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Kamui's mental state...

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However, they still force Kamui to choose Nohr or Hoshido. Marx could have called the invasion off, as he seems to be the leader, or at least postponed it. Clearly that doesn't happen.

So that makes them accomplices.

Worse yet if they knew all along that Ryouma and Hinoka were demanding Kamui returned for years and simply chose to keep Kamui in the dark or outright refused to let Kamui even meet his/her true family so they could decide.

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However, they still force Kamui to choose Nohr or Hoshido. Marx could have called the invasion off, as he seems to be the leader, or at least postponed it. Clearly that doesn't happen.

So that makes them accomplices.

Worse yet if they knew all along that Ryouma and Hinoka were demanding Kamui returned for years and simply chose to keep Kamui in the dark or outright refused to let Kamui even meet his/her true family so they could decide.

Are you replying to me? The way I read your post you look like you're replying to, but you have neither a quote box, nor an arrow pointing to my post, so I'm not sure.

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People tend to tdo that when the post they're replying to is right above them.


I've only seen an arrow pointing upwards to show that you're replying to the person above you like this post:

^ are you talking to Honey Bunny? I can't tell :)

I prefer the quotes or arrows tbh it makes it easier to start a new discussion or to talk about the Original post.

See how helpful that little arrow was? I do apologize that I haven't been at these forums long HK. I'll do better next time.

However, they still force Kamui to choose Nohr or Hoshido. Marx could have called the invasion off, as he seems to be the leader, or at least postponed it. Clearly that doesn't happen.

So that makes them accomplices.

Worse yet if they knew all along that Ryouma and Hinoka were demanding Kamui returned for years and simply chose to keep Kamui in the dark or outright refused to let Kamui even meet his/her true family so they could decide.

I don't really think that the siblings have much choice in the matter. Elise in particular seems like she's already in trouble.

I also highly doubt that the siblings would know that the Hoshidans want Kamui back, they don't seem like the type to keep that from Kamui (Well, maybe Camilla...). At the end of the day Garon seems to be calling the shots. The Nohr gang follows not because they want to, but because they have to.

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However, they still force Kamui to choose Nohr or Hoshido. Marx could have called the invasion off, as he seems to be the leader, or at least postponed it. Clearly that doesn't happen.

So that makes them accomplices.

Worse yet if they knew all along that Ryouma and Hinoka were demanding Kamui returned for years and simply chose to keep Kamui in the dark or outright refused to let Kamui even meet his/her true family so they could decide.

Marx might be the leading the invasion but he's still doing it on behalf of Garon's orders. Whether that absolves Marx of doing "bad guy things" is debatable but he couldn't call off the invasion just because he wants to.

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If he's Commander than he has the power to at least delay it. Instead he forces Kamui to choose right there instead of looking for a ceasefire with Hoshido to sort this out.

I've only seen an arrow pointing upwards to show that you're replying to the person above you like this post:

See how helpful that little arrow was? I do apologize that I haven't been at these forums long HK. I'll do better next time.

I don't really think that the siblings have much choice in the matter. Elise in particular seems like she's already in trouble.

I also highly doubt that the siblings would know that the Hoshidans want Kamui back, they don't seem like the type to keep that from Kamui (Well, maybe Camilla...). At the end of the day Garon seems to be calling the shots. The Nohr gang follows not because they want to, but because they have to.

I doubt Ryouma and Hinoka kept it a secret, after all Hinoka only became a warrior because of what happened to her father and Kamui.

I didn't see Garon at the battle nor did I see Garon given Marx the order to attack Kamui if Kamui chooses Hoshido. So I'm going with that Marx, crazed that you chose your blood over your kidnappers, lashes out.

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Honestly Takumi looks older than Kamui so they'd likely be close in age

Plus the trailer refers to the as your "Forgotten Hoshidan kin", so yeah, Kamui was probably pretty young

Hmm is it possible that Kamui and Takumi are twins? Kamui could still technically be older by minutes or hours. This is just speculation of course so pay no mind to me XD

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If he's Commander than he has the power to at least delay it. Instead he forces Kamui to choose right there instead of looking for a ceasefire with Hoshido to sort this out.

I doubt Ryouma and Hinoka kept it a secret, after all Hinoka only became a warrior because of what happened to her father and Kamui.

I didn't see Garon at the battle nor did I see Garon given Marx the order to attack Kamui if Kamui chooses Hoshido. So I'm going with that Marx, crazed that you chose your blood over your kidnappers, lashes out.

Are we even sure that Marx is forcing Kamui to choose? Ryoma seems to do it just as much as Marx does at the very least.

I don't think that the Hoshidan gang really got to talk to Kamui at all when they were growing up. More than likely Garon kept it secret that Hoshido wanted Kamui back, which would sort of add to Kamui's despair.

Garon doesn't have to be at the battle to know that his child was disobedient. At the end of the day Marx has to report back to him, and, "Yeah, I sort of stopped the army for a bit to let Kamui make up his mind" is not something you want to report back to an evil overlord.

You act like Marx had a part in Kamui's kidnapping. Maybe he did, but we have literally no evidence to show this. I'd be a little angry too if my sibling chose some people they barely knew over me. Plus none of the Nohr gang have an out to the invasion like Kamui does, so as soon as they turn on Nohr Marx kind of has to attack. He is duty bound after all.

Edited by Honey Bunny
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At young ages, children do have a response to repress traumatic experiences. With that in mind, one could say that Kamui does remember the incident. Just.... not yet

It'd be interesting if this flashback happens right after Kamui is reminded of his Hoshidan blood. Realizing that your adoptive family is responsible for both your father's death and your own kidnapping right before the big decision could be enough to lean Kamui either way.

I can't speak for any others, but in my case it's a matter of storytelling.

Sure, it's possible Kamui was an infant/toddler when it went down. But what good would that do for the story? The whole point of Nohr vs Hoshido is being caught between 2 families at war. If Kamui was never even old enough to have memories of his Hoshido siblings it shouldn't be up for debate; no matter how those first 6 chapters go I have trouble believing they could realistically convince Kamui that a few people s/he shares DNA with are more important than the family s/he's been raised with since infancy. It goes the other way too; Ryouma and maybe Hinoka could possibly remember Kamui, but why should Takumi or Sakura care?

Whereas if Kamui was in the 5-8 range things are just more interesting. Memories of training with Marx are countered with memories of learning from Ryouma, Elise and Sakura both looked up to Big Brother/Sister Kamui, etc. It's better narratively if Kamui has actual memories of Hoshido (even if they're suppressed until actual being reunited or something), and being kidnapped as a toddler doesn't accomodate that. It certainly could have happened that way, but it's wasted potential if it did.

I don't know...if they were older, I feel like there would be a natural disconnect between Kamui and their Nohrian kin, especially if he remembers the kidnapping and his birth family.

I think the way to do it would be to not have Kamui remember the kidnapping until right before the choice. Garon isn't there to provide answers and now Kamui is flooded with feelings of basically 'everything I know is a lie' I also think the Nohr siblings should have known about Kamui's heritage but were sworn to secrecy to add more distance between them.

Even if they have their reasons, Nohr is still invading another country regardless, which I think is enough of a logical reason to oppose to them. The fact that the victims are your blood family and relatives only add to it.

There's also this. It doesn't take a lot to not want to kill people, especially when you just learn they're your family especially the innocence that Hoshido seems to have. Along with learning that your family has basically lied to you all your life and all the chaos going on in your head, 'peace-seeking Hoshido' is not all that implausible of a choice.

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Hmm is it possible that Kamui and Takumi are twins? Kamui could still technically be older by minutes or hours. This is just speculation of course so pay no mind to me XD

Oh, I doubt it as that would've been mentioned in their bios already. I won't lie though, that would makes things a little more interesting if they were twins.

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We don't know what context that scene takes place in. It could be a 'dramatic reveal' of sorts towards the middle part of the story? It wouldn't make sense if Kamui knew what Garon supposedly did to that man (who I assume is Kamui's relative of sorts) and continue to serve him.

My theory is that Emperor!Garon geassed Kamui into forgetting everything from the past.

On a serious note, I don't think he has a choice. Besides, even if he has to work for Garon, he's also working for the best interests of Nohr and helping his adoptive siblings, so it's not all bad.

Edited by Rapier
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'Who gives a shit about the world ? Everyone just need to die'. They want justice ? Easy, Dragonbreath on everything. It's super effective. :p

Nah but seriously, Kamui probably just forgot about it, but will remember at one point for some reason. The death of his dad shown in the trailer is a cutscene from his POV after all.

Or maybe he never forgot about it.

People keep on assuming that Mr. Random Arrow Chump is Kamui's dad. Why can't it be, say, Ryouma?

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People keep on assuming that Mr. Random Arrow Chump is Kamui's dad. Why can't it be, say, Ryouma?

The hair, and armor are different. Plus IS has said that most cutscenes will be in first person view, so having Ryoma be that tall from Kamui's eyes leads to a few questions.

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I can't speak for any others, but in my case it's a matter of storytelling.

Sure, it's possible Kamui was an infant/toddler when it went down. But what good would that do for the story? The whole point of Nohr vs Hoshido is being caught between 2 families at war. If Kamui was never even old enough to have memories of his Hoshido siblings it shouldn't be up for debate; no matter how those first 6 chapters go I have trouble believing they could realistically convince Kamui that a few people s/he shares DNA with are more important than the family s/he's been raised with since infancy. It goes the other way too; Ryouma and maybe Hinoka could possibly remember Kamui, but why should Takumi or Sakura care?

Whereas if Kamui was in the 5-8 range things are just more interesting. Memories of training with Marx are countered with memories of learning from Ryouma, Elise and Sakura both looked up to Big Brother/Sister Kamui, etc. It's better narratively if Kamui has actual memories of Hoshido (even if they're suppressed until actual being reunited or something), and being kidnapped as a toddler doesn't accomodate that. It certainly could have happened that way, but it's wasted potential if it did.

Well the trailer said your forgotton Hoshido kin as in Kamui no longer remembers them because he was too young or got brainwashed by Garon.

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Perhaps, if Kamui has a strong justice streak. But I think it's worth noting that picking Nohr is still (seemingly) Kamui acting against Garon there. It's just from within, rather than putting his/her life on the line to defend the Hoshido royalty and potentially strike down his/her adoptive siblings in the process, which is quite the leap no matter how sympathetic Hoshido's plight is.

Though now I want Harold in the Hoshido path so they can be justice buddies. Missed opportunity IS.

Although in Nohr you might not be able to stop Garon before he crushes Hoshido

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People keep on assuming that Mr. Random Arrow Chump is Kamui's dad. Why can't it be, say, Ryouma?

If I remember correctly, in the trailer Ryouma said something like 'That's right, I'm your older brother' and Ryouma look like Mr Arrowed with some differences, so...

Oh yeah, and the cutscene itself and the POV of it.

...Garon couldn't possibly grap Kamui by the face like that if Kamui wasn't a toddler, right ?

Edited by B.Leu
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