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Nintendo Direct 31st May: Possible FE if info?


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Oh sorry Leon, didn't noticed it with the huge amount of posts we get at the minute there.

Edited by Seo
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Fire Emblem has never been appealing to weeaboos and now is and that's what I have a problem with.

Fire Emblem has always been about appealing to weeaboos. At the latest, since FE3, which was the first to have actual artists. Believe it or not, Kozaki was chosen to appeal to westerners.

Incidentally, this is sort of amusing when you consider that both your avatar and badge are different myrmidons -- a class that is practically defined by anime swordsmanship.

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Fire Emblem has never been appealing to weeaboos and now is and that's what I have a problem with.

Why not just say "otaku"? Weaboos have a superficial interest in all things Japan. Even before these reveals, Hoshido would be appealing to "weaboos". What you are complaining about is more specific to the waifu obsessed Otaku market.

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Fire Emblem has never been appealing to weeaboos and now is and that's what I have a problem with.


>Self-insert, quasi-romantic supports, some actually could count for such


>Self-insert that is almost the MC considering Chrom never really does much

>Marriage mechanics and a plethora of selections

>About half of the characters are at their core anime stereotypes

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On another side of things... who else finds it equal parts hilarious and tacky that they just straight-up recycled default male Robin's base artwork from Awakening? And Lucina's not much better.

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Everyone's making a fuss about new castle. If you don't like the face rubbing, or the bath houses, just simply don't use it. I'm 100% its replacing the barracks from awakening in a larger scale. Its not like the game is forcing you to call one of your units every time you want to play just to rub their face or possibly gain more support points from having a conversation in the bathhouse.

Have to say this again Its optional stuff. It wont do anything aside from make things slightly easier for you.

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Everyone's making a fuss about new castle. If you don't like the face rubbing, or the bath houses, just simply don't use it. I'm 100% its replacing the barracks from awakening in a larger scale. Its not like the game is forcing you to call one of your units every time you want to play just to rub their face or possibly gain more support points from having a conversation in the bathhouse.

Have to say this again Its optional stuff. It wont do anything aside from make things slightly easier for you.

First, we don't know about that, and telling people to ignore something they dislike has proven time and time again to only cause more drama. I say let people complain if they want.

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I think we got quite a bit of info on the weapons.

- It looks like there's a sword equivalent for javelin/hand axe (1800G) and they can't double or crit while making it easier for you to be doubled. There are also the 2 range only version (4500G) that can crit but give -10 evade.

- Silver weapons start out in limited supply at the shop but eventually become infinite after upgrading it quite a bit I assume.

- I think stuff like beastbane or dragon spear work like the reaver system? Good against what's in their name and worse than standard against everything else.

- Killer Sword (?) does extra big crits at 6 Mt but -10 evade.

- Magic weapons give -20 evade and can't crit.

- Warrior katana that doubles your damage when you're attacked but gives -20 evade.

- A 6 Mt katana with +5 Speed but -1 def/res

- Holy weapons that gives hp recovery but they decrease def/res. The katana version is -4 while the lance version is -3. These are super effective against monsters.

- A defensive naginata with 5 Mt and -10 evade but +5 def/res.

edit: I'm not too familiar with the stat names but evade is for hit chance, so -10 evade would mean 10 units (%?) easier for the enemy to hit you.

Edited by Cyblaster
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It's optionnal, but before it was ergonomic, here you have to lost time to find where is what you want.
And no, this will not be optionnal, or all is optionnal.

you can also count the use of one sword and drop it after 30 uses also, their infinit euse can be optionnal to.

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Speaking of, am I missing something or is Luna just a copy paste of Severa?

Fun fact: Severa's name in the Japanese version of Awakening was Serena which could also be written as Selene who was the Greek goddess of the Moon. The name of the equivalent goddess in Roman mythology? Luna.

~Conspiracy Theory~

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I think we got quite a bit of info on the weapons.

- It looks like there's a sword equivalent for javelin/hand axe (1800G) and they can't double or crit while making it easier for you to be doubled. There are also the 2 range only version (4500G) that can crit but give -10 evade.

- Silver weapons start out in limited supply at the shop but eventually become infinite after upgrading it quite a bit I assume.

- I think stuff like beastbane or dragon spear work like the reaver system? Good against what's in their name and worse than standard against everything else.

- Killer Sword (?) does extra big crits at 6 Mt but -10 evade.

- Magic weapons give -20 evade and can't crit.

- Warrior katana that doubles your damage when you're attacked but gives -20 evade.

- A 6 Mt katana with +5 Speed but -1 def/res

- Holy weapons that gives hp recovery but they decrease def/res. The katana version is -4 while the lance version is -3. These are super effective against monsters.

- A defensive naginata with 5 Mt and -10 evade but +5 def/res.

Thanks for the info but evade = avoid critical right ? If so that's a little bit both useless and frustrating since it makes the game a little bit more random and not more challenging.

Although the fact that magic weapons can't crit is great.

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First, we don't know about that, and telling people to ignore something they dislike has proven time and time again to only cause more drama. I say let people complain if they want.

Well for starters, I'm going on a wild assumption that what I just said is true, even though if you translate some of the trailer and new castle video, it hints at it being optional. Do you seriously think its going to be mandatory to go to a bathhouse after every mission to see some useless dialogue? Secondly, I didnt say to just ignore what they dislike. I said the option is in the game and they can use it or don't, there's no reason to complain about it.

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Do you know what series you play?Seriously though, I don't know what to think.

Yes, because in previous fire emblem games you could go to the hot springs with a waifu and stroke their face. Also, awakening is guilty of appealing to otakus too but the interactions with them was limited to just marrying them and generic barracks conversations. Basically I'm disappointed in IS for what they're doing with fire emblem if. The fanservice is out of control and the series has evolved into a dating sim with strategy on the side.

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On another side of things... who else finds it equal parts hilarious and tacky that they just straight-up recycled default male Robin's base artwork from Awakening? And Lucina's not much better.

Well it's the same artist, the same art style and the same engine, and as these are bonus characters too I can't really blame them for just reusing their artwork. There's still 50+ characters who need their art and portraits to be done, and the fact that they can return at all is a cool bonus.

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There is no way Luna looking like Severa is a coincidence. They're literally identical down to the smallest details. There has to be some kind of plot connection there. Maybe she's a sentient Severa einherjar who developed her own personality?

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Yes, because in previous fire emblem games you could go to the hot springs with a waifu and stroke their face. Also, awakening is guilty of appealing to otakus too but the interactions with them was limited to just marrying them and generic barracks conversations. Basically I'm disappointed in IS for what they're doing with fire emblem if. The fanservice is out of control and the series has evolved into a dating sim with strategy on the side.

You shouldn't take something in strikeout seriously, for your own sanity.
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There is no way Luna looking like Severa is a coincidence. They're literally identical down to the smallest details. There has to be

some kind of plot connection there. Maybe she's a sentient Severa einherjar who developed her own personality?

Also she seems to be a mercenary too like Severa.
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Well it's the same artist, the same art style and the same engine, and as these are bonus characters too I can't really blame them for just reusing their artwork. There's still 50+ characters who need their art and portraits to be done, and the fact that they can return at all is a cool bonus.

Not that I'm disagreeing, but it seems that Kozaki's style has changed, slightly. That slight change (I believe slightly more obvious lines and shading?) makes it feel a little jarring seeing the re-drawn Ike and Marth beside unchanged Robin and Lucina.

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Hyperbole much?

Seems like a perfectly fair description.

Suddenly Phoenix Mode likes a lot more sense. It's a way for those who play for dating sim elements to breeze through the boring strategy sections to get to the hot village-building, Pokemon-training, face-rubbing, bath house-hopping action.


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