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Debating Rules/Standards


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Isn't Mekkah a she? That's at least what the gender is listed as in Fire Emblem Planet. Could of just done that for fun, though.

No Mekkah is a guy, I've seen him before roaming at velthomer(Former FESS) before. He's this freaking dutch guy who likes to own people by shoving his argument right up at people's face.



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I was looking for the rules! So caps don't matter? So hard mode boosts ALWAYS apply? So we're not aloud to use our own averages? Sorry I'm just a bit curious of a few rules.

Just noting, but you can probably use your own averages in the games not calculated by FEA, such as Book 2. Otherwise, Tino's got everything down well. ^_^

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Just noting, but you can probably use your own averages in the games not calculated by FEA, such as Book 2. Otherwise, Tino's got everything down well. ^_^

As long as those averages are calculated the same way the averages on FEA are calculated, then it's indeed fine.

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That's also not my intention.

Yes it is.

Are you that thick? Do you not understand what it is you're doing?

You are laying down rules that serve: no purpose. Your rules are there to help people argue something that seems to matter to them. I've tried to make it clear that no one but you and your friends give a shit about any of that stuff. Your debating guidelines are to explain why a certain character is better than another certain character to fit your goals of beating the game in the least amount of turns witht he max amount of bonus experience. Okay, good for you.

Unless people are SPECIFICALLY ASKING FOR THOSE THINGS, that is useless in any debate among normal people. The hardcore FE base can care about that all they want, but that does not change the fact that those things do not matter unless you consider those the epitome of Fire Emblem goals and the epitome of Fire Emblem skills.

I do not. As a general philosophy, I think beating a game without ever restarting your gaming console after a unit dies/gain a shitty level up/don't kill a guy you needed to kill on a given round for the best time/etc. in order to try again from your last save until the RNG goes in your favor is the truest form of skill for any given game. Everything, and I mean everything that you've tried to "debate" completely goes against everything I believe in as a gamer, and the fact you still keep on spouting your opinions as downright fact is rude and obnoxious, which is why I've been as rude and obnoxious towards you as I possibly could.

But you know what they say. "Doing the same thing over and over the same way without success is the definition of Insanity." I'm just going to put you on ignore and hope you eventually pull your head out of your ass and start treating the rest of us like human beings.

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No Mekkah is a guy, I've seen him before roaming at velthomer(Former FESS) before. He's this freaking dutch guy who likes to own people by shoving his argument right up at people's face.



I'm guessing you're the Colm fellow. If nothing else, Ayanami types very weird. Especially with him using the word as at improper times. It's really hard to take him seriously. Then again, if you're the same Colm from Fire Emblem Planet, you said some strange stuff as well. At least you use decent enough grammar.

Edited by Kintenbo
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I'm not the kind of person to insult members, but please start being mature, because you're being very immature right now.

It's like Kintenbo said.

You get mad at me and SS because we do something you aren't used to, but really, getting mad at us won't solve a simple thing. There are plenty of people who go by these standards, and they are followed in every debate. Learn to accept it.

That's about what Kintenbo said, and he's got it right.

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I'm not the kind of person to insult members, but please start being mature, because you're being very immature right now.

It's like Kintenbo said.

You get mad at me and SS because we do something you aren't used to, but really, getting mad at us won't solve a simple thing. There are plenty of people who go by these standards, and they are followed in every debate. Learn to accept it.

That's about what Kintenbo said, and he's got it right.

Did you even bother reading this?

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I'm still really confused why people have such issues with this.

Me too.

And on another note, Mitsuru, which names are you known by on other forums? Just wondering :P

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Erh...he uses better grammar then you.

Do you really want to make me an enemy? Because I had no issue with you, but I can totally ruin your Serenes Forest outings for you if you want. I really dislike yelling at people, but I've got an overbearing sense of righteousness that compels me to silence those that lord themselves upon others, or people that decide they are better than me.

I ramble a lot online; I know that. I also misspell some things in the heat of the moment. But you must be out of your mind to insult my ability with the English language. It's one of the few skills I have I'm defensive about. You have to realize that I don't edit what I write in these boxes because I'm not being graded on it nor is it going to make me money.

@ Tino:

I dislike you. You're an asshole. I'm not going to be civil with you because you have straight up, directly to me ignored everything I said that made a factual point and decided it wasn't relevant because it wasn't your stupid fucking piece of shit Fire Emblem "standard debate" bullshit. I have directly and expressly stated my approach to video games and how the things you hold true and dear in debates mean jack shit to me, and then you came back by basically saying "WE ARE BORG, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." You keep saying "we" when really, you just mean you. Kick the ego down a few notches.

I will do everything in my power to ruin your day every time you come in contact with anything I ever do. I'll be making the world a better place, one jerkass at a time.

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Wow, internet threats.

You think what he does is rude, and so you retaliate with... rudeness. It might make sense when you're upset, but from my point of view, you're making yourself look foolish.

He can't make you play your games a certain way, so you shouldn't take anything he says to heart. I find it astonishing that you do. (I say "he" because you're only attacking Tino.) For people who do in fact want to play his way, he can be a valuable resource.

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Flaming is bad......yuo'll go to internet hell! (ie. the Game FAQ'a boards)

Eh, should there be a seperate forum, or even just a thread for hard core debaters? So those serious about it can do their thang without being annoyed by noobs. And the more casual FE players can go about their discussion without fear of being ambushed by SS or Tino and ranted at about supports and play time. :P

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Do you really want to make me an enemy? Because I had no issue with you, but I can totally ruin your Serenes Forest outings for you if you want. I really dislike yelling at people, but I've got an overbearing sense of righteousness that compels me to silence those that lord themselves upon others, or people that decide they are better than me.

I ramble a lot online; I know that. I also misspell some things in the heat of the moment. But you must be out of your mind to insult my ability with the English language. It's one of the few skills I have I'm defensive about. You have to realize that I don't edit what I write in these boxes because I'm not being graded on it nor is it going to make me money.

@ Tino:

I dislike you. You're an asshole. I'm not going to be civil with you because you have straight up, directly to me ignored everything I said that made a factual point and decided it wasn't relevant because it wasn't your stupid fucking piece of shit Fire Emblem "standard debate" bullshit. I have directly and expressly stated my approach to video games and how the things you hold true and dear in debates mean jack shit to me, and then you came back by basically saying "WE ARE BORG, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE." You keep saying "we" when really, you just mean you. Kick the ego down a few notches.

I will do everything in my power to ruin your day every time you come in contact with anything I ever do. I'll be making the world a better place, one jerkass at a time.

Damn the one time I unignore this guy I get this. Damn

Flaming is bad......yuo'll go to internet hell! (ie. the Game FAQ'a boards)

Eh, should there be a seperate forum, or even just a thread for hard core debaters? So those serious about it can do their thang without being annoyed by noobs. And the more casual FE players can go about their discussion without fear of being ambushed by SS or Tino and ranted at about supports and play time. :P

I agree with this guy 100%

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Flaming is bad......yuo'll go to internet hell! (ie. the Game FAQ'a boards)

Eh, should there be a seperate forum, or even just a thread for hard core debaters? So those serious about it can do their thang without being annoyed by noobs. And the more casual FE players can go about their discussion without fear of being ambushed by SS or Tino and ranted at about supports and play time. :P

segregation is evile. i don't support this idea.

actually, i find it enjoyable to debate with people about FE even when i don't know a bit about FE debating it shows me different points of view, which are necessary to get a complete understanding of the game.

By segregating, pretty much everyone shall be arguing amongst their own kind, which is boring.


all i can say is that people shouldn't take arguments so personally. let it all be just a friendly discussion, just how it should be.

Edited by Crystal Chanda Leir
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