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KelssFE (working title)


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Color me curious. What's bad about the 1-rn system?

1-rn system was what used for in FE1-fe5 I believe

It's 100% accurate rolling system where it's fair for both side in term of hit and crit chance.

If you have 80% you'll roll 80%

But with 2-rn made in fe6 and ahead, it's less accurate for enemy, and more accurate for player since you usually have higher hit chance.

It combined both numbers rolled and if the number is lower than the hit rate, it'd hit, if it combined to be higher than the hit chance, it'd miss.

At least that's what I remember being told, maybe I got them mixed up.

It was used in FE Girls I believe.

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Color me curious. What's bad about the 1-rn system?

people already hate missing

i mean it's okay if you have a super casual fire emblem game where a single miss won't usually result in a reset, but the 2 RN system skews hit rate towards the extremes, which is good.

ROM hackers commonly cite two reasons for wanting to revert back to the 1 RN system:

1. the 2 RN system isn't faithful to the displayed hit. honestly this is kind of a dumb reason, it's not like people are complaining that their 88% hit rates aren't hitting exactly 88% of the time.

2. the 2 RN system favors the player too much because enemies tend to have <50 hit. well, the solution to this is simple, just make the enemies better (giving them a luk stat helps), make the weapons slightly more accurate, implement weapon rank bonuses to hit, or go FE12 lunatic and give enemies a passive +10 hit bonus.

imagine if a hack like DoF, which already has questionable accuracy, switched to 1 RN. that would simply increase frustration in exchange for nothing that's practically useful from the perspective of game design.

Edited by dondon151
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The first trailer, as featured in the

! TIL "Kelss" is difficult to pronounce?? Beta testing starts in a mere matter of days! I was going to put more into it, but I decided to leave the three-way split of the mission select for the next one, so instead you get the prologue and some animations.

@The conversation on RNs: I just said "Got it" earlier because I understand dondon to be someone who has spent a very long time being intimate with the RNGs of FE games.

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"Time to do what I do best, which is healing!"
>shoots a bolt of lightning

gurl if this is how you heal I do not want to see how you hurt people

But seriously, this hack looks great. Really fantastic.

Edited by Klokinator
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she's uh, healing their evilness /SAVE

That battle quote is an artifact from the early stages of the project when she was a healing-only cleric. I gave her magic when I decided I didn't want to wait to throw mages into the picture (although they still have a bigger part in lategame than earlygame) and left in the "best thing I do is healing" thing because it makes sense for a squishy character to not want to be put on the front lines. Also, she won't be doing so much raw damage once Thunder gets its replacement, which I bafflingly haven't done until now.


Edited by Alusq
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I have no clue why the pierce frames don't work. I ripped the original cavalier using FEditor and pasted the new one right over it (+added a few new frames) before reïnserting it, so I dunno.

@LetsGoForIt thanks!

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I have no clue why the pierce frames don't work. I ripped the original cavalier using FEditor and pasted the new one right over it (+added a few new frames) before reïnserting it, so I dunno.

@LetsGoForIt thanks!

let me take a look?

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