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Will you change your avi and sig?


is that red beatrice from higurashi no naku korry ni

You wish. But, yeah, I see what you mean.

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Why are you so annoying?

Why do you completely ignore any sort of criticism and treat them as compliments?

Because there's nothing wrong with being annoying? Or to some extent I guess... like if it's kinda more harassing then it gets bad, but there's nothing wrong with what Soul does unless he's being like... real insulting or something

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i miss when dracocoa was nice.

Me too. I think it's because of various things going on irl. But the second question was less hostile though, or at least, it was meant to be.

...but yeah I'll try to do something about the hostility.

Because there's nothing wrong with being annoying?

There kind of is, but I see what you mean. But I mean, I think he's aware he's bothering me and probably a few others but he does nothing about it and that's what gets me.

Edited by Dracocoa
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There kind of is, but I see what you mean. But I mean, I think he's aware he's bothering me and probably a few others but he does nothing about it and that's what gets me.

How is he bothering you? Any specific instances that come to mind?

Edited by Freohr Datia
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Do you like Nutella ?

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Why are you so annoying?

Why do you completely ignore any sort of criticism and treat them as compliments?

Depends on who's asking. :smug: You ought to be more specific.

Because I don't...?

Can you explain the recent popularity of ask me anything threads?

Recently? I just saw like one or two and decided to give it my own shot. There's always been one or two lying around. You may have missed the time it was an actual fad, and there were a ton of them.

Because there's nothing wrong with being annoying? Or to some extent I guess... like if it's kinda more harassing then it gets bad, but there's nothing wrong with what Soul does unless he's being like... real insulting or something

I appreciate it, thank you. (:

soul's just soul

he's the official assmonkey with mixed reviews

he hasn't insulted my taste yet so i'm okay with him

Assmonkey, no. Mixed reviews? Defenitely.

Why are you called soul?

1. When can we expect to watch your FE10 LTC LP?

2. Why do you like Sanaki so much?

3. Are you still interested in FE14?

1: Believe it or not, it's not actually dead. I've been suspended for a whole month, and I didn't take my time on it for that, either. Just so you know, I got stuck at 1-3. And by "stuck", I mean "if you're going to do something, do it right- otherwise don't do it at all".

2: It's...hard to explain. -3-

3: Did I ever say I was? Haha. But, yeah. I'm rather interested. Like FE13, I wasn't hyped about it at first, and the fanservice really caught me off-guard. BUT, by sole virtue of it being FE, I just have to love it.

Who. Is. That. Woman. On. Your. Avatar. Seriously, it makes me crazy !

Yeah, it's Miranda. I picked her because it just occured to me it really went well with the theme.

Do you like Nutella ?

It's nice.

Soul, have you ever played Pokemon

Soul, why are ships coming out of the base

Yeah, a bit.

Who's to say the ship isn't the base...

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