was all the ridiculous typical conservative rubbish with the smarter, more practical right wing policies getting though. The previous setup was my ideal government and I just do not understand the hate.

Now the country is going to go to shit. Or at least the poor will. So glad I'm planning on getting into finance, couldn't be a better time for it.

Edited by Executive kirsche
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I don't really understand the coalition hate: it's not like they didn't get things done. Most of what was stopped was all the ridiculous typical conservative rubbish with the smarter, more practical right wing policies getting though. The previous setup was my ideal government and I just do not understand the hate.

Most of it was because the Lib Dems didn't really have much input, hence tuition fees, VAT and the like. Like, I voted for the Lib Dems this time around, but in a strange sort of way, I'm glad there's not a coalition. The Conservatives are generally pretty good with balancing the books, but it's probably going to be a little rough.

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They didn't have much input, but they had enough, well enough to regulate it somewhat. Now there's going to be no regulation whatsoever and that's awful.

The tuition fees are actually fine when you get down to the details, people were just scoffing at the increase imo. The VAT increase was super bad though but if anyone truly thinks that the lib dems are the cause of that then wow.

Edited by Executive kirsche
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Liberal Democrats: Radical Centrist

What's a radical centrist? This is the first time ever that I see someone using this term. It also confuses me because the center is supposed to be the mid term between left and right, they seem too moderate to be radical.

Yeah I'd probably vote Libdem or Labour. My political ideology is social democracy.

We agree for once with Libdems. :v

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not impressed with this result, but what are you gonna do? conservative got the majority which is still quite baffling to me. but whatever. congrats to the snp though.

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What's a radical centrist? This is the first time ever that I see someone using this term. It also confuses me because the center is supposed to be the mid term between left and right, they seem too moderate to be radical.

We agree for once with Libdems. :v

It's on wikipedia. "Radical" can often reference "calling for structural reform." And I might suppose that to an extent really sticking to the line "shut the fuck up, get together and do something at (almost) all costs" to right and left can be seen as a kind of radical. (like, maybe if the "least bad option" for compromise is something nobody actually wants)

First thing that came to mind after just seeing the most basic headline-grabbing article titles: Do people know how big voter turnout was? A Conservative majority seems, well. Not that I know UK politics very well, but a little "what the aich"

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First thing that came to mind after just seeing the most basic headline-grabbing article titles: Do people know how big voter turnout was? A Conservative majority seems, well. Not that I know UK politics very well, but a little "what the aich"

Turnout average was 66.1%, particularly high in Scotland at 71.1%. It's a little higher than last election, I think? Edited by Tryhard
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