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This weeks winner, Toa, along with runners-up Smirks and Vilkilizer brings you...

Biweekly Battle Sprite Showdown

-Round 6-

~Swords drool, Horses rule~


○Create a new class.

○Cannot use swords.

○Must be mounted.

○Must have green in the palette.


1) only 1 entry per contestant, either in the Full Custom division or in the Splice/Edit division.(Animated may be a division if enough entries are in to justify it)
-Please declare which division you fall under to avoid potential confusion.
2) No voting for your own entry!
3) Entries should be limited to 16 colors.(15 colors+ 1 background color) This is more of a guideline, but good to follow for style and challenge reasons. Colors may be custom or using GBA sprite palletes.

New! 4) Entries must be within 240x160 pixels.
5) No posting previous/old works! This means no edits/recolors of something previously made as well.
-allowing previous/old works would give an unfair advantage to certain entries, two weeks is a good amount of time to work on an entry... how fair would it be to have to go up against something someone spent months or even a year on?
-creating brand new works, encourages creativity and artistic growth and development, kinda what the whole art forums are about... isn't it?


DEADLINE: 11:59am CDT Monday June 1

Any further questions or concerns can be PMed to the current host!(That's me Smirks, currently) ...or posted in the feedback and discussion thread here to avoid thread derailment.

Looking forward to your entries!


PS: On in thread disputes, from the pinned Spriting and Competition thread.

There has been a lot of arguing amongst members in these forums (especially the competition sub-forum). I know that people can disagree and small quarrels are not a big deal but the sad part about this is the argument always gets out of hand. This is not only a frustration for myself and your fellow members but it is also thread derailment which is against the code of conduct.

The point of the competition threads are to enter in the competitions, to give critique to those who enter, and to vote for your favourite entry, not to bicker about who isn't following the rules of the competition. It is up to the person in charge of the competition to decide who does or doesn't follow the rules, not the participators and other members. If you want to have heated arguments with each other or think an entry is breaking the rules then do so via the personal messenger or some other form of private conversation.

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It's one of the modifiers, Ana; there's no real rhyme or reason. And while horses are probably going to be common (hence being in the title) the rules only say mounted: they could be riding practically anything.

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It's one of the modifiers, Ana; there's no real rhyme or reason. And while horses are probably going to be common (hence being in the title) the rules only say mounted: they could be riding practically anything.

Well, okay, if you really want green that much. :P

And I know, I didn't think we could only do a horse class, I just like that the title has "horses rule" in it. :P

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@Thor- I don't think that would be a problem as most classes do have multiple weapons and genders so as far as I'm concerned, go for it!

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I actually came up with something! :o


This a Zebra Rider! He starts out bow-locked, but would gain lances upon promotion to Zebra Master. Zebras are like horses and have cool stripes, thus are awesome too. <3 I made the dude dark-skinned because zebras live in Africa and all, where people there are daaaark. Also gave the dude light armor and a light outfit and sandals because I think that's how Africans tend to dress as well due to the warm climate down there.

Oh, and before anyone asks, yes, zebras can be ridden in real life. It's just more difficult to do than with a horse.

EDIT: Ah, also, it might be hard to tell, but there IS a little bit of green in there. The shoulder pad. :P I also went a bit over the color limit... It's like 20 colors rather than 16, sry...

EDIT2: Edited it some.

Edited by Anacybele
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Spliced, paint corrupted my custom one and I lost my motivation to make another custom ;A;

Une Rider, based on the une enemy from Castlevania which was basically a plant. I guess a more powerful version of the Chosen Une from Order of Eccelsia lol

Right when I finished this I knew I should've done Sejuanni ><

Edit: Added "horns" just for some variation

Edited by Kramy
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I actually came up with something! :o


This a Zebra Rider! He starts out bow-locked, but would gain lances upon promotion to Zebra Master. Zebras are like horses and have cool stripes, thus are awesome too. <3 I made the dude dark-skinned because zebras live in Africa and all, where people there are daaaark. Also gave the dude light armor and a light outfit and sandals because I think that's how Africans tend to dress as well due to the warm climate down there.

Oh, and before anyone asks, yes, zebras can be ridden in real life. It's just more difficult to do than with a horse.

EDIT: Ah, also, it might be hard to tell, but there IS a little bit of green in there. The shoulder pad. :P I also went a bit over the color limit... It's like 20 colors rather than 16, sry...

EDIT2: Edited it some.

Someone make an animation for this! We NEED it in an FE game!

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Heh, it would be a fun class to add to the game. ^^

Too bad hardly anyone else likes it though, if the voting thread is anything to go by... :(

Sadly, I don't like any of the entries this time around (not counting my own, of course, since I can't vote for it)... So it kind of irritates me that my entry is losing to what's basically just a green blob.

Edited by Anacybele
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Une-rider really nailed the 'must have green requirement' though. It's the idea I liked the most, plus Castlevania, so it got my vote.

Mr. T on a pig was pretty cool. Slim pickings but I feel like everyone had good creativity this round.

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But what's the idea behind it? I don't understand. It looks to me like a pile of green snot. Which is kind of gross... I don't mean that in an offensive manner, I swear. I just don't get the idea behind it.

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I feel like themes are getting too restrictive due too many modifiers. I think it would be better to have a simpler theme decided only by the winners of best in theme and most liked with maybe only the runner up in most liked also getting say. This one had three modifiers, that was even meant to be 4, that really cut back on what people could do. I think that with a broader theme there could be a larger variety of entries and also more entries from people who don't want to make an idea to fit within so many constraints. For the last few rounds it seems like a good idea for a theme gets convoluted by a bunch of modifiers that limit creativity. I think we should either go back to choosing from the original list of themes or at least cut back on the modifiers that are being added.

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what's basically just a green blob.

well to be fair to said blob, it has a lot more changes than yours does relative to the base(s) and is completely different as a concept, so it may be that idea that people prefer and thus decide to vote for it because of, regardless of how well-executed they believe one or the other to be, how effective it is as a sprite.

I dunno, I like them both.

But what's the idea behind it? I don't understand. It looks to me like a pile of green snot. Which is kind of gross... I don't mean that in an offensive manner, I swear. I just don't get the idea behind it.

It looks like plants to me. A wall of plants, like when they grow on the side of a building or a vine grows up the side of a tree.

A rider made of plants over a mount made of plants, draping the forest with every step; spreading foliage and thus the forest wherever they go. Giving the forest back what is really its... the construct just seems too nifty to me to not like it.

Aw man I didn't even know the deadline was up :c

I thought there was an extra day before the due date (I blame time zones), so my thing wasn't done on time *sigh*

I was going to do a pegacorn mage...

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Uh, I see a lot of changes having been made on both entries... And my idea is completely different from your typical FE mounted classes too. So I still don't understand how my entry is worse. Sorry, but I just don't like the green blob. And no, it's not because my entry is losing to it, I didn't like it before voting began.

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Uh, I see a lot of changes having been made on both entries...

I miswrote. You're right.

It has more silhouette changes. The very shape of the creature is much more different than yours.

Not that the actual detailing isn't greatly different from the original (as that is), but the silhouette still reads virtually identically to the horse's.

Shape, form-- these are changed more on the blob.

Bah, I can't... get that right.

And my idea is completely different from your typical FE mounted classes too.

It's literally a Nomad riding a zebra instead of a horse.

It's different and is quite interesting, but it is not completely different.

Where's a plant monster in FE?

So I still don't understand how my entry is worse.

I'd say that no entry is worse than another--after all, that's why I haven't voted yet.

Slim but good pickings.

That aside I agree with Toa, look at III-- the hugest of huge turnouts and what was the requirement? "From a non-fire-emblem video game that has been published."

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I miswrote. You're right.

It has more silhouette changes. The very shape of the creature is much more different than yours.

Not that the actual detailing isn't greatly different from the original (as that is), but the silhouette still reads virtually identically to the horse's.

Shape, form-- these are changed more on the blob.

Bah, I can't... get that right.

It's literally a Nomad riding a zebra instead of a horse.

It's different and is quite interesting, but it is not completely different.

Where's a plant monster in FE?

I'd say that no entry is worse than another--after all, that's why I haven't voted yet.

Slim but good pickings.

That aside I agree with Toa, look at III-- the hugest of huge turnouts and what was the requirement? "From a non-fire-emblem video game that has been published."

You're right, we don't have a plant monster in FE. But plant monster wasn't the first thing I thought of when I saw that entry. I thought of slime/snot/whatever you want to call it. xP

It's not literally a nomad on a zebra, I changed the way the person looks too. Darker skin and hair, different outfit, and the bow looks different too. No bandana either. I didn't know how much more different to make it from the nomad...

You're right though, the green thing does have more silhouette differences. But is that really a big deal? If so, I hadn't any idea...

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It's not literally a nomad on a zebra, I changed the way the person looks too. Darker skin and hair, different outfit, and the bow looks different too. No bandana either. I didn't know how much more different to make it from the nomad...

I meant as a class.

In appearance, yes.

But in terms of what it is/does; the differences are not readily apparent.

Comparing a Great Knight to a Paladin, the Great Knight /looks/ more heavily armored, which matches with how it has higher defense.

But the Nomad and your Zebra rider don't have such an easy distinction, which is in no small part due to the angle the sprites are at, which is kind of unavoidable unless you did shenanigans (like a forward-facing horse).

You're right though, the green thing does have more silhouette differences. But is that really a big deal? If so, I hadn't any idea...

Yes, the silhouette matters a lot.

I mean, if it didn't, why would mainstream media have it all over?

Silhouettes are also what a lot of minimalist pieces are rooted in.

The silhouette's differences make it more obvious that it's changed, before basically everything else.

Edited by Eliwan
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