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What's the point of any of the characters gained at the VERY end?

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Like the final paralogue characters, and Flavia (who I love). You get like, 1 or two chapters to use them...what the hell is that?

Does it serve some special purpose? I wish with all my might I could use Flavia far earlier in the game. She's my favorite female.

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It's a series tradition to give you strong units very close to the endgame, so you can fill vacant slots if you let some of your units die and need some competent backup, I guess.

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The point is these characters joining your team. The story doesn't care how long you get to use them. But Awakening has plenty of post-game content anyway with its DLC and just the way Paralogues work in general (you can literally save up to 25 maps as free post-game content).

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The postgame consists of any of 23 Paralogues you haven't beaten yet, 25 DLC maps (in particular the Scramble Pack, Challenge Pack, Future Past and Apo, but also all four Spirit Talisman packs if you don't have them yet... Pretty much everything except the Golden Pack, although you'll likely do that a lot too...), 120 Spotpass teams to fight at your leisure, potentially infinite Streetpass teams and Risen to fight, daily Barracks events, a whole lot of A supports and the collection and minmaxing of all your units. Even without the DLC, it's really massive.

Anyway, the reason you get a bunch of characters who are all supposed to be dead is because the GBA FEs started a thing where you could recruit major NPCs and villains for use in a few postgame "trial maps", where they were unlocked by beating the game enough times (of in Sacred Stones' case, beating a certain map enough times). There was no fanfare, no story to go along with them, and they were just there because some of them had insanely cool battle animations that the devs wanted to let you have for yourself.

Since Awakening is really into bringing back mechanics from past FEs, it decided to also let you recruit a ton of dead guys after you finished the game. The only reason you don't have to wait until after Grima is that your file doesn't save that chapter's completion... If it did, you'd probably be able to recruit Grima too).

Unlike past FEs though, they tried to justify it in the story. Personal opinions on the quality of the justifications notwithstanding, they probably did it because they wanted you to be able to marry them.

And there's also Priam, who's completely irrelevant and just Tellius fanservice.

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