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Concert minor update: Theme song name and bit on Aqua's role


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最新作ifの注目ポイントのひとつは、歌に癒しの力を宿すヒロインの歌姫 “アクア”の登場。 世界に唯一無二の清らかさと聖なる響きを持ち、力強さと儚さの双方を併せ持つというアクアの歌声を表現できる奇蹟のような歌い手が求められ、多くの候補者 が挙げられる中、「歌を聞いた瞬間に、この子だと思いました」(※インテリジェントシステムズ音楽担当談)と運命に引き寄せられるように選ばれたのが「蓮 花」であった。



So the word they use referring to her songs could mean healing, but it could also mean "soothing," which might just mean you get to move again, like previous dancers have done.

That "utahime" title that I said before was Song Princess/Singing Princess seems to actually be a Japanese compound word meaning "songstress," so it might just mean a female singer, but I've never heard it before in a generic meaning like that, so I think it's at least some great praise of her singing, if not something to do with her role in the game (which it still very well may be, especially considering the next part).

Her singing voice is unique, possessing a pure and divine quality, with the ability to represent both the strength and fragility that we desired. After looking at many candidates "as soon as we heard her sing, we knew she was the one". (Intelligent Systems referring to Renka)

Just as a clarification, the first part about "Her singing voice..." is about Aqua, not Renka (although if they heard Renka and right away knew she would be Aqua's singing voice, it probably applies to her as well).

After that they just talk about how lucky they were to find her and say the single's release date and that it will be in 2 versions (not like a version for each game though, it's the limited edition and normal releases).

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I liked Ninian's dancer rings.

Please make Aqua able to sing people to sleep status

I liked the rings too, added a bit more to the dancing.

Aqua confirmed for Jigglypuff

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I've started reading her profile on her homepage. It's written as a little story of how she became a singer, which I've summarized below:

What first attracted her to singing was poetry (interestingly she uses a word which has the same pronunciation as singing, both 'uta,' but a different kanji). She bought a book of poetry for children with some money she got from her father and then began writing her own poetry everyday. In fourth grade she met a music teacher who had experience with [either the gospel, or gospel music, probably the latter]. And learned how fun it is to sing. Around the age of 10, the words in the poetry she was writing daily started to change. She went from writing vertically to horizontally and thought about the sounds of the words and realized that she could convey feelings that she had been unable to previously by turning it into a song. Poetry was her support and now she wants her songs to support others. "I want to become someone's flower," she says.

Her name is Renka, the flower that blooms from the mud and means dignified strength and holy beauty that heals/soothes* those who look upon it. Her voice has the power to soothe those who hear it and carry her thoughts and feelings to them.

It's sort of flowery and they're obviously trying to connect her to Aqua. the word they use for heal/soothe above where I've placed the asterisk (*) is the same one used in the description of Aqua's singing from the 25th Anniversary event page.

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She does have a very nice voice so it'll be nice to hear the whole song. Hopefully they leave it in Japanese for the localized game and just subtitle it.

Also on the topic of her maybe having Ninian powers, seriously Elibe confirmed I think that'd be cool. Maybe she learns all the rallies.

Edited by Book Bro
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Could it be that she is a unique class like a songstress, which could be a healing dancer-type class? I'm just guessing but because she's the other main character in fire emblem if, mightn't she have a unique class?

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Could it be that she is a unique class like a songstress, which could be a healing dancer-type class? I'm just guessing but because she's the other main character in fire emblem if, mightn't she have a unique class?

And don't forget she can also apparently use a lance, if the coverart is to be believed.

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Yeah forgot that. And don't dancers usually only use swords?

Yeah, traditionally if dancers have had a weapon, its only ever been swords till this point.

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Yeah, traditionally if dancers have had a weapon, its only ever been swords till this point.

It might then hint to a new class then. I dunno but I just wanna find out who all the characters are and what their classes are now. Nintendo release more info! :sob:

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Figured I'd translate the rest of her page:

Her vertically written "poems" met with "sounds" and became horizontally written "words," which eventually turned into "songs."

Through those songs, Renka wants to open up like a blossoming flower to become someone's flower. [This seems like a really weird way to say it, but it's just what it said in the part I already summarized about wanting to be someone's support.]

Favorite music: Jane Birkin, Enya, Carpenters, Madonna, Cyndi Lauper, etc.

Favorite place: anywhere there's flowing water, anywhere with the smell of books, anywhere there's flowers

Decision to make her debut: She's sure there are a lot of people with the same feelings as her of 'being lost,' 'endless loneliness,' that are unable to give voice to their problems and just keep on going, carrying these feelings with them. She feels fromt he bottom of her heart that she wants to help these people and soothe their pain with her songs. "These aren't just empty words, I want to become an artist that takes the darkness of people's hearts and pulls it out into the light of day."

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I'm thinking that the picture on her homepage


is from the music video that comes on the DVD from the special edition of the single. She seems to be dressed somewhat like Aqua and she's on a rock by the water (with no shoes, like Aqua). Plus she doesn't have any other professional singing experience so I don't know where else it would come from. Maybe it's just for the cover art or something, but since we know there's a music video included with the special edition.

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Damn whoever wrote her bio is pushing all my buttons. XD

It's more flowery and poetic in Japanese but I can't do it justice, so I've only given that poorly formed summary. You'd probably like it even more if you could understand the original.

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It's more flowery and poetic in Japanese but I can't do it justice, so I've only given that poorly formed summary. You'd probably like it even more if you could understand the original.

Oh no I meant that in a good way. :P I have some experience in Japanese so I definitely understand what you mean about it being hard to capture the essence of certain phrases/words.

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So Aqua is like a combination of FE's dancers and the herons in Tellius? AND she uses lances since she's pictured with one? That could be a little broken...

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So Aqua is like a combination of FE's dancers and the herons in Tellius? AND she uses lances since she's pictured with one? That could be a little broken...

Having multiple functions does not make for a broken unit. Likely most people will just use her like a dancer regardless.

Dancers in FE4 could fight with swords and the second generation one could have various skills, this didn't make her broken, her dance abilities were still the most important thing out of that series of things.

Having too many functions could actually hamper a unit if they can't do any of them super well. Unless she is like godmode with both strength and magic or something.

Edited by Jedi
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Oh no I meant that in a good way. :P I have some experience in Japanese so I definitely understand what you mean about it being hard to capture the essence of certain phrases/words.

Yeah, I just meant that the original is much better than any way I could ever translate it.

I've been looking at the Amazon page for the single as well, and it says the inside of the CD jacket will have the original concept art for Aqua. Also the CD will consist of four tracks: the theme song, followed by either two as-yet unnamed songs or (more likely, IMO) 2 versions of the same song, then an "original arrangement version" of the main theme song. Other than that it just repeats information from the other page.

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Gah, I really want to preorder that, but I know nothing about the safety/price conversion of international purchases.

Anyway, that new art with the rings and all the box-art characters is fantastic. Hope a higher resolution one pops up soon.

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It does sound like they base Aqua's design on the singer a bit.

I'm pretty sure they stuck some of that stuff into her profile to make her similar to Aqua. I don't think they got a singer first, then based a character and game around her. It was probably already written before they even got a singer for her. And this is her debut so they can put whatever they want into her profile because she was completely unknown until now.

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Having multiple functions does not make for a broken unit. Likely most people will just use her like a dancer regardless.

Dancers in FE4 could fight with swords and the second generation one could have various skills, this didn't make her broken, her dance abilities were still the most important thing out of that series of things.

Having too many functions could actually hamper a unit if they can't do any of them super well. Unless she is like godmode with both strength and magic or something.

Well, yeah, I said COULD be broken, not it definitely is.

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