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Favorite Characters So Far?

Mr. Myrmidon

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I remember ever since seeing the first trailer I saw Marx and thought "if there are multiple lords and he's one of them I would be very very happy because he looks so mature and he's preeeetty" and from then on I've just really liked him (though I got mixed feelings based on his script)

Sakura has a pretty design imo, and once I learned Leon was a MAD SCIENTIST with a LETHAL NOTEBOOK (read: once I learned his voice actor~) I suddenly went form totally indifferent to interested and curious

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I have high hopes for Aqua even though it currently looks like half her character will be forced to act mysterious, or it'll be shoved in our faces like having characters constantly point it out.

I'm dreading Takumi's development. Judging by his description, it sounds like there'll be two possible outcomes:

Hoshido: you didn't betray us! I was wrong!

Nohr: you betrayed us! I was right!

Edited by Thane
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Felicia's design is SEXUALLY GRATIFYING.

That's only kind of sarcastic. I really do like her, and only go on to like her more with more info.

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I strangely like a lot of characters already, mostly for their aesthetic design. Saizou and Kagerou are really cool to me, because I like ninjas, and also they both look super cool also Kagerou and Saizou are bae. I like Felicia a lot for many reasons that have already been stated by others. Rinka looks super cool and her new class only makes her seem a lot more appealing. Orochi is still an enigma for a lot of us, but I still like her. Joker because his Japanese VA does Archer's voice from F/SN and he looks cool. Aqua because she pretty and I want to know more about her relevance to the plot (of course by playing the game and not spoilers). Cyrus and his blue-haired counterpart look cool so far as the obligatory cavaliers. Ryouma and Sakura are my favorite Hoshido royalty. Camilla and Elise are my favorite Nohr royalty.

Though all of this is subject to change.

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I'm most interested in Marx, Cyrus, Suzukaze, Gunter and Joker and I can already tell I'm going to like Camilla. I'm a sucker for a doting onee-san. I don't know why but I think my 'favourite' atm would have to be Cyrus or Suzukaze purely because of their designs.

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Kamui (both genders), Hinoka, Aqua, Camilla, Leon, Ryuoma, Orochi, Felicia, Sakura, Elise and Gunter are my favorites so far. Kamui and Hinoka look cool, Aqua looks really pretty, Camilla is pretty (and is sweet and figthning at the same time), Leon and Ryuoma look awesome, Orochi looks interesting, I have nothing new to say about Felicia, Sakura and Elise are just so cute and Gunter looks to be the new Fredrick so I`m looking forward to seeing what they do with him.

Nyx, Kagerou, Rinca and Suzukaze interest me, I wonder how they will turn out.

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I love every one of the Nohr siblings and dont care much for any of the Hoshido siblings besides Takumi I also like Joker

But I can already tell I am going to hate the blond Hero

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1 - Leon (because of the japanese voice actor, and his character seems interesting)

2 - Joker (I like him just because he's unfriendly towards everyone besides the avatar xD)

3 - Oboro (it's the face)

Edited by Meiyu
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Favorite character by a large margin at the moment is Joker.

Interested in Orochi, Rinka, Tsubaki, Suzukaze, Leon, Marx and Gunther's characters quite a bit as well.

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Oboro is the most SEXUALLY GRATIFYING to me right now, but if she has an annoying character, I might have to retract that statement.

Just kidding, Smugface will always have a place in my heart.

Edited by NekoKnight
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My favorite characters (and my hopes for them) so far are:

Felicia; I hope she ends up being one of Kamui's closest friends and that, although she is nice and constantly jolly, she is somewhat sadistic.

Joker; I hope that to most people he is somewhat indifferent, as in feeling little to no remorse to killing and only serving Kamui. I'd feel that the exceptions are Kamui and possibly Felicia and Gunter.

Gunter; I hope that he ends up being confident and protective of Kamui. He treats Kamui as a child and gives him/her extensive training.

Leon; I hope he is really self-gratifying and selfish, something he probably learned from his father.

Takumi: I hope that his distrust is better than Frederick's was, for one. I believe that he will be the type of person to do anything for the people who earn his trust, and that he is protective of Sakura.

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Personality wise, I think I might like Elise and Camilla. In Camilla's case it's mostly because she seems to avert the "vain temptress" archetype so far with her personality being described as a doting sibling towards the Avatar, my only issue with her is her... "armor". For Elise, I tend to gravitate towards cheerful sibling characters in general, I also think it'd be interesting to see how her innocent personality would clash with the realities of war in this game.

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Already the Favorite: Elise

Possible Husbando Tier: Suzukaze, Joker, Cyrus

Other Favorites So Far: Fem!Kamui, Takumi, Kazahana

Honorable Mentions: Ryouma, Sakura, Marx, Camilla, the unnamed woman who is presumably Queen of Hoshido

I don't know what it is about Elise. There's nothing particularly original about her design, she looks like a dozen other characters I've seen before, but there's something so completely and sweetly disarming about her. I can't say no to that face :3

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Also Nyx and Orochi for the waifu. BTW Dancina/Aqua is bland garbage and I'm sure IntSys will try to shove her down our throats.

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Personality wise, I think I might like Elise and Camilla. In Camilla's case it's mostly because she seems to avert the "vain temptress" archetype so far with her personality being described as a doting sibling towards the Avatar, my only issue with her is her... "armor". For Elise, I tend to gravitate towards cheerful sibling characters in general, I also think it'd be interesting to see how her innocent personality would clash with the realities of war in this game.


Also Nyx and Orochi for the waifu. BTW Dancina/Aqua is bland garbage and I'm sure IntSys will try to shove her down our throats.

Personality wise, I think I might like Elise and Camilla. In Camilla's case it's mostly because she seems to avert the "vain temptress" archetype so far with her personality being described as a doting sibling towards the Avatar, my only issue with her is her... "armor". For Elise, I tend to gravitate towards cheerful sibling characters in general, I also think it'd be interesting to see how her innocent personality would clash with the realities of war in this game.

The only thing wrong with her armor is the thong thing if she didn't have that the armor would be perfect. Damn it still piss that you will more than likely not be able to romance her she my favorite well there still Falecia and Kazehana. Males are Marx and that it right now. Edited by mikethepokemaster
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Also Nyx and Orochi for the waifu. BTW Dancina/Aqua is bland garbage and I'm sure IntSys will try to shove her down our throats.

Sorry for double posting but yeah I think they will shove Aqua down our throats like with Sumia, even though I like that pairing they shove Sumia x Chrom a lot.
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