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I'm hoping there are a lot more recruit-able characters that what has been shown


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It's very likely but still. There's almost NO variation in Hoshido's ranks. Can you NOT be a dark mage on that side? Did they take away free re-classing like FEA had?

So many questions...so much worry. I don't think a billion ninjas/butlers/oni make up for losing a ton of other classes. Again, I doubt that's the way they went but...one can fear.

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If you can use most of the classes from both sides then what's the point of choosing anyway? Also, there is as much variation in Hoshido's army as Nohr's because most classes so far have a counterpart in the other side.

Edited by Ryo
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I'm sure there are still ALOT of characters we have yet to see on both sides of the fence. I'm just hoping we can somehow recruit family members from either side regardless of the game. Hopefully Kamui can reclass into anything like robin/fe12's avatar too.

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I really hope (and it probably won't happen) to see other characters such as manaketes and also more mages and wyvern knights, etc. Also I would like to see another Priestess who is friends with Sakura (like a Lissa/Maribelle relationship in Awakening, just a nice character instead).

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I don't think there's a single FE game with fewer than 30 playable characters, so it's safe to assume there will be at least that many on each route, and significantly more if you consider both routes together. So I wouldn't worry about it; there are certainly more characters still to come.

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I'm sure there will be some overlap as characters from one side defect with you to the other.

Or at least I hope so, because I've never excessively used Pegasus Knights/Archers/Myrmidons and having one side mostly comprised of those sort of classes is going to be a little off-putting for me lol.

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Yeah, for comparison

FE6: you can recruit 50+ units

FE7: 44 units

FE8: 33 units (no creature campaign characters)

FE9: 43 units (assuming one of Nasir/Ena and one of Tibarn/Naesala/Caineghis)

FE10: Some ungodly number (72)

Awakening: 49

So far we've seen like 26, not including Garon and Hoshidan ruler lady (I doubt they're playable). I'm thinking the total character number is gonna be closer to Radiant Dawn than FE8.

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Considering how in times of war there's always a use for sellswords, hirelings, mercenaries, and turncoats, I'm sure they can fit in a lot of new characters.

Though I do wonder if CAPTAIN BLONDE, DEFENDER OF NOHR is a mercenary or a Nohrian soldier.

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Yeah, so far the promotions have only shown us the central cast (AKA the ones of actual importance in the story) and part of our starting team. We've got plenty more characters to look forward to. If not, then this'll have an even smaller cast than FE4.

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