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FE4 Casualty LTC

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I've recently gotten the urge to LTC FE4 again, and in about a week I'll have plenty of time to play again. Since Yojinbo is working on a normal LTC right now and ranked/0% growths runs are pretty much fully worked out, I thought this would be a good way to keep FE4 efficiency fresh. The goal would be to complete the game in as few turns as possible with growths. The only catch is that every x castles, a unit of you guys' choosing must be sacrificed. The maximum rate I'm willing to kill units off at is 1 per castle (nobody wants the Sigurd solo to be literally true), but besides that I have no preference and decided that I'd let you guys decide how quickly I must sacrifice people. In between each culling I will run a poll where you can vote on who gets to die next. Make it as painful as possible.

The format of the series will be similar to my 0% growths play through, with videos and commentary. However, I'll aim to avoid RNG abuse this time round (though RNG planning is still ok), though if through sacrificing I get put in otherwise un-winnable situations I might have to. Before I start, I was just wondering what rate of character death you guys think would be the most entertaining.

Here is the poll on who dies during Genoa Castle: http://strawpoll.me/4404284



Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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Don't worry, I'll give you my absurdly powerful Ayra! Plus, Levinsolo will be a thing. Wait a minute...you'll have lost 9 characters. They both will probably have been included. Errr...wait a minute, Alec has awareness, lol.

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just blick him with sigurd

this should be hilarious though, although if you let the audience sacrifice dudes it's going to turn into effectively a Sigurd solo ft. Ardan and Azel until Azel promotes.

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Well, here is how it's looking:

Start of Chapter 1: 7 units left

Start of Chapter 2: 9 units left

Start of Chapter 3: 11 units left

Start of Chapter 4: 10 units left (I'm assuming that Finn, Ethlin, and Cuan will all be killed off before they naturally leave.)

Start of Chapter 5: 7 units

I think I might make a few exceptions just so that the rate at which units die is manageable.

-If you choose to kill Cuan/Ethlin, the next castle nobody gets sacrificed (because they both leave)

-Aideen cannot be killed until Verdane castle (so that Jamka can get recruited)

-Levin cannot be killed during Chapter 2 (Just so that having him convert Fury and then get killed isn't a huge pain)

I'll think about the second generation once I get there. Though this play through will be Sigurd doing a lot of work, which secondary units stay alive could make sizeable differences in the early to mid game, especially when I'm trying not to RNG abuse. Staffers/weaker support cavs/ ranged attackers for cross knights/Dew all have their uses in an LTC run, so I won't be quite as simple as a Sigurd solo until the last few chapters.

Edited by MartyTheDemonSlayer
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If it makes you feel better, I'll vote for Levin/Sylvia's death as soon as possible :P:

This should be interesting, just to see who survives to the end. Would I be a horrible person for nominating every last woman be put to death?

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If it makes you feel better, I'll vote for Levin/Sylvia's death as soon as possible :P:

This should be interesting, just to see who survives to the end. Would I be a horrible person for nominating every last woman be put to death?

But we just saw marty use a sub army in his 0% growths run, i want to see him actualy attempt pairings.

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But we just saw marty use a sub army in his 0% growths run, i want to see him actualy attempt pairings.


He did pair Aideen, which is why I don't consider it a true sub army.

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Just a heads up, I'm pretty busy with IRL stuff these days so my LTC run will take a while to get done. I'll still work it out though.

Looking forward to this run though. Pairings should be a very interesting thing in this run to look out for. Aideen, Lachesis and Fury probably won't survive gen 1 so Lester, Lana, Delmud, Nanna, Fee and Sety won't be available in gen 2. But NoishxAira and Dew/HolynxBriggid could be a thing, possibly even Claude/ArdanxTiltyu. Gen 2 will still be a Celice solo for the most part though - Oifaye, Shanan, Aless, Laylea and Leaf will die asap so the only mounts that are left are like Tristan and Janne and both will likely end up dying at one point as well.

Edit: Nevermind, I'm like 99% sure none of the female units will actually survive until the end of gen 1 so pairing will be a non-issue.

Edited by Yojinbo
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it's going to be pretty funny when trying to kill Oifaye in the first castle of Chapter 6 loses you turns

another way to do it would be to randomize the deaths but to not check them until the start of each castle, unless you want the audience to dick you over on purpose

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I'd rather you guys decide, because then there'll be an extra element of strategy in trying to anticipate your picks (the order you kill useful could have some real implications on my strategy.) Anyways, here's the first poll: http://strawpoll.me/4348758. I'll probably start playing tomorrow, so vote by then!

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So you honestly want to risk your viewers screwing you over as much as the RNG

This sounds like fun to watch, so I'll follow this.

Watch as you only have Arden, Tiltyu, Claude, and Arden by chapter 5's end

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I voted Ardan because you'll lose a bunch of turns getting him to see combat, then more for him to die.

5 turns is the minimum turn count to seize Jungby castle. It should be possible to get Ardan killed during that time without too much trouble.

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1 character per castle is good enough, wouldn't want it to be impossible (although just watch, we'll literally kill off all your mounts.)


Aideen is not going to survive long enough for her to have her azel or claude conversations anyway, and without them, the rescue staff only comes in chapter 10.

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This is going to be fun. I voted Fin because everyone loves him, though it seems that everyone wants you to lose mounted healer and powerful chip damage. Losing a unit for every castle may be a bit extreme, maybe cap the number of deaths per level at like 3, to limit the pain in Agustria.

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