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Optimal skill focused FeMU? (for Lucina)

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Ive found that skill aside her stats are nothing to be proud of . hardly a significant boost in any stat. so you know I went with a HP flaw skl asset.and im pretty dissastisfied with the mods. any flaw that would work better?

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Skill isn't really the most popular Asset amongst players. As for Flaw, it depends on what you're looking for, but most players won't choose HP and Speed as their Flaw.

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Spd, Def and Mag are typically the preferred assets for general purpose Avatars, and Skl/Lck are the normal flaws. HP and Spd flaws tend to be the worst.

I could give a bit more specific advice if you could be a bit more specific on what you want her to do...

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alright thanks. Ive made HP flaw a habit since I dont see the mods doing too much but since lucina only has a +1 in every stat that isnt skill im a little at a loss here. maybe Ill try a speed asset def flaw and have her get with a general/wyv rider class. thanks for the suggestions!

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