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Promoting Knight Sumia


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Sumia lagged behind for most of the game, but has somewhat caught up and is now at 20/0.

I was originally going to go Great Knight, but I'm thinking General instead. General may have less movement and speed, but everything else gets a better stat boost than Great Knight. And their growths are virtually identical (General gets a slightly lower speed growth, but a slightly higher resistance Growth). And Pavise looks good for the somewhat fragile Pegasus Knight class that Cynthia will have. And I already have two Great Knights in Kellam and Fredrick

But as a Great Knight, she'll be able to move, and move her husband Chrom (and anyone else) faster around the board. And I can get the good Luna skill 10 levels sooner than I can get Pavise. Plus Pavise is based on chance, and a bad roll could kill her quickly, whereas a bad Luna roll isn't instantly fatal.

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Plus Pavise is based on chance, and a bad roll could kill her quickly, whereas a bad Luna roll isn't instantly fatal.

Generally Generals are not relying on pavise to survive.

What chapter are you on? Do you have galeforce yet?

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When I mentioned "her", I was thinking of Cynthia.

Chapter 17, though i was about to charge into Paralogue 16 to get Nah

Nobody has Galeforce, though Lissa is the closest as a Lv. 11 Dark Flier

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I wouldn't have Sumia stick in either class for the long run -- Great Knight has amongst the lowest stat total out of any promoted class, especially given the rather mediocre or otherwise poor Speed, Skill and Resistance stats. Luna and to a lesser extent, Dual Guard+ are great to pick up though.

General just has terrible movement, so not many players would have Sumia stick in the General class outside of getting Pavise.

Basically, if you want a final class for Sumia, stick with Falconknight, Dark Flier or Sage.

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"Rather mediocre or otherwise poor" is putting it lightly. GKs have the worst Skl cap in the game of any promoted class, and the second worst Spd. Their caps are terrible.

Anyway, I'd hazard a guess that the reason Sumia is lagging behind is because she went Knight in the first place. You can do either promotion (I'd advise GK for Luna/Aether passdowns), but what you really want is to get her back into something with wings and Spd.

Edited by Czar_Yoshi
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The reason I switched her is that, some levels in, I took a look and saw that the RNG was not nice to her. Her strength did not raise one bit, still at her base stats. So I went to knight, thinking that the extra 10% would help. The reason she lagged behind is her drop back to level 1 after reclassing, but she did get the strength boosts she was lacking in her old form.

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