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Did they just forgot... white magic ?


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Everything's in the title.

Also I'm wondering, am I the only one that wants white magic to be back, since it was, without real reason, not present in Awakening ?

Farewell, Ivaldi, Narga, Thani, and all. You were my best friends. :Diadora:

(Well, not best ones, but I really liked white magic.)

And you ? Your opinions ? Do you have a hope that one day, white magic will return or will be revealed to be part of FE14 ?

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Not "forget", but they probably didn't have a good excuse/reason to include them.

Maybe they will have a reason this time, because of Hoshido being the "White Night" Kingdom.

Plus monsters.

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Light magic has always been kind of.. just there outside of FE4. I really don't get why people are so attached to it and the magic triangle when it was pointless to have mages fight other mages.

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Not "forget", but they probably didn't have a good excuse/reason to include them.

Maybe they will have a reason this time, because of Hoshido being the "White Night" Kingdom.

Plus monsters.

An "Exorcist" class would sound great, even though it'd be either the Buddhist or the Onmyoudou style for Hoshido...

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I wouldn't mind if light magic came back, but i dont quite understand why so many people seem so attached to it, from a design perspective in 4 and 5 it was alright but it really seemed to just be a way to give unique magic to julia and her mother, (and linoan) and for the holy weapons to have more tomes, In the gba games it was a bit more accurate than anima and had a small crit bonus, but it was weaker had less uses and was heavier. It seemed to just be a way to make bishops focus a bit more on healing and make sages better at attacking by comparison. Monks were not even in FE 6, and the only reason to even use a bishop in fe 8 was for slayer. In FE9 it was inferior in everyway to the other types of magic (execpt that purge was more powerful than blizzard and it did have Nosferatu) it was really just a way for bishops to attack in a emergency. In fe 10 it was light and accurate i can't really fault light magic in this game(though i notice that one of the main lords had light magic as her only weapon that may have had something to do with it methinks)

I know that gameplay isnt everything, but in most games light magic seems to just be an emergency weapon (in gba and 9) or a powerful special weapon that can only be used by special characters. (Fe 4 kinda 5) only in 10 would i consider it on par with anima magic. In 4,5,9,10 it did fill darks niche of having Nosferatu but neither 4 or 9 had a playable darkmage. Now yes it gave priest/clerics a unique promotion but does one class really need it's own type of magic that nearly always was weaker than the other types?

Edited by goodperson707
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Not "forget", but they probably didn't have a good excuse/reason to include them.

Maybe they will have a reason this time, because of Hoshido being the "White Night" Kingdom.

Plus monsters.

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Not "forget", but they probably didn't have a good excuse/reason to include them.

Maybe they will have a reason this time, because of Hoshido being the "White Night" Kingdom.

Plus monsters.

True maybe there will be a few tomes that are effective against monsters. Magic is all the same weapon rank again so even if there's not a class that specializes in light magic it could appear in very limited quantity. Edited by Book Bro
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Gameplay-wise I never really cared for light magic. The various anima magics provided plenty of power vs usability considerations, and dark provided unique effects like HP draining. Light magic was just sort of there outside of its monster-slaying properties in SS, though with monsters set to return I suppose that is something.

Edit: and yes, I know Nosferatu/Resire was originally light, but I mostly see that as them not thinking about making dark playable in FE4 and having to stick to Jugdral conventions in FE5.

Edited by egobarrier
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^ but light magic was weaker in most ways probably for the reason of trying to it make so that dedicated staff users would not be that good at attacking, if light magic is not there they would simply use magic instead either as a sage or as a fe 11 bishop

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I just like the concept of light magic. Perhaps its because my favorite fire emblem game had it, but I would like it to return somehow. The question is how to make it useful. There seems to be monsters in If, but still. This will sound sort of stupid, but I think it would be interesting if light and dark magic cancelled each other out, i.e, neither one is better than the other.

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Light magic looked pretty.

And that is pretty much all it had going for it versus Anima and Dark.

Considering the absolute best weapon in any Fire Emblem game is a light magic tome, I don't know about that...

Plus light and dark magic have always been completely interchangeable. Having both at once and equally purposeful would be nice, though.

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I have, admittedly, have not played every Fire Emblem game. But I'm not surprised that they made the best tome ever a light tome. I'm guessing it's because divine?

All light really did beyond look pretty, imo, was create a less-relevant magic triangle.

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I have, admittedly, have not played every Fire Emblem game. But I'm not surprised that they made the best tome ever a light tome. I'm guessing it's because divine?

All light really did beyond look pretty, imo, was create a less-relevant magic triangle.

More like the ultimate dragon's power, but I'm unsure about the details.

Like I said, it's really been back and forth as to which is the relevant one out of the two throughout the series, and just because dark has been in the... spotlight recently doesn't mean that will always be the case.

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^ it also was made to beat the lopto tome i belive. I would say the tomes are equally powerful the naga tome was just made to fight/counter it. I mean naga and lopto even have the same holy blood bonuses i believe so i think they are close to evenly matched.

Any way as i said earlier there are 4 games that are weaker than normal and 2 that are stronger. And one that is around the same.

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^ it also was made to beat the lopto tome i belive. I would say the tomes are equally powerful the naga tome was just made to fight/counter it. I mean naga and lopto even have the same holy blood bonuses i believe so i think they are close to evenly matched.

Any way as i said earlier there are 4 games that are weaker than normal and 2 that are stronger. And one that is around the same.

...eh. The Naga tome is way more powerful than Lopt, in pure stats anyway, the Naga tome gives stat bonuses of Skl +20, Spd +20, Def +20, Res +20, while Lopt just gives Res+5 and halves enemy power(which in itself is pretty powerful).

Edited by L95
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^ i mainly meant the halves enemy power thing and I'm also going by the lore where even though you could beat julius without naga its pretty much stated to be impossible according to the game. So tohose stat boosts are equivalent to being functionally invincible according to the lore.

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Light magic was good because it balanced out dark and anima, and allowed you to mix up tactics more because it could be used to provide defensive bonuses against dark magic.

Also, it was very accurate, and it had some very fun spells, like purge and whatever the one that hit twice was.... I don't remember right now.

And it did look cool.

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