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FE4 Limited Arena Draft?

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I've been poking away at an FE9 draft, and the thought came to me today that a draft of FE4 that limited how far certain characters could go in the arena might be a way to better balance it, since they'd lose some exp and a LOT of gold (this really hurts Sigurd) and makes money management much more valuable, and is similar to the fe9 bexp limit.

I've put together a halfass chart that's open for discussion for those interested.

UNIT     C1 C2 C3 C4 C5
SIGURD   -- 03 03 07 07  
NOISH    03 05 07 07 07
ALEC     03 05 07 07 07
ARDAN    07 07 07 07 07
CUAN     03 05 07 -- --
ETHLIN   07 07 07 -- --
FIN      03 05 07 -- --
LEX      03 03 04 06 07
AZEL     07 07 07 07 07
MIDIR    03 05 07 07 07
AIDEEN   07 07 07 07 07
DEW      07 07 07 07 07
AYRA     07 07 07 07 07
DEIRDRE  07 07 07 07 07
JAMKA    07 07 07 07 07
HOLYN    -- 07 07 07 07
LACHESIS -- 07 07 07 07
LEVIN    -- 07 07 07 07
SYLVIA   -- 07 07 07 07
FURY     -- 05 07 07 07
BEOWULF  -- 05 07 07 07
BRIGGID  -- -- 07 07 07
CLAUDE   -- -- 07 07 07
TILTYU   -- -- 07 07 07
UNIT      C7 C8 C9 C10 CE
CELICE    03 03 03 005 07
LANA      07 07 07 007 07
LAKCHE    07 07 07 007 07
SKASAHAR  07 07 07 007 07
OIFAYE    03 05 07 007 07
DELMUD    03 05 07 007 07
LESTER    05 07 07 007 07
JULIA     07 07 07 007 07
FEE       04 06 07 007 07
ARTHUR    05 07 07 007 07
JOHAN     07 07 07 007 07
JOHALVA   07 07 07 007 07
SHANAN    07 07 07 007 07
PATTY     07 07 07 007 07
LEAF      03 05 05 007 07
NANNA     05 07 07 007 07
FIN       07 07 07 007 07
ALESS     03 05 05 007 07
LEEN      07 07 07 007 07
TINNY     07 07 07 007 07
FAVAL     -- 07 07 007 07
SETY      -- 07 07 007 07
HANNIBAL  -- -- 07 007 07
CORPLE    -- -- 07 007 07
ALTENNA   -- -- 07 007 07

Normal drafting rules would still apply. Thoughts?

Edit: oh my god my phone broke the table


Edited by General Horace
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This also feels pointless for some characters. Like okay we CAN take Dew, Aideen, and Ardan to the end of the Chapter 1 arena but no one will realistically do so.

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This also feels pointless for some characters. Like okay we CAN take Dew, Aideen, and Ardan to the end of the Chapter 1 arena but no one will realistically do so.

But shin proved that Dew can solo the cross knights! Surely there is some incentive there!

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Yeah, I agree with the Alec/Noish deal, they kinda suck, last few drafs I've done have been Sigurdless. And the option is there if people want to promote Aideen and have her clear the arena in chapter 1. It's an option, not a requirement.

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It's an interesting prospect, I do wonder if Celice is able to promote at the start of chapter 7 still or if you need to take an extra turn to ensure he gets the extra XP. My only issue is that a lot of characters can't actually get terribly far in the arena, and by the time they can, you've already allowed them to get to round 5 or 7.

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I'd say it's better to test what you have now before complaining about revisions.

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I'd say it's better to test what you have now before complaining about revisions.

And what better way to test then,

You, Shin, Horace and some other smuck

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I'm reading this a bit late, but in all honesty I think this would have some strange side effects that could make things either more or less balanced. First of all, Dew would become a much higher priority pick (to patch up Sigurd's money issues, which would save turns in the second generation.) Also, utility units like Sylvia/Aideen would probably become even more useful as combat units drop off, though this is just a theory at this point. I'm really not sure how these differences would play out though, it does require testing.

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This looks pretty interesting i wouldnt be opposed to trying it but I agree with psych some of them seem impossible like aideen and ardan And also why is dierdre on anything past ch3? Still this coould be fun

Edited by gabethegreen
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