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Other decisions

Metal Flash

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We all know about the big decision during chapter six. Choosing either Hoshido, Nohr or the third path (at a later date). It has been said that the choices in this game will have a bigger effect on the plot.

My question is, what do you think some of those choices will be and what choices would you like to see?

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I am hoping that there are other decisions that matter. I could definitely see some of them surrounding your siblings. Maybe you can choose which one you want to face in battle?

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Yes, the other major decision will be whether you buy--I mean, take--the 3rd path or not

I hope there's at least one or two choices that change the next chapter. Like maybe choosing between the safest road to a destination vs the quickest results in different maps. Or similar but based on your actions during gameplay. I don't really expect multiple endings but it'd be interesting.

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It would be nice to at least see some different paths/chapters based on choices. Something like the different chapters in FE7 for Linus and Lloyd (chapters 23~24 depending on mode). Except an actual in game choice will lead you to one or the other.

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I'm guessing there will be more cosmetic choices like Awakening (which had what, 4-5?), but more choices that lead to splits in the plot would become a development issue. IS is already making almost 3 games for If; it would be a ton of work if there were more branching paths within those games.

The most we can hope for is probably "do you recruit this character or this other character?" type of situations.

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Satoru Iwata said something about different conversation choices. I think what he meant was that you'll have the option to recruit characters based on what you choose to say, and they might even give options on where Kamui would like to visit (maybe something to the effect of having to save a character and let another die). Even if they don't do the latter, the option of choosing which country to side with and whether a few of the characters will be recruitable or not is a definite.

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Satoru Iwata said something about different conversation choices. I think what he meant was that you'll have the option to recruit characters based on what you choose to say, and they might even give options on where Kamui would like to visit (maybe something to the effect of having to save a character and let another die). Even if they don't do the latter, the option of choosing which country to side with and whether a few of the characters will be recruitable or not is a definite.

Choices that can make or break a recruitment are interesting, albeit possibly annoy to figure out the resets at first. On a continued note, I hope there is a lot more variation in recruitment than Awakening.

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I might be in the minority but I hope some of the choices you have ot make depends on your chosen gender. For example, if you choose F!Kamui you have the choice of recruiting your male siblings and the opposite if you choose M!Kamui. Not just your siblings though, if either maid follows you depending on which side you choose, hopefuly the butlers follow you if you're a girl?

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Choices that can make or break a recruitment are interesting, albeit possibly annoy to figure out the resets at first. On a continued note, I hope there is a lot more variation in recruitment than Awakening.

This is my only gripe with varied recruitment conditions. Often they'd be very esoteric or they give no hints that said character will appear/is recruitable. Awakening was convenient with the idea that as long as Chrom talked to anyone with a name you'd either be able to recruit them or get a special scene with it.

Also when making choices between units, I'd like it if, via exceptional play, it was technically possible to recruit both units. And by exceptional play, I mean something like "you must move Kamui 25 spaces in four turns and fend off 3 Wyvern Lords on each enemy phase in order to be able to recruit the character you didn't choose". That would be difficult, as if the player has to send enough resources towards this one unit, including the lord character, they may end up jeopardising the rest of the battle or risk spreading units too thin.

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This is my only gripe with varied recruitment conditions. Often they'd be very esoteric or they give no hints that said character will appear/is recruitable. Awakening was convenient with the idea that as long as Chrom talked to anyone with a name you'd either be able to recruit them or get a special scene with it.

Also when making choices between units, I'd like it if, via exceptional play, it was technically possible to recruit both units. And by exceptional play, I mean something like "you must move Kamui 25 spaces in four turns and fend off 3 Wyvern Lords on each enemy phase in order to be able to recruit the character you didn't choose". That would be difficult, as if the player has to send enough resources towards this one unit, including the lord character, they may end up jeopardising the rest of the battle or risk spreading units too thin.

Yeah, I don't support recruitment like Stefan because how would I honestly ever figure that out without the internet? But I do would like something akin to Raven in FE7 or Colm FE8. It's not just the lord talking to them, it's someone who has a background with them. Furthermore, they would give slight hints like giving the character some dialogue before the chapter IIRC.

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Satoru Iwata said something about different conversation choices. I think what he meant was that you'll have the option to recruit characters based on what you choose to say, and they might even give options on where Kamui would like to visit (maybe something to the effect of having to save a character and let another die). Even if they don't do the latter, the option of choosing which country to side with and whether a few of the characters will be recruitable or not is a definite.

Sadly, I think that was a misinterpretation. Iwata was mainly referring to conversation choices being present in previous games, although that's not to say they won't be in this one.

As for the original question, I'm not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice if you could somehow choose to spare your siblings. Maybe some siblings are better off spared, while others aren't. Suddenly, after sparing Sakura, she ends up backstabbing you.

I guess the timing of when to use Dragon Vein could be a choice too. Perhaps there are situations where you're better off leaving the terrain as is, rather than flattening the mountains ahead and destroying your choke points, for example.

Edited by VincentASM
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We're reffering to what he said in the January direct, right?

"The Fire Emblem series has always asked players to make lots of small choices that affect the world as they know it; from conversation choices to battle tactics. In this new game, you will make even bigger choices, and the effect of these choices on the world will be greater than ever."

He's clearly not being very specific about it, that's for sure. To me, the fact that there will be other choices is heavily implied here, though. Did people not believe him or something?

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Sadly, I think that was a misinterpretation. Iwata was mainly referring to conversation choices being present in previous games, although that's not to say they won't be in this one.

As for the original question, I'm not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice if you could somehow choose to spare your siblings. Maybe some siblings are better off spared, while others aren't. Suddenly, after sparing Sakura, she ends up backstabbing you.

I guess the timing of when to use Dragon Vein could be a choice too. Perhaps there are situations where you're better off leaving the terrain as is, rather than flattening the mountains ahead and destroying your choke points, for example.

For the first part, I was drawing that out of the silver-haired cavalier, whom appears on both sides (just hoping he isn't the only character like that).

I would find that interesting, but I base much of what I say out of what the fanbase will likely want for the siblings (which is either kill or spare at this point).

Implementing Dragon's Vein like that reminds me of Blazblue, since depending on whether the character ended in a(n) distortion/astral finish, it could affect the ending drastically.

Edited by Alphonetic
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Like Vincent suggested, I'd like a number of the choices to be based on and affected by killing or sparing your siblings. There should be no "perfect" way to play the game and each choice should have it's pro's and cons. I'm thinking that killing characters will reward you with unique weapons and other items but sparing people will lead to more character recruits. That said, it shouldn't be cut and dry either. Maybe sparing some characters will result in a backstab/death of another player character.

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If there is a way to save everybody, it would probably have to be through some obscure little known series of complicated choices and conditions or something that is very difficult to find and follow.

Involving at least 2 playthroughs

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Radiant Dawn comes to mind. Pelleas and Sephiran ftw.

I hated that. One of my least favorate bits about that game.

As for choices, i honestly suspect two or so aran/sampson type choices (one of which might hve av amalda/conomore effect to it, where recruiting character a allows you to recruit character c latter, but recruitung character b gets you character d instead), plus possibley a thracia level route split (posibly tied to one of the other choices).

Edited by sirmola
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If there is a way to save everybody, it would probably have to be through some obscure little known series of complicated choices and conditions or something that is very difficult to find and follow.

I really hope there won't be, because that would defeat the purpose of the war if there weren't casualties. I hope there will be choices to spare the more prominent characters, but main antagonist characters should be able to be defeated, and there should be a few who for the purpose of the story.

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