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I won't lie I didn't believe there would be characters that will follow us regardless of what we choose.

Is anybody else shocked by the loyalty these characters show to Kamui by following them regardless? Would they be considered traitors as well?

It seems like Kamui would be like Robin, a lot of characters seem to love them. On the character page for If on this website, will there be a separate category for characters who follow Kamui regardless?

Ah, I guess that saying about how "true friends will always back you up" is true in this game.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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It's a good question. I hope they give them actual reasons to follow Kamui, more so than just "you're a nice guy."

In real life, I feel like part of the reason why these group of characters who follow Kamui regardless is probably because to limit the amount of characters in this game. BTW, I'm hoping Cyrus stays with you as well.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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In real life, I feel like part of the reason why these group of characters who follow Kamui regardless is probably because to limit the amount of characters in this game. BTW, I'm hoping Cyrus stays with you as well.

Good point. I'd hoped for completely different casts for both sides, but there is a limit. It's too bad, because it does feel like a bit of a missed opportunity.

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I'm not particularly shocked, a retainer is supposed to follow their lord for better or worse.

True, but if I was in their place, I would be willing to go against Kamui if our ideologies is different.

You come before others. You're important.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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I'm not surprised Felicia and Joker stay with Kamui regardless, but Gunter's loyalty seems just a bit strange to me. Isn't he a decorated soldier or something? You'd think he'd be a lot less willing to follow Kamui to Hoshido should they choose it.

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Some of them might have grown with Kamui or seen him grow (good friends , mentors, butlers/maids), so it should be normal some of them may stalk follow him until his last breath...

Anyway, it would add some spice to have a character that follows you just to kill you because of their mission / revenge, as long as it's not so clichéd.

But it is true that those who might feel betrayed will try to slay him/her.

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It'd be quite interesting if units had a hidden "loyalty" stat that increased based on interactions with the Avatar. Under a certain threshold, they wouldn't turn traitor and you end up fighting them. Then, whoever ends up following you wouldn't be statically determined by the plot.

This game is supposed to be about "choice," after all.

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Then you wouldn't make a very good medieval-ish era retainer.

Obviously. But there would be other factors as well. Do I like Kamui personally? Do I have a loving family and friends in Nohr/Hoshido? How did Kamui treat me? Will I be able to survive? And etc...

These decisions must've tough for those characters who follow Kamui regardless and I salute them for their loyalty.

I'm not surprised Felicia and Joker stay with Kamui regardless, but Gunter's loyalty seems just a bit strange to me. Isn't he a decorated soldier or something? You'd think he'd be a lot less willing to follow Kamui to Hoshido should they choose it.

He seems to be more of a Marcus/Seth/Frederick type of character. He will disagree with your decision but will still follow you because of his loyalty.

Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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It'd be quite interesting if units had a hidden "loyalty" stat that increased based on interactions with the Avatar. Under a certain threshold, they wouldn't turn traitor and you end up fighting them. Then, whoever ends up following you wouldn't be statically determined by the plot.

This game is supposed to be about "choice," after all.

On a related note, I thought recruitment of chars from another side would be like FE10's recruitments.

Really like your idea, though it can ultimately screw the MU if it is a first time player who doesn't know how to handle that 'loyalty' system.

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So far we've seen at least 8 characters who are from one side. It makes sense that a few would choose to follow you regardless of which side you pick.

I'm not saying it didn't make sense, I'm just shocked. Black and white thinking strikes again.


I'm actually glad about this. It feels like those who stays with you are your true friends. All of you give me a guf. Like now because you guys are AWESOME.

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I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

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I'm not saying it didn't make sense, I'm just shocked. Black and white thinking strikes again.


Uh, what? Do you think I was accusing you of saying it didn't make sense? Because I most definitely was not.
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I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

He strikes me as kinda RD Haar esque. Like he really couldn't care less. And his brother is fanatically loyal to Ryouma and Suzukaze is said to be the polar opposite of his brother so he may think Ryouma's a d-bag who needs to be taken down a few pegs. Or Hoshido isn't as squeaky clean as we've been led to believe and he knows it.

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I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

he gets hired? i mean i don't think every ninja is in service at any one moment. Or maybe he was going to serve Kaimui but is unaffiliated at the moment because they lost him.

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i'm still interested in why aqua is so loyal to you unless she has certain 'feelings'

Well she and Kamui are in similar situations so they could easily feel a connection.

Or she knows she can use Kamui for her secret agenda no I won't let this theory go

He strikes me as kinda RD Haar esque. Like he really couldn't care less. And his brother is fanatically loyal to Ryouma and Suzukaze is said to be the polar opposite of his brother so he may think Ryouma's a d-bag who needs to be taken down a few pegs. Or Hoshido isn't as squeaky clean as we've been led to believe and he knows it.

I like this. :D

Edited by Book Bro
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Uh, what? Do you think I was accusing you of saying it didn't make sense? Because I most definitely was not.

Oh, sorry. I misinterpreted your post. Also the "-_-" was me getting frustrated with myself for my black and white thinking, not you. Sorry if I caused a rift between us.

He strikes me as kinda RD Haar esque. Like he really couldn't care less. And his brother is fanatically loyal to Ryouma and Suzukaze is said to be the polar opposite of his brother so he may think Ryouma's a d-bag who needs to be taken down a few pegs. Or Hoshido isn't as squeaky clean as we've been led to believe and he knows it.

Now that you've said that... For some reason, I've got a feeling that the reason why he's following you is because "lol Hoshido is so boring!1!1!! Imma just follow you!" I'm sure this isn't his true reason but I don't know why I thought about this... Edited by Kamui-of-Nohr
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I'd like to suggest a theory that perhaps they can be persuaded to come back to the other side for whatever reason... Or perhaps they could even be kidnapped? Oh, but there must be a way to get them back somehow... Perhaps the loyalty stat theory could be intertwined with this.

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It would make sense that some of them join Kamui no matter what. But if it's a lot of them, it would be... I don't want to say dumb, but yeah it is.

Edited by B.Leu
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I'm more curious about characters not directly connected to Kamui, like Suzukaze. Felicia and the others make sense because they're Kamui's servants, Gunter a bit less but maybe he sees Kamui as a son/daughter or something since he's apparently his/her mentor. Suzukaze didn't grow up with Kamui, isn't related to him, is related to Saizou who directly serves Ryouma, and probably has no connections to Nohr. So why does he follow Kamui to Nohr?

It states in his description in the Famitsu article that he lacks a liege (I don't know why he can't serve Takumi), so it could be that he decided to join Kamui, no matter what happens.

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Joker is said to be antisocial to everyone except you (OTP comfirmed)

It'd be quite interesting if units had a hidden "loyalty" stat that increased based on interactions with the Avatar. Under a certain threshold, they wouldn't turn traitor and you end up fighting them. Then, whoever ends up following you wouldn't be statically determined by the plot.

This game is supposed to be about "choice," after all.

Did you already played TO:LUCT ? Because you just describe Chaos Frame.

...And Loyalty actually.

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